Ink Pen in the Dryer

You might have noticed that in this current season,  Wednesdays are my days to work toward some super-awesome God-sized dreams. So here is a blast from the past straight from the archives. Enjoy, dear friends… and thanks for the grace. 


You recognize it immediately.  You feel like you have been sucker punched. Your breath gets cut short. You gasp. Your heart leaps into your throat and your stomach drops. There it is…

The aftermath of… an ink pen in the dryer. [Read more…]

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Why We Need Ugly Moments

Crying is okay here.

Via National Acrobat @ Flickr

It had been a long time since I cried during church.

Crying on Sunday during worship used to be kind of my thing for awhile. Shortly after I really started walking close to Jesus a few years ago, Sunday church service would all but bring me to my knees. I had always struggled with being vulnerable… after all, I was the tough farm girl that everyone called the “Rock.”

But during that season of life, I was hurting. It was in the middle of the biggest storm to date and my heart was hurting. A deployment, a terrible job, no sleep, miles from friends/family… crying in church was a regular occurrence.

Afterwards, things simmered down for awhile but soon fired back up again. Hubs was working a ton of hours with his job and I was trying to keep my eyes focused on Jesus, battling the fear that our second pregnancy would end in miscarriage like our first.

So I cried a lot in church then too. [Read more…]

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Why I Gave Up (Lent Results)

Well friends, here we are.

Another spring, looking back a week ago at Easter. That precious, Holy Day that God saved the world.

But guess what? He keeps on saving us. Even today. Two thousand years later. One way He does this, in addition to the never-expiring offer for salvation through Jesus, is through growing us in our day-to-day lives.

And how fitting? “Grow” is my One Word for 2014.  [Read more…]

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The Book of Rationalizations

So… What’s your favorite book of the Bible?

If you have been a Christian longer than a day, more than likely someone has asked you this question… (Or maybe that’s just what my nerdy Jesus self talks to my friends about…)

Regardless… Have you thought about it lately? What IS your favorite book? [Read more…]

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Ultra-Sound-Off for Jesus

It’s always encouraging when God takes us in our ugliest, yuckiest, grumpiest moments and uses us for His glory.

That happened to me last week. In a big way.

Last Friday, I was scheduled for what I was *hoping* to be my last baby doctor appointment before our Little Patriot’s arrival. I was about 39 and a half weeks along… and unfortunately, the doc’s predictions of me delivering “ahead of schedule” hadn’t come true. (SIGH.) [Read more…]

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P.A.R.K it!

(Insert obnoxious/festive cell phone ring here) 

“Hey beloved! How are ya? When will you be home tonight?  Oh… So… You won’t be coming home at all? A private did WHAT?!? Sigh… (Gulp.) Ok, honey. Yeah, I miss you too… Love you… See you when I see you.” 

As a drill sergeant spouse, this phone (and/or text) conversation happens more often than I would like.

In life, things happen. Plans change. Circumstances shift.  This doesn’t just apply to drill sergeant spouses. All of us are faced with life experiences that shake up our daily plans, from changes of schedule to a flat tire to a kid who just won’t take a nap.

We ALL have a choice on how to react… And reacting appropriately can be HARD. [Read more…]

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Working Overtime

Sundays are said to be a day of rest. I fully believe this. However, it can be a little challenging if you are in ministry.

Oh, and before you count yourself out of this, ALL of us are ministers. If you go to church, serve at church (on Sunday or any other day of the week), serve in your community, or are an active Christian listen up.

Most Sundays, I am up by 6am to get ready for my day. I might serve/work anywhere from 3 to 14 hours at church on any given Sunday. (True story.) But here’s the confession: Sometimes I don’t wanna.

I will give you a second to pick your jaw up off the ground. [Read more…]

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Think “Fast” (7 Experiment, Week 2 Update)

Half. Way. DONE.

That’s right, peeps– my darling husband and I are halfway through our 7 foods for 30 days fast. (Click here to get caught up to speed on this crazy journey. Oh, and here is last week’s update. )

For fifteen days, I have consumed nothing but eggs, chicken, bread, sweet potatoes, apples, avocado, spinach and water.

Can I have a Diet Dr. Pepper yet? Just kidding. We are still holding strong. Ish.

It has been challenging. And intense. And rewarding.  We have had a few revelations since last week: [Read more…]

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Think “Fast”

The sand was warm underfoot. The water flowed gently, the current making a gentle swishing sound. Puppy Justus was exploring, sniffing, digging and splashing. I was reading the first chapter of a book out loud to my husband.

It’s amazing how simple, serene moments can change your life so quickly.

My beloved and I were enjoying a sliver of time last Saturday, relaxing in our mushroom chairs on the pseudo “beach” area near a small river on Fort Benning. I had recently gotten a copy of Jen Hatmaker’s book 7: An Experimental Mutiny against Excess. The general premise of the book deals with the fact that we live in a society obsessed with stuff. The book documents Jen’s month-by-month experiment to eliminate the “junk” in life. Each month, the author chose a different area of her life to focus on.  Month #1? Food. [Read more…]

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A Lifestyle Fashion Statement

Hmmm… Ok… Should I wear my favorite blue shirt? Or maybe the one with pink stripes? If I do, maybe I could go with the hoop earrings? Or should I be dressier? Ok, let’s do the blue shirt with silver dangly earrings and my cross necklace. There. Decision made.

Oh wait. My blue shirt is in the dirty laundry. Sigh. Let’s try this again.

I am certainly not the most fashionable person on the planet—far from it, actually. I dress decent enough to get by, and if I really need to, can groom and clean up reasonably well. I’m not a girl who has to wear make up every time I leave the house and if you see me at the gym wearing mascara, you can assume that it is leftover from an event earlier in the day. [Read more…]

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