A Latte Love (Factor of 7)

Yesterday at 5:45am, my phone alarm went off. But unlike other days as of late, I had NO problem bounding out of bed.

It was time for third month of Factor of 7. I was so excited about it, I woke up three times throughout the night to make sure I hadn’t overslept for our Jesus adventure.

As I write this, I can’t tell if my excited jitters are from the skinny caramel macchiato I had or the remnants of our Starbucks Factor of 7. (Talk about some legit Jesus Caffeine!) [Read more…]

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Creatively Crafty

I am not a crafty person. I don’t mean the kind of sneak-crafty but I rather Pinterest crafty. Unless God Himself comes down from heaven and suddenly blesses me to paint neatly and draw straight lines, you will never see any of my “work” on Pinterest (or any other cute-crafting site for that matter.)

For some of you who know me well, you might dispute the claim above. But let me clarify– while I am not crafty– I am creative. I do believe there is a big difference. In my case, I can use limited resources to reach a goal in a unique way… but that doesn’t involve crafting a super cute wreath that anyone would ever want to hang on their front door. [Read more…]

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My Love Story: We March (Guest Blogging at Suite T)

Holy cheese and crackers, world.  God is working overtime this week– hardcore.  Not only has He equipped me to launch my personal ministry this week, but I was invited to guest post at Suite T Southern Writers Magazine blog…

Can you say EXCITED?!?! AMERICA!

Click HERE to pop over to Suite T and read about my ruck marching feet, marriage and military adventures in Christ! It’s quite a story, if I do say so myself. (But hey… I’m a little biased.) [Read more…]

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