Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #14)

Deployment Log, Day 91:

1. Well, if Beloved Husband returns exactly on the date specified on his orders (I will give you a second to laugh with me on that one) then we have made it 1/3 of the way through this deployment!

2. I think that calls for cake…

3. But today is Day 3 of Whole 30 (or for me, Whole 88). So that’s a no-go. #HardboiledEggsItIs

4. We (obviously) made it back to Texas. Perhaps I should have posted and been all like, “YAY, HOME SWEET HOME” or something, but we hit the door and I was like, “Oh crap… I forgot I have to parent these Tiny Humans. And unpack. And get groceries. And food prep. And, and, and…” So it has kind of been a touch busy with vacay detox and prepping for all things new year.

5. Costco was a hopping place on Sunday when I rallied our Tiny Human Troops to retrieve munitions. Ran in to two other gals from our Battalion and the lovely Janette from church. Happy heart moment. 

6. I have mixed feelings about being back “home” and done with any major (planned) traveling for the next 6 months. Part of me is relieved. But of course, the other part is fantasizing about sitting on Grandma Lex’s couch watching Dr. Pol, not thinking about class/emails/long runs and engaging in some laissez faire parenting.

7. I would love to laissez faire parent here, except my husband has entrusted me to keep the house standing. So there’s that.

8. When we were traveling back to Texas, Grandma Lex asked if she could get a gate pass to help us through security and see us off. THEY SAID YES.

9. Friends, I really think that moment rivaled what it feels like when Jesus welcomes us to heaven. I thought I heard angels singing and the lights got really bright.

10. It was awesome. I sweated a lot less.

11. We made it through security and Lex looked at me then said, “Girl, you did that by yourself last time? You are crazy.” I couldn’t argue with her.

12. The travels went incredibly smooth, so I am beyond grateful for all of your prayers. The only way it would have been better would be if another adult was along for the entire ride OR if it was a non-stop flight (but those don’t exist from SF to EP).

13. The planes were very small… Only 4 seats across from SF to Denver, then I was surprised that Denver to EP was a three-seater!

14. The cramped quarters made the logistics more, let’s say… entertaining.

15. I wanted to tell everyone on the plane that I was truly not stressing out, but just simply struggling to shove all the people, things, and animals into their rightful locations in a timely manner. I’m cronking my head, making weird noises and did I mention, sweating?

16. Note I said SWEATING not SWEARING. Big difference. (Hit my head hard enough once that it was pretty close).

17. Charis almost left her “ducky” (like a lovey-duck blanket that she has had since birth) on the plane in Denver. We were down the ramp on the tarmac (see #13 about small plane probs) when she panicked. We had a short layover (1 hr) so we had to turn around and book it. (I have a “spare” duck in the checked luggage for emergencies, but she doesn’t know it exists yet). This whole thing was a great LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER BECAUSE SHE TOLD YOU TO PUT IT IN YOUR BACKPACK moment.

18. I have amazing people in my life. My best-good El Paso friend Megan retrieved us from the airport. She’s a milspouse and a mama of a Tiny Human too. So she GETS it. She brought the kids fruit snacks and a sucker each, and handed me a thermos of hot tea, a jar of almond butter with a spoon, an apple and a clementine. Yes, this woman GETS traveling by oneself with small children. What a blessing.

19. Yesterday was a rather Monday-est Monday. I broke my favorite coffee cup beyond repair and my intended long run started out ok-ish, but got cut way short. (Lest everyone think I always crush every single run/workout… I don’t). Let’s just say that after a couple of miles my body suddenly remembered that it had just switched to eating Whole30 and thus decided that was the moment to have some pretty major and extremely unanticipated digestive issues.

20. In a non-deployment season, I would say that my favorite things would be reading for fun, shopping at Target, coffee dates at Starbucks. During deployment, my favorite things are sitting down and sleeping.

21. Prayer request: Transition back into real “routine” when school starts up for Charis on Wednesday (and for me next Monday), for my body to get the W30 Tiger Blood flowing sooner than later (so that the hangover and kill-all-the-things stage is not long or painful).

22. Parting thought: “My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.” ~Isaiah 32:18


Our school district cracks me up. They have an auto-calling system for info/announcements/reminders, which, due to my current deployment brain, I greatly appreciate.

However, they called tonight to remind me that school starts tomorrow and “please be sure to send your child to school.” Trust me, auto-message. I DIDN’T FORGET. It took all my self restraint today not to walk around the house yelling, “CHARIS!! 12 hours and 49 minutes until it’s time for school!”

*Update: 12 hours and 48 minutes.


Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, child and outdoor

First day of Ballet/Tap dance class! Flat Daddy wanted to go, but we couldn’t find him the right size/kind of shoes.


Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, hat, sky, outdoor, closeup and nature

Self: “Hmmmm, what shall I do on the first Friday back from the holiday vacation?”

Ah yes. Do a 12 mile training run (plus 1.1 mile cool down to = half marathon distance). #WhyGodWhy?!

I don’t think I could classify this workout as a run. It was more like a shuffle. And I didn’t “crush it.” I think it was more of a “slow execution of the task.” Honestly, my heart and body were not at all pumped up about it. Right as I pulled into the parking spot to start the run, I got a phone call that saddened my heart and made me want to grab a Diet Dr. Pepper and scrap the whole re-attempt of this long run that flopped on Monday. (Side note: Don’t worry. Everything is fine with Husband/deployment/kids. Totally unrelated phone call).

Clearly the energy and “Tiger Blood” from Whole30 isn’t rolling yet on day 5 (I didn’t think it would be). Starting at mile 2, my bod was like, “Um, where’s our energy source? Processed sugar? Manufactured carbs? Also, are these new shoes? And didn’t you get up earlier than normal this morning while intentionally fasting caffeine during your corporate church fast for the next 21 days?” (Side note #2: I did bring dates along as my energy source. But my bod probably doesn’t know how to fully capitalize on their awesomeness yet).

Shuffle or not, I’m declaring right now that I am proud of my body. She hung right in there till the very end, even if she was squawking a bit along the way. To God be the glory and cheers to everyday breakthroughs!


Image may contain: 1 person, drink, food and indoor

Today, Flat Daddy was assigned a very special mission: to capture footage of the extremely elusive creature, “milspouse domesticus.” She rarely ventures into the domestic portion of her habitat, but constant monitoring of her recent movements indicated that she would indeed make an appearance today, in an attempt to make and can Whole30 compliant salsa by herself for the first time since leaving the nest so many years ago.

Flat Daddy kept hidden for the duration of the cooking/canning process to catch a few sacred glimpses of milspouse domesticus. However, he soon lost sight of her when the project was finished. He did get a lead as to her current whereabouts when, after the first jar went “POP!” to indicate a successful seal, he heard the voice of milspouse domesticus in the distance yell, “Thank you, Jesus!”



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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #13)

Just because we were at Grandma’s house doesn’t mean we don’t do time-outs!

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Just because we were at Grandma’s house doesn’t mean we don’t do time-outs!

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, closeup

Absolutely delightful (2.5 hour!) lunch date with this awesome woman today. Flat Daddy was once again very fortunate that I overturned my normal “no boys allowed” rule. Cheers to our 2019 being a year of steadfastness and full of renewed peace.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Carla Berndt Feucht, people smiling, people sitting and food

Flat Daddy was invited to a tea party today. However, we quickly learned that he needs to work on his tea time etiquette… although he kept his elbows off the table, he forgot to drink with his pinkies up.

Image may contain: 11 people, including Sharita Knobloch, Rita Knobloch, Carla Berndt Feucht and Dietrich Knobloch, people smiling, people standing and indoor

What. A. Crew! So grateful to have supper with the Feucht family tonight. Here’s to full bellies and full hearts.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Kandace Brands and Sharita Knobloch, people smiling

Very fun and exciting day for Flat Daddy today! He witnessed this non-Flat Mama as I interviewed with Avera Integrative Medicine and KSFY News about my health and fitness journey through Ideal Protein (and beyond). Although Flat Daddy himself won’t be on air, they did allow us a photo opp with my epic coach Kandace Brands. All the glory to God!

Image may contain: 1 person, eating, child, stripes, drink, closeup and indoor

“You can totally work out at home with children present,” they said. “Nothing ridiculous could possibly happen in just a few short seconds,” they said. “Oh look, she’s THAT MOM,” the people in the airport tomorrow will say…  #WhenSharpiesAttack #MomOfTheYearYo

Image may contain: 5 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Lex Wysong Knobloch, people smiling, indoor

Throwback to… yesterday. Mama Lex took us on a date to see Sesame Street Live. Good show, solid music and it kept BOTH kids (and Flat Daddy) engaged for the entire time.


Deployment log, Day 87:

1. We’ve had SUCH a great time in South Dakota. I’m incredibly grateful that I have loving and generous in-laws and a super supportive community here.

2. We go back to Texas tomorrow.

3. That said, my attitude has been kinda poopy today. Not that I don’t love our home and our people/church/routine in the Southwest, but leaving family is hard. Especially during a deployment. Because extra grandma/parenting hands are the greatest. And I get to take naps. And shower before 9pm.

4. Also, I can’t say I’m super pumped to do the airport chaos that is traveling with the two tiny humans and the dog. I feel like I need to start drinking coffee like yesterday for the upcoming adventure. Because the kids will be starting vacation detox and the whole “listening to the words coming out of mama’s mouth” is pretty rusty. And I don’t think TSA would appreciate me blowing my parenting whistle.

5. Lex is a super fun workout partner (I normally don’t like working out with anyone else). I will miss that too.

6. Our arms, legs and core are all sore. Hooray for a strong start to 2019!

7. It might be cliche, but I’m starting Whole30 on Monday… but I’m doing it for at least 88 days (it’s the “Year of 8” for my God-Sized dreams).

8. So excited for W30 to crush my sugar and carb dragons and kick up my energy a notch or 12 (plus it always helps my attitude significantly). I’ve been rather indulgent the last month and it’s starting to show, mainly in how I feel and how my clothes are fitting. Reset time!

9. Malick drew on his hands/face/clothes with my new Sharpies today. Neat. ?‍♀️

10. Prayer requests: For me to be abundantly patient and adequately caffeinated for tomorrow’s trip; that all flights go very smooth (to include tiny human naps) and that we make our connection in Denver with no need to sprint.

11. Parting thought: “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” -Psalm 42:11

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #12)

Image may contain: 2 people, including Blake Wysong

Flat Daddy reminded me at the Wysong Christmas yesterday that I sure “picked” an amazing family to marry in to… Miss you, my Beloved!

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My FB memories reminded me that one year ago yesterday (12/23), I broke 12,000 on my One-Thousand Gift list (aka, my gratitude list). Then yesterday (12/23/18) (after working on my list for 7 years,) I hit 16,000 on the exact same day one year later! In 12 months, I added 4K items for which I am thankful. Will I hit 20k in 2019? I’m sure gonna give it a go!

Image may contain: 6 people, including Dietrich Knobloch, Sharita Knobloch and Lex Wysong Knobloch, people smiling, people standing and indoor

Merry Christmas, my friends!


Image may contain: 5 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Rita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting

Now presenting: Flat Daddy and the Canine Five.

Just because my beloved is deployed doesn’t mean our Christmas has gone to the dogs. (We miss you so much, Brandon! Merry Christmas, Beloved!)


Deployment Log, Day 80:

1. Our Christmas was low-key and lovely, in spite of hubs/daddy being nearly 6k miles away. #GodBlessGrandparents

2. We have snow! And it was simply delightful the first day and a half. But last night, the temp bottomed out, so we are now in a location where the air officially hurts my face.

3. I had a 2nd Christmas at the end of this week– a ministry sabbatical! Yes, my fave time of year when I go away for a couple-three days, just me and Jesus… no social media, email, TV. Glory, glory, hallelujah!

4. I found a very economical and adorable place in downtown Sioux Falls to stay. If anyone needs the link, hit me up!

5. The owner of the B & B was so sweet. And incredibly motherly (which isn’t a surprise as she has 13(!?!?!) grown children.) She called me this morning before I departed: “I’m gonna pop outside and shovel the walk for you here shortly. It’s really cold outside, so be careful. It will be slick since there’s ice under the snow. Did you bring winter clothes? Do you have gloves? Does your car have good tires? You should probably go out and let it warm up for a while…” I chuckled and told her I wasn’t ORIGINALLY from West Texas. As a Kansas girl, this isn’t my first winter storm rodeo.

6. That said… It took some serious prayer to pry the iced-over door open to the car, jiggle the latch with a utility knife since it was frozen/stuck after I got it open, and practically had to lay hands on the car to get it to start in sub-zero temps. But we made it happen.

7. I also drove like a 96-year-old person. Very slowly and cautiously. Because I was rusty at driving in winter weather, plus it wasn’t my car to begin with (Thank for the loaner, Lex and D!)

8. Can I just take a minute to say how AWESOME it is to have in-laws that you not only tolerate but actually adore and love to spend time with? Thank. You. Jesus. (And THANK YOU GRANDMA LEX for watching my kids so could adult!)

9. I spent most of my time on sabbatical prepping for the new year… It was a bit less reflective than my normal December trip, since I had a sabbatical in September and the Lord had already given me my God-sized dreams and what not for 2019. I have my OneWord for 2019 (STEADFAST… what’s yours?) and I spent a vast majority of my time putting together my bullet journal.

10. Speaking of which: I am now OBSESSED with Washi tape. Like, it makes my heart sing. So. Pretty. In the words of Buddy the Elf: “I’M IN LOVE, I’M IN LOVE & I DON’T CARE WHO KNOWS IT!”

11. Seriously. I went to Hobby Lobby, blacked out and ended up back in the car with several new rolls of Washi tape AND an “official” Washi tape carrying case. #NoShame

12. I guess I could have worse habits.

13. My heart is joyful and my spirit is refreshed. Thank you Lord, for these precious gifts (and people!) that rise far beyond our current season of circumstances.

14. Prayer requests: Continue to be present with my children, enjoy the time with family and keep getting jazzed up for the coming New Year!

15. Parting thought:
“I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” ~Psalm 16:8


Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Lex Wysong Knobloch, people smiling

It might look like we just fell off the Hot Mess Express, but this is a dream come true for me: working out with my mother-in-love! She let me join her early Saturday morning sesh with her personal trainer… and let’s just say I seriously underestimated the intensity level. #HurtSoGood When it was over, we both felt like peanut butter and jelly: Peanut Butter legs and jelly-like arms.

PS: Flat Daddy was a decent cheerleader but absolutely no help during that AMRAP that included burpees. #WhatASlacker


Lex and I make a solid parenting team. Check out this song we made up on the fly last night…

*To the tune of “Jesus loves me”*

Lex: “Little Malick, say good night, please go to sleep with out a fight…” 
Me: “Please cooperate and don’t be crazy, because your mama is feeling tired and lazy!”

? YESSSSSSS, Jesus loves meeeeeee!?
? YESSSSSSS, Jesus loves meeeeeee!?
? YESSSSSSS, Jesus loves meeeeeee!?
? The Bible tells me so. ? #DeploymentParenting

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #11)

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, smiling, drink and outdoor

Today’s double digit work out (10 mile run, 1 mile cool-down) brought to you by pickle juice in a (clean) travel-sized shampoo bottle, Jesus, unexpected El Paso rain holding off until I got back to the car and support from viewers like you.

I’m coming for you, El Paso Half Marathon!

PS: Can we just take a moment and acknowledge the awesomeness that is being able to run outside eight days before Christmas? Thanks, West Texas desert. ?

Thanks to Flat Daddy for reminding me that on days when the Toddler doesn’t nap, when I’ve dropped a book on my toe and it is still throbbing hours later (I don’t *think* it’s broken), when I nearly forgot I had to bring cookies for the kindergarteners tomorrow, that it’s ok to feed said Toddler a mid-afternoon donut during the Wal-mart power shopping trip before school pick up.

PS: Said Toddler woofed the said donut down, then got wound up in post-cold-germ coughing fit, which resulted in donut barf in his car seat. ?Neat.

PSS: At least the cookies are baked and the car seat is washed for our upcoming trip now!

PSSS: “Come on bed time!” Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap!*


Deployment Log, Day 72:

1. I made the executive decision to take today as a “Mental/Emotional health day.” I spontaneously scheduled Malick for an extra day at “school”, because after his anti-napping Tuesday hoopla, Mama just needs a minute. (Wednesday is typically my run-around-do-all-the-appts day, and Monday is long-run day, tomorrow is a half-day of school for CHaris… so today there are no appts on the calendar. I’m pumped!)

2. Big plans for today: Target, packing, and folding gobs of laundry. I know. Be jealous.

3. My mama Cj had a great idea for my parenting mission: I got a whistle. Because I do not want to yell (anymore) at the children. For some reason, yelling is the only way they listen and it stresses me out. I get sucked down into the chaos, and I guess one of us needs to be a semi-steadfast, mature human being. (“Oh hey, Mama got loud. Maybe she really is serious about us getting our shoes on/getting off the table/not throat punching each other.”) Don’t judge me. I’m just getting creative here– and it makes me feel super empowered.

4. I think I need a striped black/white shirt to officially make me a referee.

5. I’m really bad at wrapping presents (God bless all of you who love it and are good at it. That’s not me). So if anyone asks, Charis “helped” me wrap all the things (She didn’t, but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it).

6. When video chatting with Brandon last week, Malick cleaned off my end table in my bedroom, stacked all of my stuff in a corner and then tucked a blanket around it. It’s official: He’s a raccoon.

7. Confession: I’ve never eaten at Whataburger.

8. Confession: I don’t love tamales. I really want to. But they are just “meh” for me. Kind of in the same category as grits, sweet tea and pedicures. I will keep trying them, hoping that someday I will be like “YES! GLORIOUS!” but for now, it’s just not my jam.

9. Prayer requests: That all flights go well on Saturday as we travel, and that I can have a fun, adventurous attitude (see also: not stressed by the chaos/logistics of mobilizing two Tiny humans and a dog via air travel). Oh, and of course for continued connection with the hubs and being intentional with self-care.

10. Parting thought: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” ~James 4:8a

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, smiling, text and closeup

Momming Whistle Update: 38 hours in and it seems to be working. I (sparingly) tweet that bad boy and the kids immediately stop, look and listen(ish). Like, “Oh hey, our mother is speaking with a purpose.” It’s like a secret weapon as I wear it! ??

Although I feel like a bizarre version of a football referee, I’m digging it. To keep things fresh, I might just start using football vernacular…

*TWEET!!* “Personal foul! 3 minute time out!”

* TWEET!!* “False start. GET YOUR SHOES ON.”

* TWEET!!* “Offsides! Apologize to your brother/sister immediately.”

PS: And no, unlike actual football, the children are not allowed to challenge the play. The ruling on the field stands.

PSS: I got this epic lanyard for $1.08 yesterday. Remind me of my call and mission as a mother…

Deployment Log, Day 74:

1. We made it to Grandma Lex and Grandpa Dietrich’s house in South Dakota! (Thanks Aunt Rita for meeting us at the airport too!)

2. Traveling went well, all things considered. I feel like we were a rather entertaining circus to a majority of passerbys. Next time, I’m charging admission. #ShowMeTheMoney

3. Malick is SUCH a runner. And fast at that. We went back and forth between him walking and wearing his leash or riding in the carseat with the magnificent car seat dolly. But seriously: HERDING CATS.

4. Thank God the TSA attendant in El Paso had a good sense of humor. Since I had both kids and the dog, (and we sadly didn’t get TSA PreCheck– Whomp, whomp) we had what felt like 12 bins of stuff to get through the line…

5. AND (obviously) Malick had to be out of the carseat and take off the leash backpack AND the dog had to be out of the kennel/travel bag. So when Malick got through security, the TSA attendant had to swab my hands… I’m holding the dog and Malick takes off. I shoot the gal an apologetic look, she laughs and said, “Ok. Go after him. Just come back.”

6. I was quite the sight coming back to the line: Malick failing angrily in one arm (talk about a very mad, heavy and drunk-like Octopus with a very hard head) and Justus the 12 lb dog in the other, shaking like a leaf because he had just been sprinted football style across the airport.

7. Ensuing text convo with my travel cheerleader, Lex:

Lex: “Why did they need to swab your hands? Do you look like a terrorist?”

Me: “Terrorist? No. Terrorized? Absolutely.”


8. I sweated a lot today. But I did remember to wear deodorant this morning (barely). #Winning

9. Malick nailed me right in the eyeball en route from Dallas to Sioux Falls. We were playing peek-a-boo, and his finger found my eye so directly that it popped some blood vessels. I didn’t curse, but it sure hurt like a dirty word.

10. Highlight of today (Other than arriving safely in the care of the grandparents): As we were boarding the smaller plan from DFW to FSD, I knew I wouldn’t be able to roll the carseat dolly down the aisle. The flight attendant asked if she could help… and with the chaos of herding the children down the aisle and needing to carry carseat/dolly/dog high enough to not cold-cock every American Airlines passenger between first class to row 18, I realized I needed a new plan. So I asked if she would carry Justus (still, of course in his dog carrier).

She said she would leave him up front and I could come up and get him when I got settled. Deal.

Well… By the time everyone was strapped in and the aisle was clear, Justus had gotten promoted. He was literally in the cockpit, kennel top unzipped and sitting on the captain’s lap making new best friends with both Captain Edgar and his co-pilot. It was awesome. #NicelyDoneAmericanAirlines

11. Prayers: Praise for safe and (mostly) uneventful travel today, prayers for rest and to be fully present the next couple of weeks, in spite of the absence of my Beloved.

12. Parting thought:

“Praise him—he is your God, and you have seen with your own eyes the great and astounding things that he has done for you.” ~Deuteronomy 10:21

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #10)

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, hat, sky, selfie, outdoor and closeup

Today, I’m grateful.

Grateful that I have a healthy body to carry me the full long-run distance of 9 miles.

Grateful that the sun is shining in Texas.

Grateful that my legs, core, and sometimes-pesky hip flexors felt strong.

Grateful for albuterol inhalers when my lungs get a bit angry with the sort of chilly air.

Grateful that running is now a form of stress relief.

Grateful that the kids were both healthy enough to go to school so I could have this precious time to move my body for God’s glory.

Grateful that I was still able to (genuinely) smile after 9 sweaty miles.

Grateful that I have people who encourage me, believe in me, call me out when I get obsessed or distracted, and always point me back to Jesus.

Grateful that the Lord is not impatiently waiting at the finish line with a stopwatch, telling me to go harder, longer, faster, but is instead running right beside me.

Yes, my friends… today I am grateful!

Image may contain: shoes

For the first time in my life, we have a mantle on which we can hang our stockings. Next year, we look forward to all 4 of us being near the same Christmas chimney. We miss you, Daddy/Husband!

“May the Lord watch over me and you while we are apart…” ~Genesis 31:49 #DeploymentLife


And now I present the latest installment of “Why my kid is crying.”

Because I was still in bed at 5:31am.
Because I insisted she get dressed for school.
Because she was wearing footie pajamas. 
Because her foot was stuck in said footie pajamas.
Because it’s 28 degrees outside and I said she had to wear long sleeves.
Because I brushed her hair.
Because I shut the door when I went to the bathroom.
Because I gave her pancakes with sprinkles(!!?) for breakfast.
Because I handed her brother his vitamin first.
Because we were driving to school.
Because the boots she chose had zippers on them.
Because her coat was hanging up on the coat rack.
Because her backpack was on the floor and not hanging on the coat rack.
Because I didn’t back the car into the garage last night so this morning the car seats were on the “wrong side.”
Because I wouldn’t zip up her coat for the 12 foot walk from the kitchen to the garage (it’s all indoors).
Because she remembered her teacher said that for the Christmas program next Wednesday they all have to wear jeans and matching t-shirts.
Because she is afraid I’m going to make her wear “crazy jeans” for aforementioned Christmas program (she doesn’t own crazy jeans).
Because her coat hood wouldn’t stay up since she was also wearing a stocking cap.
Because Mama chose to laugh at the above situations as I didn’t want to yell at her and it was too early for a glass of wine.


Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, hat, child and closeup

I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but earlier this week during Kindergarten pick-up, Charis somehow voluntold me to help her class make gingerbread houses. All I remember is walking toward her teacher after Charis said she “needed to talk to me.” When I came to, I saw her incredibly motivated/patient teacher sweetly waving and saying, “Thanks for volunteering! See you Friday!”

I guess I’m grateful Flat Daddy is coming along for moral support.

#YeaThoughIWalkThroughTheValleyOfTheShadowOfKindergardeners #IWillFearNoChaos#CanYouEatStressAwayEssentialOil?#AskingForAFriend


Deployment Log, Day 66:

1. We have passed the 2-month mark since “See-ya-later” day! Hooray!

2. Brandon and I have been able to connect online more lately (thank you Jesus! And thank you for the prayers!) and so we were discussing the deployment so far. He said “Only 7 months to go!” And I think I rolled my eyes and sighed. His ever-optimistic response: “Well, at least it’s not 8 months…” #AlwaysHalfFull

3. I feel like deployment is SUCH a roller coaster. One minute we are rocking and rolling, like we got this, then the next the kids are crying about things that makes no sense (see yesterday’s FB post) and I want to eat all the carbs within a six-block radius.

4. Charis is continuing to learn letters at school… So we play the “What starts with ____” letter game. If anyone asks, “Celery” starts with an S, because I didn’t want to argue.

5. She has also informed me that I need to learn how to floss ASAP (the dance, not the personal hygiene thing… I know how to do the latter). Yeah, ok. Gonna get right on that… #Not

6. Charis told me that at school yesterday she had a “Girled cheese sandwich.” She hopes that next week they have “Boy cheese sandwiches.” #WordsAreHard #ButHilarious

7. In the last week, Malick has learned how to meow and moo. So I’m sure all of our neighbors are now incredibly intrigued as to why I am pushing a cat around in the stroller for 3 miles.

8. We had our early family Christmas here today. It was cute and enjoyable, but reminds me of the expectations/reality tension that exists.

Expectation: Kids will have new toys and activities, excitedly opening them and being grateful (yes, this happened) then will play the rest of the day both together and independently.

Reality: The first half was a go, but then they started fighting over each other’s toys, and Malick was so frustrated that he had to learn how to use some of his new stuff and/or they didn’t work like he thought they should. I’m currently fighting the urge to go eat #AllTheCarbs. Again (See #3)

9. I finished up the silly statistics class/group project on Wednesday. THANK YOU LORD. Still waiting for grades to come back, but I’m hopeful. I edited/changed the final project pretty much by myself, since the rest of my group was just like “I dunno, what do you want to do next” or “I won’t be able to work on anything until Friday morning” (It was due Friday at 11:59pm EST). And since I love Jesus and want to be positive about life… That’s all I have to say about that.

10. I survived the gingerbread house construction project with Charis’ kindergarten class. Apparently there is a HUGE difference between Kindergarten and Pre-K… And Charis’ teach has got those kids TRAINED. She is my hero.

11. I wonder if I could hire her to come in and train my kids too?

12. Malick is learning how to share– as in, cold germs. I think he sneezed in my eyeball last week and gave me his gunk. Thankfully, it was mild and short-lived for both of us.

13. I’ve been really trying hard to take care of myself: Naps, more netflix and working out. I would love to do more things to “fill my bucket” but obviously, that’s challenging with the kids. Thankfully, we will soon be in SD with the amazing Gma Lex, so I hope to spend a solid two weeks on Fort Couch not parenting full time (that’s the theory, anyways).

14. After this morning’s early Christmas celebration (I played Sharita-Claus last night), I’m REALLY missing the hubs. It comes with the territory, but am also grateful that for the moment, the kids are outside playing while I hide in the bedroom to type this, giving just a few moments to pray, reflect and rejoice!

15. Prayer requests: Continued stamina as I solo parent, (Again: Fully caffeinated and abundantly patient), health for the Tiny Humans (well, and me!) and blessings for our trip north… I’m sure that me flying with the two kids and the dog (in the cabin!) will be epic swirls of chaos.

16. Parting thought for today:
“For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” 
~Isaiah 9:6-7

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Well, Flat Daddy and I are totally confused. We opened this container and found cookies in there! We thought we were getting a sewing kit or a tin of buttons. Glad I kept the receipt…

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, selfie, child, closeup and indoor

Mother-daughter date night: Supper out and now at the K-LOVE Radio Christmas Concert! We typically have a “no boys allowed” policy, but made an exception for Flat Daddy.

(The security staffs’ expression when they check my bag for contraband and see the paper/foam board floating soldier-husband head on a stick is still my favorite thing like ever…)

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #9)

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting

Either Flat Daddy is a Baby Whisperer or aforementioned baby got up at 0449 today… You be the judge. Either way, I didn’t have to fight him to sleep at nap time!

Image may contain: 1 person, hat, outdoor and closeup

“Go for a ruck march,” Flat Daddy said.
“You don’t need to weigh your ruck, just eyeball it,” he said.
“Pushing the stroller up the Franklin Mountain foothills near your house when rucking isn’t that hard,” he said.
“You will still be able to move during PWOC today,” he said.

In related news, Flat Daddy and I are not currently on speaking terms. #WebOfLies#ItBurns #MyLegs! #MyBack! #MyShoulders!#MyEverything!


Milspouse musings: If these Tiny Humans are gonna do Fight Night, they need to let me know in advance so I can stock up on appetizers and sell tickets.

$5 cover includes all-you-can-eat refrigerator leftovers and choice of three types of cereal (Sorry, you must eat the cereal dry because I’m rationing the last quarter gallon until I can get to the store). It also includes one drink of likely stale wine.

On second thought… I will pay YOU to come to Fight Night, if you agree to be the referee.


Deployment Log, Day 57:

1. If anyone is shopping for Christmas gifts for me this year, I’m a size make Korea not so many hours time difference.

2. Only 9 more days of this statistics class. Hopefully less if our group can get our act together and submit our final project.

3. On that note: one of our group members really came through for us and put together our final poster project. Sure, it was literally the only thing she has done all semester, but who cares– the draft is done and good quality! SO YAY!

4. Our sporadic and not-so-engaged/socially awkward prof gave us some feedback that we need to change some of our data for the final project… We’ve gotten all points so far, so the dude in my group that wants to be called “Reverend” said we shouldn’t worry about it. Buuutttt… I got all spiritual and was like “Yo, I can’t submit sub-par work,” with the idea that Jesus is watching we are working for the Lord and not men. I’m sure he is not pleased with me but oh well… Jesus IS watching and I want to do my best (even if it makes no sense and we aren’t really learning anything).

5. So I’ve already submitted my corrections to the group. We will see how this goes. #StatisticallySignificantlyAnnoying

6. Momming is so weird. It’s like a roller coaster. One minute I’m rocking Malick, trying to get him to settle down for nap. He’s sweetly smiling, I’m humming a Christmas carol…

7. Then he straight-up NAILS me right below the eye on the cheekbone with a Matchbox car. It left a mark. And is still throbbing.

8. Because I DO love Jesus, I did not curse. Although I did say very loudly my version of profanity: “GOD BLESS AMERICA MOTHER OF PEARL CHEESE AND CRACKERS!” Not kidding.

9. If you do cuss, it doesn’t mean you love Jesus less. We all have our things. Trust me.

10. Charis is figuring out how to manipulate the Blessing Box system. She gets upset about something (aka, Mama says no/puts her in timeout) and she sniffles and said, “I miss Daddy… Can I have Blessing Box?” #NOPE

11. Mamas, especially solo-deployment ones, should never be allowed to get sick. Thankfully, it was a short-lived stomach bug on Monday and both kids went to school. I slept a lot. And ate pretty much nothing.

12. And yes, I had my battle buddies on standby if things got out of hand with all things gross/sick mama. #GodBlessMyTribe

13. Prayer Requests: Again, better ability to connect with my husband for communication (even if it means me getting up at 4am once a week to chat), patience/energy for this homestretch of class, and ability to love on my babies when they are feeling blue (or, in Malick’s case, more violent than normal) #Ouch

14. Today’s parting thought:
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” ~Isaiah 26:3


“It’s not officially a holiday celebration until a Tiny Human pukes.” ~Knoblochian Proverb

Thanks to our dear son to making sure that our Battalion’s Breakfast with Santa was an officially sanctioned holiday event! ?

PS: Malick is fine. As you know, my kids are pukers. And apparently, 2.5 hours of free-range grazing on marshmallows, a frosted sugar cookie, three pancakes, half a bottle of water and then trying to eat an entire sausage link (in one bite) will make a toddler gag and subsequently yak.

PSS: At least it was just on the floor and not near Santa’s lap. (Dodged a bullet there, Mr. Kringle…)


Image may contain: 6 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting, child and outdoor

Flat Daddy and our little Knobloch fam felt right at Ho-Ho-Home for the Holidays during our lovely 4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment Breakfast with Santa event!

PS: Don’t worry. Malick waited till he was well away from Santa’s lap before he gagged on a sausage link and puked up about 85 mini marshmallows. ?


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Oh man! Flat Daddy TOTALLY nailed it with this epic (albeit early) Christmas gift to this non-flat-mama/wife… A handheld Old School Oregon trail game!

If anyone needs me, I will be doing everything in my power to avoid dysentery and keep my friends from drowning in the Snake River.#FordCaulkOrFerry? #IShotABuffalo#ButCanOnlyCarry100lbsOfMeatBackToTheWagon

PS: Is there ANYTHING more stressful than trying to float down the Dalles river without hitting a rock? I think not.


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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #8)

Image may contain: Dietrich Knobloch, smiling

Today’s simple Monday truths brought to you by Flat Daddy, our car and Kansas mud.

(Now that I’m back in “the city,” I suppose I should add “Wash car” to my to-do list…)

PS: Before you gasp and clutch your pearls that I wrote in the dirt on the car causing potential paint scratching, note that about a year ago my then-preschool drew (scratched) a picture of a person on the car with a piece of gold (shiny rock). And THIS is why we can’t have nice things.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Flat Daddy just gave a whole new meaning to the phrase “Chow Time.”

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, smiling, closeup and indoor

“Thursday is the new Friday,” they said.
“Stay busy and deployment will fly by,” they said…

#KeepingItReal #KeepCalmAndSoldierOn #NotAStagedPic

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Flat Daddy wanted to give me some fresh insight into why non-flat-husband finds such joy in brewing stuff. Now, after my first homemade batch of Kombucha, I finally get it!!

Merry Kombuchmas and a Happy Brewed Cheer!#FinalFermentationAndGo#INamedMySCOBYScooby

PS: “Make kombucha” was on my deployment bucket list 

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing, hat, child and closeup

You’ve heard of Elf on the Shelf? How ‘bout Milspouse in the Party House… Or Army Wife Christmas Life… Or Finding Enjoyment during Deployment… Or Daddy (comma) Flat is where the party’s at…

I can go on all day, folks. So grateful to host our Battalion Senior Spouse Coffee last night at our humble hacienda. Such a joy to love on our ladies!


Deployment Log, Day 54:

1. According to my calculations, *if* Beloved Husband returns from deployment *exactly* on the number of days stated on his orders (ha ha haa!), we are about 20% done!

2. The ONLY time I do math is when running many miles (only 2 miles to go… Which means I’m 3/4’s done!) or during deployment count down (or ups…)

3. As you probably gathered, we had a wonderful trip to KS to see our friends/family. But it has been nice to be back in our own space, with our own routine, with our own beds.

4. Plus, Malick only has one girl to harass (see also: pull hair) instead of 4.

5. I had a few wonky days this week… Just funky emotional and cranky, not for any real reason. The blessing box was, well, a blessing to me in those moments!

6. I saw a meme that sums up deployment life…

A mom: “Gosh. I’m tired.”


A mom: “Geez, I didn’t say I hate my kids, Karen. I just said I was tired.”

It’s truth. I love my children. They are wonderful creatures. But yes, we mamas (of deployed spouses or not) get tired.

7. Why I am tired, you ask? Mainly because I have to ask say things like this to my children (sometimes all in one day!)
“Did you just paint the dog with peanut butter?”
“Yes, you have to wear pants to school.”
“Get the ticky-tac out of your mouth!”
“Please stop crying and just get in the car.”
“Do not spit milk on the dog/floor/in your shoes.”
“Do not tip over the Christmas tree!”
“Get your naked man-parts OFF MY KITCHEN TABLE, son!”

8. This West Texas-Korea time zone difference is (still) sucky. Hubs and I keep thinking that some rhythm is going to surface with his battle tasks, but nope– random. And 16 hours apart puts us literally on completely opposite schedules, especially when he is working weekends. Blurg.

9. On the way home from Kansas, Charis was tapping out a tun on the mini lap desk in the back seat. She asked if at the next pit stop, we could buy her some drumsticks.

10. I said no. #SorryNotSorry

11. If anyone sends Charis drum sticks for Christmas/Blessing Box/Birthday, we are gonna have words.

12. So traveling at the end of last week with two small kids (and a dog) by myself reminded me of PigPen off of Peanuts. Only instead of a cloud of dust following us everywhere we went (as in, major truck stops on Highway 54) , it was a cloud of chaos.

13. I’m trying to be intentional about protecting my December schedule, mainly because I know how fast it can spin out of control. I seriously need more time to lay on the couch and just zone out… But when the kiddos are around (i.e., Malick) the kid is jumping all over me (and he is like a huge roast with legs these days, so that hurts!) and Charis is almost constantly asking for something (or also upset because Mr. Roast with Legs gave her the People’s Elbow while SHE was trying to relax).

14. But when the children are elsewhere, I feel like I need to be doing ALL the things. ISO: Parenting balance.

15. Only two more weeks of this group statistics project. Praise God. Get me there Jesus.

16. This week’s biggest adventure: Switching Malick from the crib to the toddler bed. It’s going okish so far– but the going to sleep routine takes a hot minute since he is no longer “penned” in.

17. Prayer requests: That Brandon (Leroy Chuck) and I will be able to connect more frequently (and with greater quality!) and that I find some creative methods to rest when the children are present (is it possible?)

18. Parting thought:
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” ~1 Thessalonians 5:11

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #7)

Image may contain: 5 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, child and indoorFlat Daddy got to meet Pastor Steve last night… and It was so good for the soul to catch up with him ❤️

Image may contain: 10 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Kathleen Ivy, people smiling, people sitting and child

Oh, my dearest Cheesy Mollusk Kayla Taylor. It was so wonderful to hang out, catch up and let our children play/destroy all the things.

Image may contain: 9 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting, child and indoor

From being down-the-road neighbors, to FFA officer teammates, to Clovia housemates and collegiate cohorts, now to Mama pals and business women… Seeing Nicole T (and Kyle Wainwright) made Flat Daddy and I smile!

PS: Two extra Tiny Humans are pictured… sister Kathleen was out doing farm chores.


We are making some Thanksgiving memories on the farm tonight! We ate two hours late because the men were hauling hay (racing against the sunset). Then they realized the fence was broken so the bull got out. Kathleen was running to herd the bovine and had an asthma attack. Charis was spinning around in a circle and split her chin open (not stitches worthy, thankfully) then Malick gagged himself and projectile vomited across the kitchen three helpings of mashed potatoes, three servings of cranberry sauce and two helpings of chocolate pie. Finally, Cousin Jessa slammed her fingers in the door.

And a partridge in a pear tree.

PS: I wouldn’t trade this chaos for the world.

PSS: Ok, maybe less puke…


Image may contain: 8 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Deb Ferguson, people smiling, people sitting, child and indoor

Thanksgiving at the Lacey household might have been a *little* chaotic, but Flat Daddy and I are perpetually grateful for wonderful people who drive down to spend a few precious hours with us! So great to see you, Deb!! ❤️

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, tree, plant, grass and outdoor

The distance created by being a military family often keeps us from celebrating some of our extended family/friend’s greatest life moments, like weddings, birthdays and graduations.

But it often prevents us from experiencing another inevitability of life… like death.

Today, I visited Susie. And it was different than any visit I’ve had with her. Instead of petting her pup as she laughed out loud at my life catch-up stories in her living room, I sat silently on the ground, mopping up tears as the cold north wind blew around me and gray clouds filled the skies.

When God called her home earlier this year, I checked plane tickets no less than a dozen times. I racked my brain trying to think who I could get to watch my kids for a few days. But I just couldn’t make it back to say goodbye.

I feel like I’m a relatively intelligent human being, but how to grieve long distance is still well beyond me. I do know that our tiny town, loving community and entire world will never ever be the same.

On her humble resting place, I left a tiny bottle of Tajin seasoning I carried from El Paso. Like Tajin, Susie made EVERYTHING better. The perfect combination of sweet and spicy, which every person I know adores.

My dearest “Susie-boo…” I will take me a long to time process your permanent departure from this earth. Your impact is everlasting and I simply cannot wait to hear your laughter as you scoop me up on a hug when I some day cross that magnificent heavenly threshold.

Oh. Be sure to tell Jesus hey for me.

See you on the other side.


Deployment Log, Day 43:

1. Alas, ’tis departure eve from Kansas to Texas.

2. Using fancy language is fun.

3. We have had a wonderful time with family/friends in the Midwest.

4. So glad I’ve stocked back up on K-State gear (that fits!!)

5. Not sure what I was thinking when I got Charis a legit/new KSU dress… Mostly white. UG. #AllTheKansasMud

6. Is Cat Wrangling a viable career option? If so, I know two Tiny Humans who would be excellent candidates for an apprenticeship.

7. I purchased a new wallet/billfold thingy from Orscheln’s… YAY. But after I got home and started to unpack to repack for tomorrow’s trip, I realized they forgot to take the ink-exploding anti-theft device off. BOO. (Anyone have any insight how to resolve this without driving the 34 miles roundtrip back to town?)

8. I would legitimately pay someone like real dollar bills to come gather up and pack up all of our junk, er, I mean priceless belongings after this two-week trip.

9. I am so grateful that I’ve gotten to see so many folks in the last 12 days (and hoping I don’t forget to tag anyone!) Brandi Buzzard Frobose Debbie Johnston Wools Connie Johnston Harold Marilyn Thexton Billy BrownJordan Pieschl Robin Blume Erin Kerbs Ann Novinger Badders Willie Wildcat Kayla Taylor Nicole T Deb Ferguson Dereck Lindsay Caudell Susan Bubna Heath Tieben Lori Harlan Jane Kersley

10. Statistics is more than half over. Three more silly weeks of this class and group project hoopla. WE. CAN. DO. THIS.

11. Holidays apart from my Beloved Husband can be kind of lame… But being with extended family made the time pass quickly and less yuckily.

12. I’ve tried to use this trip to stock up on grown-up people hugs.

13. Prayer requests: Safe and efficient travels back to Texas, no Tiny Human puking (because they like to do that for fun I guess), to once again be fully caffeinated and abundantly patient, to avoid all bad weather (Kansas blizzard rumors?!?), for the kids to stay healthy with the transition back to TX because I love them greatly but I AM SO EXCITED FOR THEM TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL.

14. Today’s parting thought:
“I thank my God every time I remember you.” ~Philippians 1:3


Hypothetical question: Lets say there’s a mother of 2 children (neither of whom napped today) that will be stuck in the car for the next two days with both children (by herself because her hypothetical spouse is deployed) driving from Kansas to Texas. What is the appropriate amount of time for aforementioned mother to hide downstairs in the bathtub drinking wine while letting Grandma be in charge upstairs?

Asking for a friend.


Image may contain: 12 people, including Kathleen Ivy, Cj Lacey, Sharita Knobloch and Christopher A. Ivy, people smiling, people standing and indoor

Flat Daddy wanted to wrap up our time in Kansas with a minor dose of chaos, aka mandatory family pictures with 5 Tiny Humans ages 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. ????

Image may contain: one or more people, shoes, child and outdoor

Charis: “Mama! Mama! Malick is stuck!”

Me: “Stuck where?”

Charis: “C’mon, follow me!”

(I think she’s been watching too many movies)

*As we arrive on the “scene”*

Malick: (Calmly a matter-of-factly stating) “Mama. I’m stuck! Mama. I’m stuck!”

#FarmProbs #ParentingIsNeverBoring

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, hat and outdoor
You can’t stage this level of cuteness. (I think she is a farm girl at heart).

*Walking in the door upon our arrival back HOME in Texas*

Charis: “WOW, Mama!! The house is so clean!! How did that happen? Who did that?!”

“Me, Charis. ME.” ?

*Update: House is no longer even remotely clean. It’s a wreck. But hey, at least we aren’t driving in the car anymore!!


Image may contain: 8 people, including Kally Smith and Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing, people sitting and child

Just a little over 8 years ago, this gal stood by my side as my maid of honor when I said “I do” to non-flat-Husband. Now, we have a passel (herd? Flock? Gaggle? Posse?) of Tiny Humans between us!

Those Tiny Humans didn’t let much grown-up conversation happen in our brief on-the-road-homeward-bound hang out sesh (ahem, I’m looking at YOU, Malick!) but we wouldn’t trade it for the world. Love you, Kally!


Image may contain: 6 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting and child

? “Alpha… Alpha… Alpha of Clovia!” ?
This lady was my one of first ever big(ish) kid roommates my first year of college (See also: 14 years ago! Gah!) A love of ag, FFA and, well, each other, have kept us “ita sisters” for nearly the last decade and a half. Thanks for opening your home to us for a cozy pit stop, Carmelita! Cannot wait to see you in West Texas soon!

No automatic alt text available.

I know, boys, I know… with one hour left in the epic two-day solo-adult with two Tiny Humans roadtrip, I wanted to hide from the chaos too…#MadeIt #ThankYouJesus #AllTheSonicDrinks

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #6)

Deployment Log, Day 34:

1. There’s really no place like home. I love our Texas hacienda, but Kansas is making my heart happy.

2. We’ve gotten soft. It’s cold here!

3. The trip up was really good. The kids were (mostly) troopers, minus the first hour of the trip when Malick was like, “Uh, no thanks.” Then he realized we were committed and stopped fighting it.

4. The great thing about a deployment is that it gives opportunities to do things that you would probably never do otherwise. Like drive 900 miles in 2 days by yourself with two Tiny Humans and a dog. Every 15 minutes or so I noticed my hands got tighter on the wheel, so I had to pretend I was some kind of awesome athlete on a mission and told myself, “Stay loose, stay loose…”

5. Nobody puked in the car! (And if you have met my kids, you know this is a big deal).

6. Charis did yak in the middle of the night on Saturday in the hotel. So that was fun. (It had me all wound up creating road trip contingency plans in case it wasn’t just a one-time thing).

7. Charis also apparently has trust issues with how I navigate: In Western Kansas, she mentioned a couple times that I was GOING THE WRONG WAY. Because we already saw “those cows” and “those windmills” the day before.

8. My sister and I are headed to Manhattan this weekend to celebrate my birthday like adults (as in, sleep till we wake up and eat with two hands). So any of my MHK or Fort Riley peeps want to break bread together, hit me up.

9. Charis: “Mama, let’s talk about cantaloupe.”
Me: “Um. Ok? Like the fruit?”
Charis: “No, the animal.”
Me: …
Me: “Oh, you mean ANTELOPE!”

10. Still missing mi esposo, but spending time with family and friends here in the midwest really helps.

11. This statistics class = seriously?!?! I have finally resolved to give it to Jesus, do the best I can (with the less-than-engaged group members to which I have been assigned) and praise the Lord that the option for resubmits in the class is a thing.

12: *Upon arriving to our hotel in Dodge City on Saturday night*
Charis: “Praise the Lord! We have two TVs AND air conditioning!”
(It was like 12 degrees outside…)

12. Prayer requests: Balance of fun and rest, being present and staying faithful to choices that positively impact my physical/spiritual health.

13. Parting thought for today:
“The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise him.” ~Psalm 28:7

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, sky, hat, outdoor and nature

Well, Flat Daddy agrees that this deployment just got a whole lot “cooler.” #KansasProbs #BrrItsColdOutHere


Image may contain: 6 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling

This is easily one of Flat Daddy’s most epic photos yet! Why? Because my oldest (as in, known/kept in touch the longest, not age) friend Brandi and I were able to hang out last night with all of our minions. Even more so, everyone was looking AND smiling at the camera! Talk about a happy heart moment, even during deployment. PS: Yes, my face looks a bit pained… Mainly because I am hoisting 60lbs of Tiny Human on my hips. PSS: If my math skills serve correctly, I think we’ve been friends for about 22.5 years.


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Career Day: Visiting Paw-Paw at work to see the BIG TRUCKS!!!

Image may contain: 5 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Cj Lacey, people smiling, people standing

Flat Daddy Career Day: Taking Donuts to Grandma CJ and team at H & R Block

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing, shoes and outdoor

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of Two: Flat Daddy visits non-Flat-hubs and non-Flat-wife’s first-married apartment complex.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Kathleen Ivy, people smiling, drink and indoor

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of Three: Next stop is Radina’s Coffeehouse for a peppermint tea for Kathleen and a famous grasshopper mocha for non-flat-mama.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of Two: The next stop hit me right in alllll the feels… we posed in front of the church where we said “I do” 8+ years ago. I miss you my Beloved! PS: Flat Daddy needs to work on his hugging and cuddling skills…

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, tree, grass and outdoor

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of Two: Oh, Weber arena… I spent SO many hours here during undergrad learning about all things Animal Science. It is also a special place for not-so-Flat hubs since it part of our first date, at Ag for a Cure Concert. I will never forget how my phone was blowing up with text messages that night because everyone was like “Whhhaaaatt is going on, Sharita?!! We just saw you holding hands with a boy!!” Mama always said when I met “The One” I would face plant, falling head over heels. Welp. She was right.

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, smiling, standing

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of Two: We couldn’t hang out in Wildcat Land without getting Flat Daddy properly attired. I personally think K-State purple is a good compliment to army green. PS: Non-Flat-Mama also stocked up on new KSU gear… mainly because I have “under-grown” a majority of my previous garb! #GreatProbToHave

Image may contain: 4 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of Three: One of the best parts about being back “Home” is running into friends from seasons gone by. So awesome to see Lori Harlan! (I remember when she spoke at Crest FFA banquet as a State FFA officer and how she and her hubs did all things tech for our State FFA officer team a few years later. Also, thanks to Lori for making me laugh out loud. “Oh my gosh, I get to take a pic with THE Flat Daddy?” (As I whip him out of my purse….) ?

Image may contain: 3 people, including Kathleen Ivy and Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting, child, indoor and food

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of Three: Sister Kathleen requested HuHot for lunch and Flat Daddy readily agreed, mainly because it’s delicious AND it was the restaurant non-Flat hubs took me on our first date for supper.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of Three: We popped by the KSU Student Union and I was able to get a pic with two of my three most favorite men ever: Flat Daddy and Willie the Wildcat. PS: The third most fave dude is Jesus, just FYI. And not in that order. PSS: I’m still reeling from the Stuni’s recent makeover! It looks incredible… so much so that it *almost* makes me want to find a reason to re-enroll and come back to school in MHK. (Never mind the fact that I have two Tiny Humans and a Husband overseas and the army/Jesus says we are to live in Texas for the time being.)

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing and indoor

Nostalgia, Party of Two: Flat Daddy is extremely smart and has a very solid life philosophy… it’s NEVER too cold for Call Hall Ice Cream. And yes, I got a dish of Purple Pride.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, people walking, night and outdoor

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of Two: Before heading to supper, we had to stop by the place where it all started… Tubby’s in Aggieville. I just couldn’t resist the mad skills of non-flat-hubs Cha-Cha slide moves on the dance floor.

Image may contain: 8 people, including Robin Blume, Sharita Knobloch, Kathleen Ivy, Billy Brown and Jordan Pieschl, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of Eight: The best part of the day was celebrating with the good people God has placed in my life. Delicious Kansas beef at Little Apple Brewery fed our bellies, and time together as friends filled our souls.

Image may contain: 1 person, food

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of One: Flat Daddy convinced us to be total rebel rousers and we didn’t make it back to the hotel till 10pm! ? We rounded out the night with one final birthday treat: Carrot cake and wine in a can, because we are classy like that. PS: They’ve done wine in a bottle, bag, box and now a can… what a time to be alive! PSS: Canned wine is not delicious. I think it’s supposed to be in a bottle for a reason…

Image may contain: one or more people, bedroom and indoor

Nostalgia, Birthday Party of One: All of today’s birthday adventures seem to have worn Flat Daddy out! But I have to hand it to him… he’s a great sport. Even as he drifts off to sleep after a full day of celebrating, eating and walking miles down Memory Lane, he still has that same smile on his face. ?

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, food

Well, we found Flat Daddy’s kryptonite: Allllll the deliciousness from Varsity Donuts. I sure hope he saves some for the Tiny Humans back home!

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Good morning, Flat Daddy! I mustache you a question: how was your hotel coffee?

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

Flat Daddy insisted we stop by “The Bill” to celebrate yesterday’s Wildcat Victory. It was good for a WILDCAT TOUCHDOWN!!!

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, sunglasses, sky, closeup and outdoor

I wasn’t in too much of a hurry to wrap up our Manhappiness adventures and moooove on down to SEK. Flat Daddy told me to stop “horsing” around and “hamming” it up. But I really wanted to continue “cownting” memories with a visit to the Animal Science farm units.

Image may contain: 1 person, shoes, sky, mountain, outdoor and nature

Giving thanks on MANHattan Hill for my MAN who selflessly serves our country… also thankful for a great photographer sister Kathleen and Flat Daddy to keep me company in my Beloved’s absence.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Kathleen Ivy and Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, indoor and food

Pre-departure post-birthday lunch was sushi and hibachi. Flat Daddy was super proud of me as I exercised great restraint, resisting the temptation to “adopt” the two “baby” soldiers that we were seated beside. I do, however, think I scared them with my barrage of motherly questioning: “How long have you been in? Where are you originally from? What’s your MOS? Officer or enlisted? TELL ME ALL THE THINGS!”

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

This weekend wasn’t just fun, it was also productive. Before we left town, Flat Daddy reminded us to stop at one of our favorite grocery stores to purchase (wait for it…) “Aldi” supplies for our Thanksgiving dinner. ? #SundayPunDay

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing, outdoor, water and nature

Last stop before leaving THE greatest town in the Midwest: Pillsbury Crossing. Needless to say, this birthday weekend away as sisters (with Flat Daddy) really made us “jump” for joy. We hope you got a “kick” out of it too!! ❤️??✌?

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #5)

Image may contain: 6 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Heath Tieben, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

Flat Daddy is a pretty great navigator! We departed West Texas yesterday and knocked out 610 miles (in one day! By myself with two Tiny Humans and a dog). We stayed the night in Dodge City so we got to have breakfast with my dear friend Heath and his lovely wife Sheri. We also ate at IHOP to celebrate the one-month of deployment down mark. Right as we were getting ready to depart for the final 5 hour stretch of driving to my parents, it started to snow. I’m pretty sure I heard Flat Daddy urgently whisper say, “We gotta go! Let’s get the heck outta Dodge!” PS: We have safely arrived in SE KS! PSS: All my Kansas peeps, hit me up if you want to hang out (and meet Flat Daddy).


Image may contain: 4 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting, child, closeup and indoor

Flat Daddy and I had quite a Flashback Friday… we got to eat Thanksgiving Dinner with Charis in the cafeteria. It was absolutely carb-a-licious. (And people were quite curious about the uniformed floating head on a stick I pulled out of my purse…)

Deployment Diary, Day 30: Brought to you by the one-month-down mark!

1. Hooray! One month done. Eight (ish) more to go. And it’s weird– it really flew by. #NotComplaining #AskMeAgainAtMonth5

2. The kids are, well… kids. Some days rock, other days they completely lose their minds over super trivial things, like wearing socks or the intro song to a Netflix show being over.

3. Malick’s fave show right now is “Tayo the Little Bus…” And I identify WAY too much with the show. The other day, he was watching an episode about the little bus wanting to be a “grown up.” Tayo gets his wish then soon realizes that being an adult isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. My favorite line from that episode: “Being a grown up is so hard. I was so busy today and there is STILL more work to be done! I just want to go to sleep.” #SolidaryBus

4. Communication with my Beloved is still kind of meh, but we are sending pre-recorded videos back and forth– which is awesome and makes my heart sing!

5. Thank you, thank you to everyone who continues(!?!) to send items for our blessing box! I wish I could send you all thank you notes, but I have only written my husband two cards/letters (our first deployment together pre-kids I was cranking out a multi-page typed letter at least 1X per week… Sometimes more) if that gives you any idea of the “spare time” I currently have.

6. God is doing some SERIOUSLY awesome work in my fitness heart… Revving the Word (Revelation Wellness) Podcast. Check it out. And prepare for it to rock your world. I wasn’t really even a podcast listener before discovering it! Other than Army Wife Talk Radio. Monday nights. 8pm EST. #ShamelessPlug

7. Everyone is all “Hey, what do you want for your birthday?” And I’m all like, “I want to sleep till I wake up. And a lower back massage, because hauling around my chuck roast with legs (Malick) wears me out.”

8. I am trying to care less about my statistics class (good theory, not working). It’s a hot mess express, folks. The other person in the group who I thought was like legit/hardcore for doing the best we can said via email the other day that “it was ok if we submit late– we will just lose some points” or we could “skip” the required web conference since it’s “only” 25 points…


10. Kids and I are prepping for our trip back to Kansas. God beckoned me to change my trip dates a bit (extend them) so I can be sure to see as many people as possible and not be rushed. Plus, it’s important that the juice is worth the squeeze if I’m making a 28 hour round trip with two tiny humans and a dog by myself. GAH. #ItsFINE

11. Prayer requests: Traveling mercies, safety, to feel God’s presence, rest and joy with mi familia, and for me to be fully caffeinated and abundantly patient. #MyNewSlogan

11. Parting thought for tonight:
“For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory. The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.“ Psalm 32:7-8


Image may contain: 4 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, child and indoor

This picture about sums up our deployment life: Always some level of chaos, me smiling because it’s either that or start getting twitchy battling the temptation to devour the large, fancy cupcake in a single emotional gulp, one sibling thoroughly enjoying pestering the other, the other sibling thoroughly annoyed by the pesterer, Flat Daddy the only one focusing on the camera as we celebrate my birthday (early) with an improvised candle of a chem lite since I’m the first one with a birthday post-PCS and we haven’t purchased any candles as moving companies won’t ship wax because rumor has it Texas is hot. PS: I know that was a very long run-on sentence. Because really, isn’t that what a deployment is? PSS: Thank you to my dear friend Melania for surprising me with the early birthday celebration before our departure to Kansas.

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