Tears in the Dark

It had been such a hard day.

Oh heck, who was I kidding? It had been a hard few weeks. I had been running pretty hard for several days in a row, struggling to fulfill my leadership roles, do ministry and most of all, parent our sweet, anti-sleep teething, feverish 11-month old daughter while my husband was away for two months with the army.

Not only was I physically weary, but emotionally I was tapped out. My heart was heavy from sharing the burdens of life with a few friends in ministry. When bedtime for my daughter rolled around that night, it was the first time I had paused all day.

As I sat there rocking her in the dark, listening to the synthetic raindrop sounds from her white noise machine, I took a deep breath and accessed my heart. [Read more…]

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A Moment of Blog Silence

Today at 7 Days Time, there will be no new information or profound revelations. No witty or snarky comments. No creative analogies.

Today, there is a moment of blog silence.

On Friday, over two dozen people (including 20 children) were gunned down and killed in the Connecticut elementary school shooting. Soon after discovering this heartbreaking news, I was informed that one of our dear Kansas Agricultural Education teachers, Ms. Kendra Linnebur, had suddenly passed away from a form of meningitis. She was 32.

As I read the updates on both of these tragic events, I sobbed over Facebook. I sobbed in the shower. And now, while the tears have slowed briefly, I continue to mourn and weep upon the writing of this post. [Read more…]

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Comfortably Close

Loose-fitting T-shirt? Check. Comfy black stretchy yoga pants? Check. Barefeet? Check. Perfect temperature? Check. Diet Dr. Pepper within reach? Check. Recliner engaged? Check.

 Ahhhh… I love to be comfortable.  I am gonna take a guess that you do too. Take a moment to think about when you are most comfortable… Where are you? What are you wearing? What makes you comfortable? It is an INCREDIBLE feeling. What more could we ask for? [Read more…]

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It Is Well… With My Soul

Sometimes, I pray while I exercise. And no, I am not talking about praying like “Please Lord Jesus, help me to finish this last half mile running strong, without throwing up or tripping on my own feet.” (Although I do frequently pray  something similar.)

In this particular case, I mean praying for others. Specifically those of you on my iPad Prayer List app. Now before you think I am trying to cut corners and multi-task, please know that 1) I still have my quiet time with Jesus in addition to my exercise prayer time 2) I never read/pray while on the treadmill, only the stationary bike and/or elliptical should I risk breaking my face and 3) For some unknown reason, I can concentrate and focus exceptionally well during a challenging workout, just as  good if not better than when I am sitting in my chair in my living room. [Read more…]

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Keeping it Real (Five Minute Friday)

Waawhoo! It’s one of my top five blogging days of the week. (Oh wait… I blog five days a week… Nevermind.) It’s Five Minute Friday, folks. Long story short, each Friday I link up with The Gypsy Mama. She gives us a prompt and we write. Yep, for five minutes. No overthinking. No editing. No quest for perfectionism. Just write.

So without further ado, let’s get this party started.

Today’s prompt: REAL.

Ready? GO! [Read more…]

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More than A Motto

It’s Pop Quiz Wednesday! (Wait, don’t go… this will be easy, I promise.)

Quick… Name the company that goes with the following mottos/slogans:

1. “Just Do It.”

2. “Finger lickin’ Good.”

3. “It’s Everywhere you want to be.”

 4. “Can you hear me now?”

5. “I’m loving it.”

Got your answers? [Read more…]

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Coping with a Rather Loud Crowd (Five Minute Friday)

A few reasons to rejoice today, world… 1) IT’S FRIDAY! (That should be enough to put a smile on your face, eh?) 2) In this blogger’s world, Friday means it is finger sprinting time… Great training for my mind/body/heart. Hope I am all warmed up.

On Fridays, I link up with The Gypsy Mama. She gives us a one word prompt, then we write. For five minutes flat. No over-thinking. No editing. Just writing. Literally just going with the flow (of words, that is.)

Thus on that note, I do believe it’s go time. Todays prompt: LOUD.


GO!  [Read more…]

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