Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #24)

 Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, Dietrich Knobloch, Lex Wysong Knobloch and Tammie Lesselyoung, people smiling, indoor

Cheers to road tripping! It was great to see Lex’s South Dakota-neighbor-yet-current-Arizona snowbird friend Tammy (and Dennis and Dylan).

Although it looked like we were PCS packing (I don’t think “traveling light” is a thing anymore, especially with two dogs and two kids, one of whom can easily go through 1-4 outfits a day.) Lordsburg, NM was a cute little town, we got to see a lot of New Mexico desert and nobody threw up! Success so far. Next stop: White Sands, NM!

What do you call an alligator who is (unwillingly?) posing in the middle of a chaotic family pic during deployment?

A miti-gator!!!!

#BadoomChick #ImHereAllWeek#TipTheWaitStaff

Image may contain: 5 people, including Lex Wysong Knobloch and Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, sky, outdoor and nature

I never really thought I was a glutton for punishment… But after all my whining about sand in my house from Malick/sandbox, I take the kids to White Sands with Grandma Lex. Who am I kidding… My car will never be the same, but White Sands WAS on our deployment bucket list. CHECK! #AllTheWind #PictureChaos #EveryoneLookAtTheCameraPlease

Image may contain: Lex Wysong Knobloch, Dietrich Knobloch and Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting and outdoor

Even amid a hard season, I’m so grateful that God still brings great joy in the simplest of ways. The weather was gorgeous today. The sun was getting ready to set, so in honor of my hubs, I grilled a thick-cut ribeye steak (his preferred cut) over an open flame (his preferred method) while drinking a beer (his preferred beverage other than coffee) with one of my best friends (his Mama Lex!) in our backyard (his preferred place). It is also worth mentioning that for the first time in my personal adulting history, I did not over cook the steak. It was medium rare, totally perfect, and the equivalent of meat butter.

PS: I am pretty sure this is the first adult beverage I’ve had since my man deployed. It was an intentional (not emotional) choice (victory!!) and tasted like angels descending from heaven. #Cheers #OneDayCloser#GonnaMissMyBFF

PSS: And no, I didn’t share with Flat Daddy. Although Malick stole a good portion of my baked potato.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Lex Wysong Knobloch, people smiling, closeup

Throwback to Friday: I’ve heard that girls just wanna have fun, so that’s what we did! We had a girls-only date (that was fun AND productive) which involved dropping Malick off at school (whew!), us getting dressed up and running around El Paso from 9am to 5pm. We are huge party animals, because we went to epically exciting places like Costco, Target, Souper Salad, Big 5 Sports, Dicks Sporting Goods, the mall, and Walmart. ? (Also, we reminded Flat Daddy that it was girls-only, but he somehow still managed to photobomb us).


Difference in raising girls vs. boys:

Me: “Charis, I love you very much.”

Charis: “I love you more!”

Me: “I love you more than more!”

Charis: “I love you more plus infinity!”


Me: “Malick, I love you very much.”

Malick: “I-uuuvvvv-oooo.”

Me: “I love you more than more.”

Malick: *Blinks* “BURP!” (directly in my face)


Deployment Log, Day 167:

1. Is there anything more wonderful than family who makes it a priority to visit during deployment?

2. The only thing I can think of that is more awesome is no deployment to begin with.

3. But seriously. Over a week with Grandma Lex was good for the soul. Her level of energy and patience is inspiring.

4. We had a lovely spring break. We were reminded (again) that traveling with Tiny Humans is quite an undertaking, even for just a couple of nights. But we survived (and even thrived!) during our mini vacay.

5. Oh, and nobody threw up! (Always a victory when we travel!)

6. We dropped Grandma off at the airport yesterday. I am not normally a crier. But by the time I got back in the car after saying see-ya-later, my eyes were leaking pretty significantly. Charis’ were all watery too. And Malick was wailing. Le sigh.

7. But great news– Aunt Jackie is coming on Wednesday!! Yay more adults! It’s always nice to play man-to-man defense in this household. Although Malick probably needs a ratio of 1.5 or 12 in order to keep him out of mischief.

8. I’m still vacuuming up Nerds candy from Charis’ birthday party. #MyBad #NeverAgainWithTheGlitterOfCandy

9. Spring is here in El Paso! Not that we have an extra harsh winter or anything… but it is just wonderful to have legit temps and sunshine and things greening up. Seems like everyone’s attitudes are more joyful.

10. I have had some recent moments of achy heart missing my Beloved Husband. This is especially prevalent in church. So far it’s been all I could do not to snuggle up and lay my head on the shoulder of any one of the three Megans I normally sit next to (Megan Clayburn Meagan Vaughan Kendall May Elise… You’ve been warned).

11. Two of my fave quotes from our kindergartener during spring break:
“I sure hope this zoo has unicorns!”
“Grandma, did you pick a sketchy hotel?”

12. I adulted this weekend and finally mowed the backyard. And by “mowed” I mean demolished the 2ft tall weeks that were thriving. I didn’t realize how ridiculous it was until I mowed… And probably should have done it before last week’s birthday party. But my theory is that if anyone would have said something (Not that they would have–my friends are kind), I would have gracefully pointed them in the direction of the mower.

13. It’s baffling to me how someone else helping with tiny, simple tasks make SUCH a difference. Like dishes. Or folding laundry. Or putting on kids shoes and changing diapers. Separately, it doesn’t seem like much. But cumulatively, it takes a pretty large weight of responsiblity off my shoulders/heart. (Did I mention THANK YOU GRANDMA LEX???)

14. I feel like I had some additional interesting notes to share… But my brain is gooey after all the homework and miscellaneous tasks I attempted to tackle today.

15. Prayer requests: Please keep praying for my “person” who tried to commit suicide a little over a month a go. This individual is still not doing well and it doesn’t look like much progress is being made yet… I am still hopeful, but it is hard not to worry! Also, continued prayers for health and joy even in the hard stuff. WE CAN DO THIS.

16. Closing thought: “Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.” ~Philemon 1:7

Image may contain: 17 people, people smiling, people sitting

Happy (sorta-one-day-early) birthday to my Beloved Husband!!! I must confess, I was kind of bummed since his “normal” location changed and wasn’t going to be where we thought he would during his birthday, thus I didn’t think USO would be able to get him his cake. But they rocked my socks and someone drove the cake up to him at his new (temporary) location! Although they didn’t have the normal on-video-dog-and-pony-show, I am still overjoyed that the USO went the extra mile to bring a smile to ALL of our faces. Barn said he still made his company form up, sing happy birthday to him and read the message we sent him:

Happy Birthday to our Red-Blooded, Barrel-Chested, Freedom Fighter! We respect you so much, Brandon. Miss you so much and can’t wait until we are reunited once again. Keep being awesome. #America!
Sharita, Charis, Malick, & Justus

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #23)

Image may contain: 4 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

If anyone says deployments are easy, I think they are “lion.” It feels more like a “zoo.” Things come flying at you and you just have to “duck” when the punches come. It’s “dog”-gone hard! Some days, the pressure gets so intense you wonder if you can “bear” it. But then, you take some time to “horse” around with your “herd” because you remember that the only way to eat an “elephant” is one bite at a time. That “seals” the deal. It’s a “wild” ride and can be a “jungle” out there, but victory is here… and homecoming will (eventually) arrive.

Charis has decided that this year for her birthday, she wanted a party and to invite some of her classmates. But the rule at our school is that if she invites one, she has to invite them all. (GULP). Since we won’t live in the same small town where we grew up where everyone knows everyone, (there are 4 kindergarten classes at her school) I had to get a bit creative with the birthday invite. So I enclosed the following letter with her invitations to her 14 (!?!) kindergarten classmates. #PrayForMe#YeaThoughIWalkThroughTheValleyOfTheShadowOfChaos#IWillFearNoBirthdayParty

Is it just me, or can birthday party invites for our kids can be kinda awkward? It’s weird, because our kiddos spend five days a week together for months, develop friendships, learn and grow together, but us parents barely cross paths.

My daughter (Charis) is a classmate of your smallish human, and she wants to invite her friends to her 6th birthday party. So here we are.

Since we don’t know each other yet, and it can be a little bit uncomfortable showing up at a semi-strangers house for what I lovingly call “mandatory fun,” let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Sharita. I’m 33 years old and originally hail from Kansas. We are military family and have been stationed in El Paso for about 9 months. I’ve been married to my beloved husband for almost 9 years and we have two kids, Charis (obviously) and a 2-year-old boy Malick.

I’m a huge fan of Jesus. I’ve never been to prison. I’ve gotten one traffic ticket. I like to write, workout and nap (in Parenting Pretendland). My favorite color is teal and puns make me laugh.

If you decide to allow your child to attend the party, our house will not be spotless. (It’s not for lack of effort, but see the note about the 2-year-old boy). I am not above occasionally bribing the kids to make things happen (“Just help me find the TV remote and you can get something from the treat box”) and I still don’t understand why 90% of parenting is looking for lost shoes and telling kids to stop climbing on the counters/please don’t put peanut butter on the dog/and yes you have to wear pants to leave the house.

So, if I haven’t fully scared you off yet, Charis (and I) hope to see you for her birthday party on March 16, 2019 from 4pm-5:30pm. (I know, it’s Spring Break. But Grandma will be in town, and I could always use additional adult supervision for party-throwing during deployment season). We will have cake and play some games. I’ve also heard rumblings about a piñata. #ButOnlyIfSheCleansHerRoomFirst

PS: Gifts are not required. But if you are feeling salty, Charis likes things that deal with princesses, glitter, animals, crafts, etc.

PSS: Please don’t give her glitter for her birthday. Seriously. I would rather us be friends and my house is already riding the struggle bus on that front.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people eating, people sitting, food and indoor

Ballet/tap class was cancelled super last minute (as in, we had already dropped off Malick at school, arrived at the facility and Charis was dressed) so Flat Daddy took us on an impromptu date for pie and coffee/chocolate milk. His spontaneous fun game was on point today because I totally forgot today was “pi” (3.14) day until after we devoured our piece of French silk chocolate pie!

PS: As far as my W30 journey: Def still doing it about 95% of the time. But starting to dabble and practice with my eating boundaries. I think the buzz words are something about “intentional” and “moderation.”

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling

Today’s mission was apparently to provide unintentional comedic relief to all those in the vicinity of the Dollar Tree parking lot. I was battling the El Paso wind trying to shove 20-something helium balloons in the car… by myself. I told Flat Daddy he should “lend me a hand” but he just stood there looking pretty. ? A random passerby took pity on me and helped me get them in the car, although the result was me temporarily trapped in the backseat with all of the balloons after she shut the door. I climbed over the seat to avoid losing any of the precious birthday party cargo to the endless El Paso skies. Sure, I was sweating, but $1 helium balloons to keep with our birthday tradition of the last 4 years was a must. Mission accomplished.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Dietrich Knobloch, people smiling

We rocked the birthday chaos! Such a great turn out and I thought Charis was gonna break her face from smiling so hard when 38 (?!?) people gathered in our kitchen to sing her happy birthday (and my heart was about to bust with joy too!) 21 Kids, 17 adults and no major disasters in spite of some unanticipated helium balloon massacres and swinging of a piñata whacking stick. So grateful for our tribe.

PS: I also learned that “Nerds” are the glitter of the candy world.

Image may contain: food

Whole 30 Food prep, week #11: This week is large quantities of one-dish meals. And yes, once again I could have passed by the food prep process since Gma Lex is in town(!!), we will be traveling/adventuring for a couple of spring break days and Aunt Susanand Uncle Dennis will be dropping by!! (I also had birthday party prep yesterday, but know that meal prep is important to making semi legit choices).

From top left: Spaghetti squash meatball marinara (I wanted to keep things simple and get store bought meatballs, but they were all full of extra hoopla like dairy, soy and wheat—so I had to make them from scratch), baked salmon with poached eggs for breakfast, a huge batch of chicken fajitas for salad/lunch, roasted cauliflower, roasted broccoli, guacamole (to go with fajita salad and salmon/poached eggs), lime-cilantro cauliflower rice (to go with fajita salad). Not pictured: large crockpot of beef roast with carrots, mushrooms, celery, onion and baby red potatoes.


Deployment Log, Day 160:

1. It’s interesting. Most deployments I have puh-lenty of time to mess around on Facebook. These days? Nope. (It’s probably a good thing really).

2. A lot has happened since my last update. I had a good time with Dad while he was here. Wonderful for my heart…

3. …Even though things didn’t go quite as planned (See also: Clogged saliva gland/CT scan debacle from my last post). Then on Monday last week, Dad got a stomach bug that put the whoa on our adventures. BOO!

4. But we rallied the next day and were able to do more exploring. Las Cruces is very cool. Highway 28 drive (so many pecan orchards!) and the Farm and Ranch museum (with lots of “moos” which Malick appreciated!)

5. Did I mention simply Dad’s presence was good for my soul?

6. He departed Wednesday (sniff!) and apparently, that was the day the airlines lost their minds from the recent grounding of all the 737s. His trip home was quite the hoopla. His flights were delayed, missed his connection in Dallas and after standing in the customer service line for over two hours (!?!), he snagged the very last flight of the evening to KC. He made it home at 2am. Gross! (But grateful he made it!)

7. Malick had a brief illness (again!) but it thankfully wasn’t “showstopping” magnitude. Respiratory something. Gross cough. Snot. Random 2-hr fever at night (that’s never happened?) So we had a few rough overnights but I think we are already on the other side of it, praise God. (That makes round #11 of sickness in our household since 5 Jan. It’s kind of to the point where it’s almost comical. ALMOST.)

8. I had a spit-gland-infection follow up doc appt on Wednesday. My sinuses were still very painful and infected too, so a steroid shot in the tuchus was the ticket. Charis was with me and she was glad it was me and not her. I agree. I think.

9. The doc also gave me a new antibiotic for my sinus infection since the other two from week prior didn’t seem to work on the sinuses (but spit gland is good to go now). Long story short: I had an unexpected allergic reaction. So we can now add 48 hours of itchy hives to our deployment accomplishments.

10. GRANDMA LEX IS HERE!! (cue angels singing)

11. We crushed Charis’ 6th birthday party. It was epic levels of chaos I’ve never witnessed in this house. But by some miracle, I didn’t stress out. We just rolled with it.

12. No one ended up bleeding, nobody got hit with the pinata stick and no one needed to go to the ER. IT’S A DEPLOYMENT MIRACLE! That is pretty impressive for the 21 children and 17 adults in our hacienda (most of the kids were boys. Very “active” boys. Apparently “helium balloon massacring” is a hobby of their’s which I was previously unaware. Glad I bought extra balloons).

13. My new class starts today: Crisis and Trauma in Counseling. I think it is going to be interesting, but obviously a bit heavy. I have already learned I probably shouldn’t read my textbooks before bed… Because they will show up in my dreams. Yikes.

14. No group projects for this class! #DodgedAnotherBullet And the prof seems super legit. That’s always good news.

15. Overall, I think we are doing pretty ok. March is flying by and I am now taking applications for visitors for the 2nd week of April anything through 3rd week of May. Free lodging, lovely temperatures (mostly) and epic levels of entertainment. All you can walk-on sand in the kitchen too.

16. I’m not kidding. Come visit. It helps us to embrace the suck a whole lot more (and makes time fly).

17. Oh, Charis’ favorite gift from her birthday party was a ukulele. The kid has barely put it down since Saturday– only to sleep and go to church.

18. So my latest deployment hobby includes learning how to play the ukulele so I can teach the kindergartener how to play the ukulele.

19. I have the greatest tribe on the planet. So many people to text and check on us, blessing boxes continue to show up (!?!?!), a church body who prays for us, and home group that is literally like framily and makes us laugh as we talk about the book of Acts every Sunday (and many other ridiculous topics). I am so grateful. Oh, and wonderful extended family that makes spending time with us a priority even though they have a few thousand miles ahead of them to get home (Thanks Aunt Susan-Bean Lacey and Uncle Dennis!!)

20. Prayer requests: HEALTH. IN. THIS. HOUSE. And for us to have a wonderful time adventuring with Grandma Lex over the next several days. Of course, continued prayers for my Beloved husband (160 days since he’s tickled his kids or I’ve felt his strong arms around me– GAH!)

21. Parting thought:
“As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.” ~Psalm 71:14


Image may contain: 7 people, including Lex Wysong Knobloch, Sharita Knobloch and Susan-Bean Lacey, people smiling

I feel like my ridiculously huge grin says what my heart is feeling. Here’s to AH-MAZING family who loves on us, makes us laugh and helps us in the challenging seasons of life. I am an extrovert through and through. And these folks sure fill up my cup! 

PS: Can we just take a moment to recognize that EVERYONE in this picture is looking at the camera AND SMILING?!?!

PSS: The tiny dog doesn’t count. (Not for the picture looking anyways. She counts in general…)

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #22)

Deployment Log, Day 151:

1. I am confident that before this deployment is over, I will have a week when I can write, “Hey friends! It was kind of a chill week. Nothing profound or semi ridiculous happened. The end.”

2. But this week was not that week.

3. Things were off to a great start. I got my final paper submitted for this class 5 days early on Monday. Which meant I get five extra days of spring break.

4. Yes, it was 32 pages long. Yes, the minimum required was 10 page. And for those folks who say less is more, I get it. But my prof for this class isn’t in that school of thought. More is more, apparently, because I got 249 out of 250 points on the final. Somehow, amid all the chaos of the last 8 weeks, I only dropped EIGHT points out of 1010 for this class. Which means I finished with a 99.2%. THANK YOU LORD! (ItsAllJesusYo)

5. So Wednesday was a great day. Everyone was healthy, I had a great boxing class (although I think our boxing coach was trying to break us… It’s a “fun” class, but we were too chatty, so he made us do burpees. WHAT?!?!)

6. My Dad (Paw-Paw) arrived on Wednesday afternoon! I was so happy I *almost* cried.

7. THEN Thursday showed up. (Ready for this?) I hadn’t made any “plans” with Dad since the events of the last two months have forced me to be super flexible and live by the no-plan-plan more than I ever have in my life (completely not by my choice!) Wednesday morning when I woke up, the left side under my tongue was a bit swollen. Annoying, but didn’t think much of it.

8. I woke up Thursday and my face had started to swell. Neat. Underneath the left side of my chin was a swollen lump that was pretty dang sore. My gut (Jesus?) said I needed to be an adult and get it checked out sooner than later. My gut (Jesus?) also said that it was a clogged salivary gland that had quickly gotten infected (Never happened before and really random, so why I thought that is beyond me). I was hoping for antibiotics and moving on with life.

9. Thus began the chaos. We went to urgent care because when I first called my primary doc, they couldn’t see me till Tuesday. The urgent care clinician on duty was not a very nice or compassionate woman. (Can I call her a heifer??) She came in the room, looked at it for about 2.5 seconds and said she wasn’t “even going to touch it” (Literally or figuratively). I tried to talk to her and she kept shutting me down. I was hoping that we could try the antibiotic route then panic later if it didn’t work in a day or two, but no dice.

10. She immediately got all dramatic and said I needed to get a STAT CT Scan that day. Then she started writing paperwork (that she handed back to me, printed out) with words on it like “large mass,” and “suspicious mass.” Which of course flared up my anxiety (happy pills can only work to a point!) I feel like her bedside manner could have been MUCH better and helped the whole process, maybe saying something like, “It is likely that is a clogged gland, not the C-word. Let’s get you started on antibiotics but also get a CT scan just to be safe.” Oh well I guess.

11. So for the rest of the day, Dad and I ran around like crazy (stressed out) people doing all the doctor things. God’s hand was all over that day, in spite of how I was feeling (stressed, scared, tired). Here’s how I know:

*I was able to get a CT scan at 1pm that afternoon, on this side of town, just 7 min from the kids school.

*We started out the day with Malick in tow but when we learned we would be spending our day in docs offices and the sweet boy is impossible to control in tight spaces, we dropped him off at his school- it was a miracle they had on-the-spot space.

*The fact that dad was here to help/support was a true miracle and blessing.

*When I first made the call to the CT place, I forgot to tell them it was “stat” order, so when I called them back, they moved the appt to the closer-to-our-house location, saving us a good hour of driving that we didn’t really have to spare (since I still had to pick Charis up from kindergarden at 3:25pm).

*The CT nurse/doc was super nice and funny. She was very kind and kept checking on me to ask if I was ok because I was “breathing so deep.” (I was really trying to keep my wits about me. When I started to cry (from stress and feeling so rotten) on the CT table, she handed me Kleenexes and comforted me.

*When I stopped by the office of my primary care doc, they were able to squeeze me in towards the end of the day. And the CT results were sent to them right in the middle of my appt time.

*Dad and I were able to divide and conquer, so Charis could still go to ballet and I could go to my primary doc appt that afternoon.

*For some reason, God had prompted me to go THAT DAY and not wait. And that was a miracle because I usually want to “wait and see” hoping things get better. If I wouldn’t have gone through all that hoopla that day, I truly believe I would have ended up in the ER that night. Because when we finally got home (with meds) after almost 10 hrs of doctor stuff, the fever hit me like a freight train. Apparently, I was heading towards being one very sick mama.

*This all didn’t happen last week when I was by myself with the kids and trying to do finals week homework. Because I would have also been in serious trouble.


*They also blood-tested me for mumps (!?!?) I haven’t gotten the results yet, but good grief. I have been vaccinated, but apparently that is making a comeback regardless.

See? God’s hand. All. Over. It. (But it still wasn’t enjoyable!)

12. End of the day, primary doc got my CT scan results and boom– yes, clogged submandibular (fun word) salivary gland. He put me on heavy duty antibiotics and gave me a narcotic pain killer.

13. It’s now been two days later, and the swelling is going down significantly. I could also see where it was clogged under my tongue yesterday… which finally started to, um, “release.” Let’s just say it is gross and leave it at that, eh?

14. Super grateful I’m not a cow (or horse, dog, cat, etc). And that I didn’t have to go to the vet. Because they probably would have lanced it. YIKES.

15. If you don’t know what lancing is, don’t google it (or maybe google it, but I wouldn’t recommend you-tubing it unless you have a strong stomach).

16. Dad was worried why I wasn’t eating much, but I told him in rancher terms, I was like a sick cow… Whenever there is a major infection anywhere in her body, she goes off feed (which is usually how you know they are sick). I did manage to choke down some W30 chicken soup so I could take my meds and not yak.

17. So yes, I am now hopefully on the mend, and Dad and I are able to slowly adventure. We explored Fort Bliss yesterday and took the kids to the Farmer’s Market today. We also just took a two-hour nap. AWESOME! Also, we have now entered into the stage that eating out with Malick is about as much fun as having a blocked salivary gland.

18. Prayer requests: For real, HEALTH ON THIS HOUSEHOLD, that this infection permanently leaves my body in Jesus name, and Dad and I can still have fun in spite of these unpredictable circumstances.

19. Parting thought: “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” ~Jeremiah 31:25


Image may contain: 5 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, outdoor

GUYS. GUYS! LOOK WHO I FOUND TODAY!!!#PawPawMeetsElPaso #ImNotCryingYoureCrying #IDidntReallyCryButItWouldHaveBeenOkIfIDid

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and child

Oh this girl! Wednesday was her golden birthday (turning 6-years-old on the 6th of March) and she brings such joy to our hearts and entertainment to our home… In honor of her special day, here’s a couple of the most recent Charis-isms that made me chuckle.

“Mama, why doesn’t celery start with an S? That letter C is so tricky. It needs to back off and just give the letter K a chance!”

“Mama, are those statues that look like people made out of dead people?”

“Mama, can you please stop vacuuming? I can’t concentrate.” #WelcomeToMyWorldSister

Love you, my dear girl. May your years be blessed and your life lived for Jesus! 

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #21)

Deployment Log, Day 145:

1. Well, we had a solid 10-day run of no one being sick. Then on Tuesday night, Malick decided it was time to shake things up. AGAIN.

2. Between Malick getting whatever virus-y bug Tues-Thursday, (It wasn’t an ear infection, surprisingly) then Charis getting the same exact thing on Thursday night to TBD, then on Thursday I got ANOTHER cold, I have officially declared WAR on the germs in our house.

3. Seriously. Between the three of us, this marks EIGHT (8!?!?!) rounds of sickness since Jan 5. We’ve never in my life been this ill this much. (Charis is in the lead with 4X, Malick and I are tied with 2X each). I’m all about being an overachiever but this is ridic.

4. So yesterday, I got angry (not at the kids, thankfully). At the germs. I went on a Lysol cleaning rampage. There was something extremely satisfying about spraying every doorknob and light switch with Lysol spray. I felt like a weird version of an Old Wild West gunslinger. *Spray* BOOM! Take that! *Spray* KA-CHOW!!!! If only I had a gun holster that the Lysol bottle would fit in…

5. No, I did not spray the children. Tempting, but I recall something in the Bible about having self-control…

6. I washed all the linens, blankets, rugs, and threw away tooth brushes again. It’s on, yo.

7. I’m glad no one decided to just randomly “drop by” yesterday. Because my frenetic state would have likely scared them. My advice would have been to treat me like a high school math class… Avoid eye contact and remain still/silent. Otherwise they would get voluntold to participate.

8. Charis was still low-grade feverish yesterday, so while I debated sending her to “Date Night” care (first Saturday of each month) I couldn’t in good conscious do it. Ironically, I wanted to send her so I could write a big final paper for my ETHICS class.

9. I did send Malick, because I can sort of write with Charis present, but not with him. I was able to get a good chunk cranked out in about 3 ish hours (14 pages done, out of the minimum of 10. Probably 8 ish more pages to go to meet the subject requirements). It was hard to concentrate with her mulling around even with a show on the TV. And me trying to write doctoral level research-y writing with a cold. But at least a good chunk of the paper now exists. That’s my typical writing strategy. Just get it out/down, then edit/clean up later after it has marinated.

10. The enemy is really starting to tick me off. I am preaching today (Yay!) so it comes as no surprise for the chaos and challenges of this week (Boo!) Same thing happened when I preached in late January. Does Satan think I’m gonna give up? IT’S NOT GONNA HAPPEN, BRUH. BACK OFF, ya big jerkface!!!

11. If you’ve never heard Kermit the Frog preach the word of God, I invite you to come to Paseo Church this afternoon at 3pm. Because with this cold I still have, it’s gonna be a thing. (And of course, this message includes short bits where I am supposed to sing. This is gonna be rich).

12. GREAT NEWS that is keeping me going: MY DAD IS COMING FOR HIS ANNUAL VISIT THIS WEEK!!!!! After a variety of life events, I didn’t think he was gonna make it. But last minute, he’s coming to play for a week. And it falls during my spring break from school, so we can just explore, nap and enjoy the great West Texas weather. I’m so excited, because it is literally the highlight of my year!!

13. If you see Charis, don’t tell her Paw-Paw is coming. I’m trying to keep it a surprise since he is flying in on her 6th birthday this week. But I’m so pumped, I think I might slip. GAH.

14. Prayer requests: SERIOUSLY, for health on this household!!!! Please, please, PLEASE for these babies (and me) to stop getting sick. I’m so hopeful that the warmer weather here is going to be a game changer very soon. Also, pray for mental clarity this afternoon as I preach… I don’t feel too bad, but my brain is a bit sluggish between this constant cold/sinus headache and the meds I’m taking to fight them. Prayers that I can knock out the rest of my final paper tomorrow. Mama’s mind, soul and body needs an (extended) spring break really bad! Safe and uneventful travels for my Dad on Wednesday, that our time together be rich, run and restful. And of course, for perseverance… We continue to press on, in spite of the challenges (your prayers, encouragement and blessing boxes have been, well, such a blessing!)

15: Parting thought: “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” ~2 Corinthians 4:8-9

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W30 food prep, week #9: Yes, I cooked a lot of food for this coming week, but that’s because my Dad is coming to visit!! Although you might think this would be a reason to take a week “off” of food prep, it frees up more time to enjoy each other’s company instead of playing “what do you want to eat” game. Plus, going out so eat with small children makes me tired.

From top left: Chicken soup, roasted cauliflower, roasted asparagus, leftover bacon #BecauseKids, hard boiled eggs, sweet potato “buns” and sausage patties for breakfast “sandwiches”, oven roasted red potatoes, Chinese beef and broccoli, fried cauli-rice, egg drop soup, coleslaw, Waldorf chicken salad and plaintain chips (chunks?)

Lest you think all my foods come out perfectly, this week was a bit of a struggle. The instant pot beef and broccoli was over cooked (I thought I followed the instructions but the broccoli is practically mush), egg drop soup is over cooked and likely better made fresh and there is a reason people pound out plantains then put them back together to cook them. Although the texture is off in some of these dishes, it’s all still edible, so I’m rolling with it, counting it a victory amid a week when all three people in this household have been sick.


“So, what’s deployment like on the home front?”

“It’s like turning on the water to rinse out the tub (when you are already in your PJs) and forgetting that the shower head is engaged. ?


I’m not a math girl, but I just totaled it up and between two very large research papers and a sermon, I’ve written 68 (double-spaced) pages in the last two weeks. With sick kids. During a deployment.


My brain is gooey, my eyeballs are tired, but my heart is glad… BECAUSE I’M OFFICIALLY ON SPRING BREAK!!! #WheresMyUmbrellaDrink#OhWaitWrongSeasonOfLife #SoGratefulImAWordsGirl

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Ok, Flat Daddy. While I truly appreciate your moral support as I finalize (and submit!) my final (32 page!!) paper for this class, your blue eyes are distracting me… #CannotFocus #HelloSpringBreak

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It really does take a village to raise Tiny Humans (and attempt to maintain some level of sanity and joy) during a deployment. Last week, we handed our small thank yous to the teachers, front office workers of the child development center and Malick’s childcare providers to celebrate the Halfway Done with deployment mark. So interesting how loving on and appreciating others can encourage your own heart!

PS: Thanks to Sarah Mainwaring and her amazing new business Sarah’s Cookie Boutique for these beautiful cookies! If you are local to Dallas ish area, hit her up!


Just in case anyone is interested in my current level of adulting: I purchased new floor mats for the Mariner (at Walmart) and I am just this side of giddy. #LivingTheGlamLife

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #20)

Deployment Log, Day 135:


2. Yes, I am yelling with joy.

3. And also yes, I know that it’s the army, so really the numbered days are relative. But at this point, the halfway there point is more psychological than scientific or mathematical. I WILL TAKE IT.

4. For everyone who is like, “It’s all downhill from here!” or “You are almost there!” that’s kinda right. I envision it as making it to the top of the mountain, (I need to catch my breath!) and now we have to walk back down. BUT we still have to do it intentionally with caution. Because I don’t need to blow out a (figurative) deployment knee by going to fast or getting ahead of myself. And I have zero desire to face plant on the way down. #AskMeHowIKnow So we will continue slowly, intentionally and deliberately moving forward. One. Step. At. A. Time. #JustKeepMarching

5. But YAY, halfway there!

6. So far it’s been a good week. Tuesday and Wednesday have been the best couple of days I feel like we have had in WEEKS. Nothing extraordinary, but just generally “normal.” Which is SO welcome right now! And nothing has broken this week (except the garbage disposal. It smells gross, but some Young Living Essential Oils are helping me out there.) #NotAShowStopper

7. Yesterday I did fun adult things. Like buy a new pair of pajamas for myself and a hanging shower caddy thing. I’m living the glam life, yo! Be jealous.

8. The shower caddy wasn’t just for “fun.” It’s because I apparently have a lot of “pump” bottles of shampoo/conditioner. Malick thinks all of it is lotion. So after he smeared it all over his hands, face, got some in his eye and was literally blowing bubbles out of his nose yesterday, I realized I needed to put it all out of reach.

9. This week is a big homework week for me (week 6 of 8 week class). Normally, I get twitchy about this, especially since Monday is my big work/study day but the kids were out of school this week for President’s Day. I’m just trying to chip away and write sections of my paper during nap time and planning on (hopefully) crushing the rest of it tomorrow when I am (God-willing) kid free for a few hours.

10. It snowed in El Paso on Tuesday! It didn’t stick of course, but still made my heart happy. (Sorry to all of my midwestern friends that are sick of snow… Feel free to come to EP to visit/live for the next 4.5 months)

11. But seriously. I would love to fill some gaps on my calendar for grown-uppish visitors for the next few months. Hit me up. EP is lovely. And I will feed you lots of W30 food. Or Goldfish crackers. Whatever you want.

12. I realized the other day that this is not a season for me to overachieve. (Duh). Or really even “achieve.” I just need to CHIEVE (I know, that’s not really a word). This isn’t a time for me to build all the muscle, lose the weight, crush the goals, set PRs, Marie-Kondo my house, teach Charis to read and memorize bible verses… I just want to keep the kids alive and try to make small healthy physical, mental, emotional, spiritual decisions on a daily basis. And on the days when the kids have some extra screen time because #MamaNeedsAMinute or they eat a fruit roll-up for breakfast, that’s ok.

13. Prayer requests: Health/protection for the kids and I (and Brandon… seems like the whole company got sick while they were in the field for the last few weeks), continued psychological/spiritual healing for my loved one that attempted suicide two weeks ago (not a lot of positive developments on that front, so that makes my heart so sad!), that I can find joy in the everyday and can finish my current doctoral class strong with no concern of assignment completion.

14: Parting thought:
“You, Lord, keep my lamp burning;
my God turns my darkness into light.” ~Psalm 18:28

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It might seem counterintuitive, but I’ve heard that if you are in a challenging season, being generous helps reduce stress. After many conversations with Charis about our homeless neighbors here in El Paso, she asked what we could do to help them. (It was very timely as it was cold earlier this week). Normally, we try to give them a little cash if I have any on me or a “snack” from the console of my car (lately it’s been a pack of tuna fish and a to-go almond butter).

After a long day earlier this week and yet another conversation with Charis about loving our neighbors and being generous, the Holy Spirit prompted me to be a more intentional example for the kids. So we went on an impromptu shopping spree. Then, with Flat Daddy’s help, we made up 10 Generosity kits to carry in the car for those moments when we encounter someone in need. The 2-gallon bag kits include: a jar of peanut butter, socks, stocking cap, tuna packet, chocolate, toothpaste, toothbrush, mints, gum, chapstick, baby wipes, Vienna sausage, juice, fruit cup, moon pies, applesauce, raisins, and a few other items.

Part of our hearts might be in Korea, but we are also trying to spread a bit love here in El Paso. To God be the glory!

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Guys. GUYS. Deployment has CHANGED ME! (I used to never even LET the fuel light come on AT ALL…)

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Whole 30 Food Prep week #8: GUYS! I am late to the party but now have an Instant Pot ? (Thanks Lex!) I need to think and strategize my menu to include Instant Pot Magic, but I did manage to use it a bit for the first time even with kids underfoot/starving/needing all the things. Nothing blew up so yay!

From top left: Instant Pot beef stew, roasted cauliflower, crispy gizzard/heart confit, madras chicken salad, broccoli bagna cauda, chayote squash cinnamon “apples,” jicama fries, turkey sausage patties and sweet potato “buns” (breakfast sandwich with sweet potato slice, sausage, egg, tomato slice, avocado, w30 mayo and another sweet potato slice… so good I thought Jesus was gonna take me home this morning!!), bacon wrapped asparagus and chicken bone broth.

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Life hack: If you need a cake baking/decorating confidence boost, choose a cake that is supposed to look like at pile of dirt. #NailedIt

PS: Flat Daddy thinks we are ready for our own baking special on Netflix. We haven’t landed on a title yet. Maybe “Cooking through Chaos” or “Let’s hope it tastes better than an MRE” or “Please don’t lick the spoon yet.”

PSS: Yes, I fished those trucks out of the sandbox. But rest assured, I ran them through the dishwasher before adding them to the cake. Happy Belated Birthday, Malick!

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I don’t always post pictures of my breakfast online, but when I do it’s because it is really pretty AND tastes so good I wonder if Jesus is ‘bout to take me home. #Whole30ForTheWin

PS: And no, I can’t pick this up and eat it like an actual sandwich. It requires knife and fork.

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #19)

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Small dog “fancy meal,” open flame, a kindergartener, an almost-two-year old and Flat Daddy (on a Monday). What could go wrong? Happy 8th Birthday, Sweet Justus!! ? ? ?

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My schedule changed last minute today, so I was able to go to a boxing class on post called “Fight Club.” After the challenges of last week, it felt AWESOME to hit things. #SoManyEmotions

I also realized that although I can’t remember my kids/dogs names correctly every day, I do recall most of the boxing techniques I learned 10 years ago during my 5th-year-senior-victory-lap of college. I would tell you more about this “Fight Club” but the number one rule is that we can’t talk about Fight Club. #IveAlreadySaidTooMuch

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Happy “Galentine’s” Day, my friends. When hubs is deployed, ya gotta get creative to enjoy the sans-Beloved V-Day blues. So we invited fellow deployed milspouse and battle buddy Ingrid over for spaghetti marinara ? followed by Lady and the Tramp movie night. (Thanks for the great idea, PeterandRebekah Jordan!)

Oh, and after watching this, Flat Daddy agrees that both our households will be adopting new puppies ? ASAP ?


Deployment Log, Day 128:

1. Thank you Jesus in heaven that this week has been much better than last week!

2. I feel like I am still reeling from the events of last week, and dealing with all the emotional stuff that comes with a loved one’s suicide attempt. A lot of residual stuff still hanging around and a long journey ahead of this person. It is on my heart

3. We got a new dishwasher last week, and I’m pretty sure when I opened it after the first wash, I heard angels singing.

4. I think that I am seriously adulting now.

5. I was also very excited to buy a new mop after ruining the last one per the toddler’s shattered-bottle-of-nail-polish debacle on Sunday. So. Much. Adulting.

6. Charis and I had a mini slumber party last Saturday because I just NEEDED some happy place time. So she stayed up late and we watched a movie in my room after little brother went to bed. (She still slept in her own bed, because I’m NOT setting THAT precedent. #MamaNeedsHerSpace #AndHerSleep)

7. Charis watched “Coco” for the first time recently. She quickly perfected the “grito” mariachi yell. And promptly taught her little brother. #TheresSomeGoodNews

8. I had a dream that Aunt Jackie randomly showed up on our doorstep and announced she was going to stay for a month. I cried with happiness (Hint, hint…)

9. I got a cold this week. Which was super lame. But praying it’s already on it’s way out so I can still run the El Paso Half Marathon as planned on Sunday.

10. I woke up in a horrible mood yesterday. I didn’t feel well, Malick was in another break-all-the-things mode, a person that I L-O-V-E dearly and was planning to visit TX cancelled the trip to do unforeseen circumstances (It’s normally the highlight of my year!), so I was just epically angry and discouraged.

11. But then… I went to PWOC. And Jesus showed up among my sisters. So very grateful.

12. I’m in better spirits today, and able to see/feel more clearly and fight the enemy when he tries to suck me down into the Abyss of BLAH. (Pretty sure that’s the officially theological term…)

13. I’m continuing the attempt to listen to my body instead of force things per my plans/schedule… Like yesterday afternoon: I had a precious hour of time to myself and normally I go to the gym and lift heavy things. But I was tired and weary (in body and soul). So I treated myself with a non-sugary drink from Starbucks and walked around the thrift shop. Apparently, that’s what I needed.

14. Parenting is weird: One day, the kids won’t eat their favorite meal (spaghetti) because “The noodles taste weird” and the next day the Kindergartener is eating plain tuna fish out of a packet and the two-year-old is eating canned mushrooms.

15. Prayer requests: Complete and total healing for our family, peace that passes understanding as we trudge toward the mid-way point of this deployment, and grace as I parent.

16. Closing thought:
“Shout for joy, you heavens;
rejoice, you earth;
burst into song, you mountains!
For the Lord comforts his people
and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.
But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me,
the Lord has forgotten me.”
“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
I will not forget you!
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
your walls are ever before me.” ~Isaiah 49:13-16


Whole 30 Food Prep, Week #7… I’ve decided that for me, food prep is like cleaning house. If the mood strikes, don’t fight it. Just go with it. (And hooray I don’t have to do this tomorrow!)

Apparently I prepped when I was hungry. I think I’m gonna have leftovers. From top left to right: Liver and onions (Supper #1), Curry-roasted cauliflower, fried plantains, apple-sausage breakfast casserole +guac (breakfast for the week), cracklin’ chicken (first time recipe –> and it turned out like the picture!) (Supper #2), roasted butternut squash + sprouts, oven-baked sweet potatoes, kale chips, baby red mashed potatoes, green beans almondine, flank steak strips (lunch).

Everyone always asks how long it takes me to prep this, so I timed it today: From unloading the groceries to completed clean up was 2 hours and 50 minutes. Less than 3 hours of work for an entire week of food?!? (Approximately 18-21 meals) I VOTE YES.



Me: “MALICK. Stop shredding the toilet paper. YOU ARE NOT A CAT!”

Malick: *Blink* “MEOW.”


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Throwback to yesterday’s brief convo with the hubs. And they say romance is dead… ??

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? Whoa, we’re <almost> halfway there, whoa-oh, livin’ <literally> on a prayer! ?

Cheers to the 80’s-themed Bulldog Brigade summit celebration marking the mid-point of this deployment. #CanIGetAnAmen Our officially-unofficial halfway there mark for our family is just a few days away (it’s the army, so there’s no such thing as an exact science). Flat Daddy wanted to dress up too, but he’s clearly in uniform and per AR 670-1, big hair and excessive decoration are not permitted.

Also, notice the absolutely LOVELY edible arrangement! It’s the first one I’ve ever received, and my incredible fitness-teacher-gospel-preacher #RevelationWellness trainer Megan Rosas sent it to encourage me for the El Paso Half Marathon in the A.M. (I’m going to attempt to run it with a head cold. Gulp). And get this: her note was even sweeter than the fruit! (Yes, I brought it to the party to share the deliciousness).

Oh, and huge shout out to another very important Megan in my life (Megan Clayburn) for watching my Tiny Humans OVERNIGHT so I can do these back-to-back adultish things. God has blessed me with an amazing tribe. Thank you, Lord.

Today’s “Running Truths” brought to you by the El Paso Half Marathon and viewers like you.

Running is such a gift. Why? Because it is the great equalizer. I’ve not always been a runner. I absolutely LOATHED the mile run in school for the Presidential Physical Fitness test because I always came in last. I was overweight, asthmatic and insecure. But now? I run with purpose.

I run with the purpose to glorify God. To watch people of all shapes, size, age, color, athletic ability unite for a common purpose. This morning, I saw somone do the half marathon in a wheelchair. One guy ran the whole thing totally barefoot (WHAT??) There were people ruck marching the half marathon and even one guy was going to ruck the full marathon(!?!?) I watched a mama push her baby in a stroller for 13.1 miles. I saw people in costumes, someone on roller skates (not sure if they were a volunteer or a runner). I laughed out loud at the best sign of the day that said “You are running better than our government.” I hit walls. I coasted down hills. I sweated. I shivered. I prayed. I kept running.

Some runners carried the United States or Mexico flags. Some run just because they can. Others run for those who can’t. Some run for those who are fighting battles off the course. Other run for those who have lost the fight.

Time of completion doesn’t really matter. Sure, there are about 15 people out of THREE THOUSAND who are “running competively.” And to the first-place finishing guy who completed the full marathon in under three hours, just about 15 minutes after I crossed the finish line for the half… Good on you, bro! That’s awesome! But then there’s the rest of us. We don’t always have to have a personal record setting run. We just want to finish and watch God work. We run when we’ve been battling a cold for the last six days. We realize that half marathons are a lot more enjoyable when you are feeling your best but runs like today were a great opportunity to perfect the running “snot rocket” (Don’t be grossed out… Runners, you get me). We watch our friends complete their first-ever half after battling foot, knee or back issues. And then we celebrate with them!

Running makes us grateful for things we normally take for granted. Like how our body can sustain high-impact movement over the miles. We are grateful for a tribe who takes your pictures at mile 7 and 8.5. Our hearts sing with joy for friends who bring your babies to see you as a mama doing hard things at mile 11. We are glad we carried pickle juice so we can share it with fellow runner who has a leg cramp. We are extremely grateful for the port-a-potty at mile 12 that prevented a near gastrointestinal disaster.

Today wasn’t my greatest run in history. But I finished. I was able to smile. And now, am able to rest.

“…my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” ~Acts 20:24


*Day after half marathon*

Irrational-Overly-Optimistic-Brain: “Feeling good today. I think yesterday was fun. Maybe next year I should run the full marath…”

Practical Brain: “NO. YOU STOP RIGHT THERE. NO. NO. NO… Well…”


Throwback to Sunday (2.17.19): Happy 2nd Birthday, Malick! You have made me laugh harder, move faster (to save you from yourself), made my blood pressure higher (probably– or at least intermittently), house dirtier (all the sand! Handprints! Boogers!), heart fuller, life more exciting, and smile brighter. Be strong in the Lord, little man! We love you!

PS: Pay no attention to the deconstructed/wilted hamburger patty on the table. That’s just our life right now. Imma blame Flat Daddy.

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #18)

Deployment Log, Day 118:

1. I am using this Facebook status to procrastinate doing homework. Just wanted to be up front.

2. Yay, yay, YAY for this Monday– because nobody woke up sick! (For the first time in a month!)

3. Well, except the car. It’s still functioning but I thought I should be an adult and take it in to see what was wrong with it.

4. I shouldn’t have adulted.

5. Because it’s going to cost about $1200 to get it fixed. BAAAAHHHH! If I didn’t love Jesus so much, I might of cursed upon receiving the estimate. (I did yell, “HOLY CRAP” in phone when the tech called to give me an update).

6. The fixing of said vehicle will take a minimum of 10 (blessed!) hours… Since I’m doing this parenting life solo, I told them they would have to pump the brakes on the repairs until I could get my life organized and arrange rides and do an epic game of “The Carseat Shuffle.” (Not nearly as easy/fun as the Cupid Shuffle).

7. Malick learned how to yell, “MAMA, <where> ARE YOU?!?” last week. It’s cute, like he thinks I’m going to answer and reveal my hiding spot in the closet.

8. Kidding. I don’t hide from the kids in the closet…

9. Well, at least not FREQUENTLY.

10. Charis chooses the most inconvenient times to request things from me. Like when I am power shopping at the grocery store, trying to read labels for W30 ingredients, in a time crunch before needing to pick up Malick… THAT is the exact moment when she’s like, “Mama, teach me Spanish.”

11. And she won’t take no for an answer… So I think our first phrase will be “SILENCIO, MI HIJA!”

12. Brandon is in the field for the next three weeks, so not sure what our communication will look like.

13. I’ve started recording a 1-3 minute end-of-the-day “selfie” video and sending it to him via our chat app. That way, he can watch it at 3am my time if that’s most convenient for him. And plus, it helps me feel connected even if we can’t talk live. (It’s a good therapeutic outlet for me too!)

14. I think this is the “suck” season of deployment. Kind of that blah point in the journey (think of “hitting a wall” in a long run) where we start to question our abilities and want to quit.

15. But quitting isn’t an option. So onward we go!

16. We are about to “jump the curtain” with our Deployment Count-Up “trail” in our house (think: Scrapbook paper “tiles” to make a path all around the living room, numbered with the days). “Jumping the curtain” isn’t quite halfway there, but it means we are getting close and will be shifting to a different part of the room soon. HOORAY!

17. Oh, the dishwasher also died yesterday. So that’s super neat. “I love washing dishes by hand,” said no milspouse of a deployed soldier ever.

18. I’m gonna go adult (again) and do homework now. Dang me and my responsible self. (JK.)

19. Prayer requests: That stuff would stop breaking, that God would help us to financially stay on top of things during this deployment/broken car/etc, for health for the kiddos and continued endurance for all of us!

20. Parting thought: “Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed.” ~Psalm 119:116

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Oh man. I’ve got some of these peoples in my life right now who are gonna have SO many jewels in their crown when they get to heaven. (Looking at you, Megan Clayburn…)

Deployment Log, Day 122:

1. Friends. This was by far the hardest week so far (Hence the FB radio silence). And not just of this deployment, probably it’s in the top five suckiest of my life. (I promise I’m not being melodramatic here). I’ve spent the last few days trying to decide if/how to share since I want to be authentic in my journey, but obviously desire to respect people’s privacy.

2. Before I continue, please note that the children, my beloved husband and I are fine (well, physically anyways. I’m emotionally spent). Here goes:

3. This week started out a little rocky: Dishwasher broke, car was in the shop ($1200) and instead of taking 10 hrs to fix it took a good like 30 hours. Annoying, frustrating, but hey, it’s deployment. Fine.

4. Then mid-week, it seemed like things kind of emotionally went off the rails. Very long story short, someone close to me who I love very much attempted to take their own life. I was the person they called to pray with beforehand (I clarified that this individual was not going to harm themselves) but unfortunately, that was not the truth.

5. By the ABSOLUTE GRACE OF GOD, the suicide attempt was NOT successful.

6. However, I’ve spent the last few days praying, fasting, crying and trying to help this person help themselves and get treatment, all long distance. And honestly, I’m still kind of clueless as to the “next steps.” (Yes, I know I can’t “fix” this and can’t force this person to do anything. But I’m not above begging, pleading and most of all, praying).

7. Needless to say, I’ve been an intermittent emotional wreck the last several days. (And if anyone says I shouldn’t be sharing this, ok. But I have struggled with MY mental health before, and although I have never had genuine suicidal ideations, I refuse to be silent about this occurrence. I will not let this stay in the dark, adhering to the “stigma” that our world assigns to mental health issues. Plus, this person made it “my business” when they called me then made the choice to pull the trigger.

8. However, in all the mess, I think it was a good thing for the kids to see me cry. Charis wasn’t afraid of my emotions, and is a great comforter. Good hugger, prayer and kleenex hander.

9. BUT all of this made me miss my husband like nothing else. Because he’s great in these situation and his presence is a comfort.

10. Oh, and just because mascara says it’s “waterproof” does not mean “tear-proof.” I wore a lot of make-up yesterday in an attempt to “keep calm and soldier on” but after some less than ideal developments with the suicide attempt situation, I cried it all off in the three hours before bedtime.

11. I woke up with an emotional hang over today.

12. Did I mention that Charis woke up with Round THREE(!?!?!) of Strep on Thursday. But in order to keep me from completely being crushed, I implemented “mandatory fun” for the two of us after the doc appt. So she got her own library card. YAY!

13. Her doc referred us to an ENT specialist. So we have an appt for April 3. #UmSuperNotHelpfulYo

14. For the second half of this week, I feel like I have been walking around, looking up to heaven and asking God what in the literal “hell” is going on here.

15. BUT (We serve a God of big buts!) BUT GOD… has been present in all of this. First of all, the fact that this person “missed” and the attempt was not a success simply cannot be overstated. My friend Megan was already at my house that night for our normal girls-date night, so she helped me parent the children as I wept and called people on the phone. I’ve felt such love and support from my friends and church framily here in El Paso… It felt like half the state of Texas was praying and fasting with me! God provided peace and comfort in ways that I never would have thought possible.

16. I’m not sure what the future holds for this person who is dealing with very dark places in their heart/mind, but you can bet all your Jesus dollars that I will NOT stop praying. God is a God of miracles, and His plans are good for those who love him!!

17. Friends, FRIENDS.. HEAR ME WHEN I SAY… If you are at all struggling with your mental health YOU. ARE. NOT. ALONE. For the (literal) love of God, please, please, PLEASE say something. There is always hope. There is always help.

The Suicide Prevention Line is available 24/7. CALL THEM.

DO NOT listen to the lies of the enemy. This world is not better off without you. Suicide doesn’t just take one life… It can destroy so many lives around you. Don’t make a permanent decision based on temporary issues or challenges.

18. I’m looking forward to a new week. I will be working through all of this with my counselor next week. I will continue taking my own “happy pills” for the rest of my life if that is what it takes. The stigma around mental health WILL NOT continue with my story. (To read more about my struggle with Anxiety/Depression and asking for help, see the blog link in the comments).

19. Praise God for his provision, strength and resilience.

20. Prayer request: For healing and restoration of this individual, for this person to truly understand the love of Christ and how precious this person is to Him in His sight, to really get a grasp on how much people in this world love/need this person, for emotional strength/recovery for me so that I can continue parenting my precious children in my Beloved Husband’s absence.

21: Closing thought:
“Lord, be gracious to us;
we long for you.
Be our strength every morning,
our salvation in time of distress.” ~Isaiah 33:2

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Yesterday’s Whole30 food prep for week #6, from top left to right: Crispy smash chicken, spaghetti marinara with zoodles, madras chicken salad, sweet potato “chips” (oven-baked), broccoli bagna cauda (yes, it has anchovies in it but tastes awesome!), butternut squash, coleslaw, and for breakfast, salmon with poached eggs. So glad I mass-prep food so that if I have a hard week (like last week) I don’t end up making poor food choices and make my physical/emotional state worse. ❤️

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Toddler for sale: Outgoing child, laughs easily and good eater. Upon finalizing the sale, previous owner is not responsible for future damages to life, limb or property, including but not limited to when you are ready to walk out the door for Homegroup, planning to arrive early because last week was a hard week and need extra time with your people, and said toddler decides to launch a brand new bottle of his sister’s nail polish (from the Just-opened deployment blessing box package) across the kitchen floor, splattering polish and glass within a 25 foot radius, only 90 minutes after the current owner, who of course is wearing a white dress, just finished sweeping the floor.

Recommended supplies for toddler include industrial strength broom/mop, plenty of cleaning supplies and Jesus.

Serious inquiries only. Act now, and included with your purchase (at no extra charge) will be the 14 pound dog who decided to run through the fresh splatter of purple nail polish and track it down the hall.

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #17)

Deployment Log, Day 111:

1. Have I mentioned that Aunt Rita Knobloch is the BEST?

2. Such a weekend of recharging… I slept in yesterday (till 8am!) AND took a nap. Is that what heaven is like?

3. I was ready to rock this Monday… Annnnnddd Charis woke up saying she didn’t feel well.

4. My mama-gut said she wasn’t exaggerating. But I REALLY wanted to fight it. #PleaseLetMeBeWrong

5. She has strep. AGAIN!!!

6. I feel like I’ve walked around all day throwing up my hands muttering “COME ON!!!” Seriously. Third Monday in a row with some plague-ridden Tiny Human. COME ON! #FlipsTable #NotReally #ItsFiinnnee

7. But it’s ok. Still A LOT to be thankful for: I don’t HAVE to work outside the home (after the last two weeks, I would have missed 7 days of work = fired), I still got my homework done and did I mention Aunt Rita is awesome?

8. We did have to say “See you later” to Aunt Rita today. Talk about some “deja blue,” aka that recurring sad feeling when we have to say goodbye to The Help, I mean our amazingly supportive family.  Charis and I (almost) cried. Gah.

9. Then we went to Hobby Lobby. I felt better. #Whoops#IThinkIBlackedOut #OhHeyThereWashiTape

10. I feel like we are 3/4 of the way up this deployment mountain. ALMOST. HALF. WAY. As in, to the summit. Then we get to roll (not literally) down hill. #TakeItEasy #ProtectTheKnees

11. Still very grateful for God leading me to do Whole30 in this season. Because the threads of wanting to emotionally eat are still there for me. Right when I saw that 101 degree fever number pop up on the thermometer, I was like “I WANT A DIET DR. PEPPER. Or maybe dark chocolate. FOOD. FEEL GOOD. NOW.” But I didn’t partake.

12. I am hereby declaring that both of these Knobloch children are NO LONGER PERMITTED to lick any more germ-infested doorknobs.

13. Prayer request: For all Tiny Humans (and the Mama) in this house to get healthy and STAY THAT WAY for a minute or jillion; for hubs to find legit Jesus joy in this deployment, and for me to continue to be steadfast, growing in my peace, one small choice at a time #TheLittleWay#Revelationwellness

14. Parting thought:
“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts.
Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always.” ~Psalm 105:1-4

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Welcome to Fort Strep, where the air smells like Thieves Essential Oil and the Pedialyte flows like the rivers of ancient Babylon. Charis got her SECOND set of TDY (temporary duty) orders to Fort Strep yesterday. Thankfully, command approved our petition to accompany her even though little brother, Flat Daddy and I do not yet have the sickness (and let’s all just pray it stays that way!!)

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“Boys are super fun,” they said. “Boys aren’t THAT messy,” they said. If I develop an eye twitch, this will be why. I JUST swept and mopped the entire kitchen and living room two hours ago. Then THIS. So. Much. Sand. SON!!! That’s not what I meant when I said to play quietly for a few minutes.

I guess it could be worse. At least it’s not puke, poop or glitter.#OurHouseWillNeverBeTheSame

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Our son was on a roll yesterday. Apparently he thought Flat Daddy was hungry for applesauce. Sure glad I laminated Flat Daddy, or we would have to upgrade to Flat Daddy version 2.0.

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To all of my fellow Paseo Church goers, who, for the last 21 days have been fasting “choice foods” and/or caffeine… HAPPY RETURN OF COFFEE DAY TO US! ? ☕️ ? ?? #andallgodspeoplesaidamen
PS: Looking forward to hearing how God moved during this season at Story night tonight, 6:30pm MST. ?


Update on the Welcome-Back-Coffee Day:

If anyone is feeling low on energy, fast caffeine for 21 days. Then drink ONE cup. I’ve never felt so alive. I wanted to be like, “C’MON KIDS! We don’t need the stroller for the half-mile walk to school! JUST GET ON MY BACK! You too, Justus! EEEEE!!!”

I *think* it was just normal coffee, but I sure responded like it was Rocket Fuel. Pretty sure I did #AllTheThings before leaving for PWOC at 0840 today (Load of laundry, dishes, two miles with the stroller, groomed, 88 push-ups, QT with Jesus, etc)…

And if anyone sees a bright light zooming across the sky like a shooting star today, don’t be alarmed. It’s probably just me. #Whoo! #Whoo! #Whoo! #AMERICA

The boymom saga continues… And no, we weren’t eating outside. #WhySonWhy #HesSoFast

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I have recently determined I need to diversify my workouts. So this morning, I went to my first ever spin class. Now I know why it’s called Spinsanity! (I’m smiling here because I did get complimented on my spin sprints since the instructor got off her bike and stood right in front of me… but really I was trying not to yak).

PS: Not exactly sure why I thought it was a good life choice to follow this up with my first-ever “Pound” class (cardio/strength with drumsticks) but we did way too many squats and lunges. #MyLegs #Medic #JustLetMeSit

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Epic levels of food prep this week for Whole 30 week #5! (And before you think I eat all of this by myself in 7 days time, I also cooked some things for a superbowl party and I usually have at least one to three gals come over on Wednesday night for supper)

Top left to right: Hard boiled eggs, roasted cauliflower, roasted brussel sprouts, oven-baked sweet potatoes, crock pot cooked carrots, fresh veggies (celery, peppers, jicima sticks), mustard-glazed chicken wings, hambugers, W30 coleslaw, guacamole (to go with the fresh veggies for the SB party) deviled eggs (SP party) and beet salad (maybe SP party, if I’m feeling generous…)

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It’s our weekly “Meal-prep Saturday!” I’ve been running a bit low on veggies toward the end of the week which forces me to improvise, so I’m upping veggie prep. I have a feeling that when I get done with all this meal prep, I am going to feel rather (wait for it…) “BEET.” ? #Badumchick#FundayPunday #ImHereAllWeekFolks #TipYourServers 

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Deployment feelings are experts at guerrilla warfare… they ambush you when you least expect it. Like when you (singly) drop of the Tiny Humans for the special first-Saturday-of-the-month on-post daycare, and the childcare worker jovially says, “Have a great date night!”

Talk about a solid kick right in the feels. Ouch! I remember the fun dates that my Beloved and I had this last summer/early fall, exploring El Paso. And gosh… I miss him! Tonight, I have a date (with myself) at the gym then Saturday night church. (And let’s not forget there was an ominous white army bus parked in front of the fitness center. All my milspouse fiends know what kind of emotions THOSE conjure up. Sheesh. More feels!)

But you know what? I’m gonna feel the feelings because I feel like that’s the healthy thing to do. Then I WILL be grateful. Grateful for a few hours to just BE. Grateful I get to spend part of tonight with my loving church family. Grateful for my ability to work out. And grateful that I remembered to wear my dangly, glittery, pretty earrings today.

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #16)

Deployment Log, Day 104:

1. The best part about hard weeks or deployment seasons are the incredible people that rally around you (either in person or online).

2. Thanks to everyone who offered prayers and encouragement after last week’s shenanigans. I shared the update on Thursday, and Fri-Sun were MUCH better.

3. My Whole30 Tiger Blood finally kicked in yesterday. YAY! Energy is on the up and up, and my attitude is way less blurg. HOORAY!

4. I love sharing God’s message. I got to preach yesterday at church and it just thrills my Jesus-lovin’ soul.

5. This new week started off a bit wonky (again) today. Since it’s MLK day and kids were out of school, we had a big day trip planned to go to Ruidoso or Cloudcroft to let the kids sled. The amazing Clayburn family even rented a van so we could all go together. We were so pumped…

6. Aaaannnnnd then Malick woke up with a stomach bug.

7. Most parents know that it’s like playing roulette when the kids are not feeling well. Will it be fast and short-lived? Or will this turn into a (literal) hot mess express? We decided we had to be adults and cancel the trip, because we didn’t want any vomit (or poo!) in the rental van for the 2 hr trip, and any sympathetic pukers in the vehicle wouldn’t fare well if it escalated.

8. Being an adult is so lame sometimes.

9. Charis was pretty bummed out, but her little resilient heart is so strong. A few tears and some mama hugs, and we rallied to move on with our day.

10. Thankfully, Malick’s stomach bug seems relatively mild, so hoping his digestive system settles down sooner than later.

11. I am SO grateful for my friend Megan who shares her resilient spirit with me… Because the temptation to just stay at home all day and pout was a very real thing, even though Malick was just a feisty and active as normal. So we rallied and went to the zoon since it is so nearby and would be easy to abort the mission if things went south.

12. We had a great time!

13. Still (of course) missing my Beloved. Everyday.

14. It was 71 degrees today… so we played outside after nap time. It was good for my heart!

15. Last night we left the tv off and “turned on” the fireplace. Charis and I just snuggled and talked while Malick frolicked. It was awesome.

16. Per the strep hoopla from last week and now stomach bug this week, we are all three currently snuggled on the couch watching the Magic School bus episode about Ralphie being sick.

17. Prayers: For Malick to feel totally better ASAP, my continued ability to make healthy choices when under stress/pressure, and for us to fully anticipate Aunt Rita’s arrival on Thursday afternoon!

18. Parting thought: “Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” ~Psalm 34:10b

Deployment Word of the Day: 
Power clean (verb)- The act of frantically bathing the dog because you realized that sometime in the past 36-48 hours he was caught in the toddler’s stomach bug puke crossfire and you only have six minutes until kindergarten pick up. ? ?

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Some might see this photo and say “Oh look! Aunt Rita Knobloch must be visiting Flat Daddy and the West TX Knobloch clan.” FALSE. All I see in this picture is a Saint from Heaven bearing gifts of sanity and motivation. #RespiteToTheRescue #GodBlessFamily

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Whole30 Food Prep week #4: (from top left)
Prosciutto frittata muffin cups (breakfast), guacamole, taco meat and sautéed veggies for taco salad (supper), cilantro lime cauli-rice (supper side), madras chicken salad (lunch— one of my fave dishes!), roasted broccoli, sweet potato veggie soup, a quadruple batch of salmon cakes (some of these will be alternate supper while others will go into the freezer for future “I can’t even” days) and the first batch of two of jicima fries. Let’s do this.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

Fort Bliss Half marathon completion brought to you by Jesus, Revelation Wellness podcast, medjool dates (W30 fuel), pickle juice (sodium for the muscles), Aunt Rita for watching the Tiny Humans and did I mention Jesus?

Flat Daddy apparently wasn’t motivated this morning when the gun sounded at 0730. The sun was barely up and he said that the real-feel temp of 25 degrees made him feel “paper thin.” So he stayed in the car but met me at the finish line about 2 hours and 40 minutes later ish.

Oh, and for like the first time ever, I didn’t run for time or a specific goal. I wanted to finish (check) and run with joy (also check!) I think I’m finally growing up, guys. ??‍♀️???

Deployment Log, Day 109:

1. Funny how after a challenging couple of weeks, God orchestrated over a month ago for Aunt Rita to come visit THIS weekend. It’s like He KNOWS what we need or something. Weird. #MamaJustNeedsAMinute

2. Malick’s tummy is finally fully back in “alignment” and he is making up for lost time with the few days of stomach bug/lack of appetite. He’s eating ALL the things (again, as usual. YAY!)

3. Per self-care and normal life tasks (ministry, working on school, etc), I normally have three days per week kid free (MWF). This last Wednesday was a GLORIOUS day because it was the first full sans-Tiny Human day I had in 12 days. #IMadeIt #NoMoreGermsPlease

4. I’m so grateful for Whole 30. It isn’t always easy, but I’m on day 21 and feel so good. So balanced. So less yell-inclined.

5. I feel like I’m (finally) growing up and starting to find the balance for holistic health between neglect and obsession. As in, I’m really trying to listen to my body and respond accordingly to hunger, although discerning between actual hunger and emotional eating urges still is a bit cloudy somedays. But progress is progress! 

6. I also ran for joy today in the Fort Bliss Half Marathon. It was my last long “training” run before the El Paso half in about three weeks, so I thought if I was gonna run that long, I might as well do it with a few hundred other people and get some swag out of the deal.

7. It’s weird how seeing a soldier in uniform in normal life (like at Wal-mart or school pick-up) is like a heart-squeezing moment. We miss our soldier so much!

8. Also, I saw a spouse and her service member together the other day. He said something to her, then leaned over and kissed her forehead. Talk about feeling all the feels! (I restrained myself from yelling at the spouse to “PLANT A BIG ONE ON HIM!” You are welcome. #LookAtMeAdult)

9. Is there ANYTHING better than (finally) plopping down into bed at the end of a long day?

10. Yes, actually. If I was plopping down into bed beside my beloved, and not just my small-ish dog. But I will take what I can get right now.

11. I heard a quote the other day on #RevelationWellness podcast about how pain works in our life… “Pain can either make you bitter or better.” I choose better. I spent enough of my early marriage years being angry about the army and its schedule (or lack thereof). I, of course am not like “YAY, DEPLOYMENT!” but it truly is a privilege to serve alongside my husband in this capacity. So that is my heart cry in this season: “Lord, make me better and do it for your glory!!” #TheLittleWay

12. Prayer requests: That this continue to be a weekend of recharging this mama’s body/heart/spirit since I have an extra set of hands for a couple of days, and for continued strength/peace in this season of separated by duty.

13. Parting thought: “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” ~Romans 5:3-4

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #15)

Deployment Log, Day 95:

1. Routine is great. It was a slightly bumpy transition back into things this week after vacay and traveling, but it suits us well.

2. I purchased a sort of fuzzy (on the inside) zippy sweat-jacket coat thing (for $12). It’s camo patterned. So Malick has spent the week pointing at me saying, “TREE! TREE!” Thanks, buddy. #JustCallMeSharitaTheSycamore

3. We’ve lived in this hacienda nearly 8 months. And the sunrises from our backyard viewpoint still blow my mind (and make my heart swell with joy).

4. Sunrises/Sunsets are one of my Beloved’s favorite thing. I am so looking forward to sharing those moments with him again. Eventually.

5. Conversation as we are getting in the car to go to school yesterday:
Charis: “Hey Mama! I just saw a cat!”
Me: “Cool, what color was it?”
Charis: “Black and white. *Pause* You know… Maybe it was a skunk.”

6. I didn’t really think it was a skunk. Until I let the dog out before daylight this morning and it STUNK like skunk. EVERYBODY BACK IN THE HOUSE!

7. Malick was up at 4:45am today. Charis was up at 5:45am. Neato.

8. Did I mention as part of our corporate church fast I gave up caffeine for 21 days? Neato again. #JesusBeMyCaffeine

9. I successfully made and canned salsa today. All the jars seals. Nothing exploded or broke. I didn’t get burnt. Talk about adulting victories!

10. As much as I love our daily/weekly routine, I still miss those extra Grandma hands (and Fort Couch in South Dakota!)

11. Communication with my Beloved is still sporadic. Between his odd schedule and the time zone difference, connecting to have a real conversation is quite the task. But you know what? I’m gonna be grateful that this is a noncombat deployment and he’s not currently getting shot at. #WinningIThink

12. Malick watched some animated video on YouTube the other day. It was about a fire truck. Then a mouse made toast and caught the house on first (hence the need for the fire truck). Now I’m afraid to make toast.

13. Just kidding. Toast for the kids is a staple this in this deployment household. As are mac and cheese, pancakes and Goldfish crackers.

14. I’m so grateful for Whole30. It’s Day 7 and I already feel so much better, physically and emotionally.

15. Class starts Monday for me. Great news: NO GROUP PROJECTS! (I love it already).

16. Prayers: Successful start to my Christian Ethics class, adequate time to accomplish the tasks the Lord has set before me (I’m not worried, I just need to be a good steward of my time), and continued perseverance for the kids and I (and my Beloved during this separation).

17. Parting thought: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” ~Ecclesiastes 3:11


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Apparently Flat Daddy and a 10:00am ice cream cone make everything better… even a kindergarten girl who is out of school for at least three days because of strep throat. #MamaWantsIceCreamToo #Whole30Probs#DeploymentLife #StopEatingAndDrinkingAfterYourSisterSON#ForTheLove


Deployment Log, Day 100:

1 . Well, we have hit the ONE HUNDRED day mark with this deployment! I’m not sure if I should be like “Happy One-Hundredth Day!” or what. And how do you celebrate 100 days of deployment? I know at school, they do fun/cute things to celebrate 100 days of school, but deployment? I really think cake, a glass of wine or a large coffee would be appropriate, but my current fitness/Jesus calling says no dice on all of that. So I guess a Facebook status update will have to do.

2. It’s been a wonky week. For some reason, Malick is STILL getting up at like 4am. He rarely goes back to sleep, and when he does, it’s like 90 min later (then Charis is up!) It’s a kidspiracy, I tell you.

3. He has also recently decided he does not like the melatonin gummies for bedtime (That was a lovely week while it lasted). I found one discarded gummy behind the shower curtain and the others he has fed to the dog.

4. In related news, the dog is sleeping better than ever.

5. Who am I kidding, the dog always sleeps awesome.

6. In fact, when I grow up, I want to be our dog. Sleeping probably a good 12-15 hours a day on a variety of locales (couch, queen bed, twin bed, toddler bed, recliner, dog bed or, the current favorite, in the hamper of clean laundry(!!?!)), subsisting primarily on a diet of mac and cheese, goldfish crackers, peanut butter, Teddy Grahams, pizza, scrambled eggs and the occasional strawberry. That life.

7. Charis was home with me Monday-Wednesday with strep, and Malick’s daycare schedule wasn’t our normal routine of MWF. There is a 4-day training holiday F-M this weekend, so daycare tomorrow was already full up with no space for him.

8. I awarded myself extra adult points for not letting the temporarily pessimistic feeling bubble out and say something like, “TRAINING HOLIDAY?!? I WANT A TRAINING HOLIDAY!” #ComeOneJuly

9. By a miracle of Jesus himself, I was able to get my sermon written for this coming Sunday and my paper done for the first week of class. I realized if both were formatted like a PhD paper, it would equate to 27 (double-spaced) pages written in 3 days with a sick kid in tow. So that made me feel better.

10. I’m doing everything in my power to still engage in self-care. It’s minimal now, but a hot bath after the kids go to bed and just 15-30 minutes of “alone time” to breathe or read are keeping me going. That and still exercising and not eating crap. #ThanksWhole30

11. My tribe is awesome. Prayers and offers of support. So grateful, even if I don’t know how/what to ask for help. (Wanna come match socks? Get up with me son at O’Dark Thirty?)

12. I’ve not been great about asking for help, but when my good friend Megan called this morning and asked to let Malick hang out with her daughter tomorrow morning just so this Mama could have a minute, I had to build a bridge and get over my pride. Tomorrow’s gonna be a great day…

13. … As long as Malick stays healthy. He is super cranky today, and I don’t know if it’s because he is tired or coming down with something. All he’s done all week is steal his sisters food and drink. #STOPDRINKINGAFTERYOURSISTER!

14. I really wish there was a way to bottle “Husband Hugs.” Because I would have tapped into that this week for sure.

15. Overall, celebrating that we are pressing on and I can feel God’s presence. Again, not a bad week and plenty of victories, I’m just dang tired right now. It’s been Blessing Box week extravaganza! Also, there’s still been pockets of laughter for me. Because even when sick/tired, kids still say funny things.

16. Prayer requests: That Malick and I will stay healthy, that these sweet children will sleep in at least until the sun starts to rise and that I will have the brain/heart capacity to focus on my sermon and bring God glory on Sunday.

17: Parting thought:
“When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.” ~Isaiah 43:2

*Ugggg. Update: I picked Charis up from school today and right as I was opening my door to get Malick out, someone drove by fast and too close, so my door took her side mirror clean off. Then she proceeded to cuss me out. This is the first time I’ve legit cried since my husband departed. I’m kinda done with this week. (And please pray for this other lady. She was not super kind, even to her daughter while we were standing there.) Now if you will excuse me, I need to rally, dry my tears, drop Charis off at ballet and call my insurance company.


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This week has been a little rough and left me a bit weary. So Flat Daddy, in all his wisdom and kindness, asked himself “WWBD?” (What would Beloved do?) Thus, to cheer my tired heart, he decided I needed more romantic dates in my life.#CloseEnough #PunDayFunday


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It’s fiiinneee… #SenseOfHumorStillIntact#EmbraceTheSuck #America

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Saturday Flat Daddy wanted to get his 80’s groove on with the 3rd Brigade Soto Fitness sampler event. After sampling classes like Bodypump, Spin, Pound and Yoga, my friend Charlsey and I were sweaty with tired legs. But Flat Daddy still had that gentle laminated glow and said his legs felt light as air.

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Even after a sorta-wonky last week, Jesus got another “W” (win) by allowing me to join Him in his work and preach about the Seven Realities of Experiencing God at church today. (And of course, Flat Daddy was there to cheer me on.)

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