How To “America!” (Army Wife Network)

If you ever have a face-to-face conversation with me, it will likely take you all of six minutes to realize I have some very “unique” language and vocabulary.

I use words like “fantastical” on a regular basis. I occasionally throw a “fo-shizzle” in there, although I know it is soooo 2011. I call my three-year-old daughter “My Tiny Human” and have said the phrase “That’s my jam” so much that my friends are now insisting that I change it up and say “That’s my marmalade” or “That’s my jelly.” (I talk more about this on the Army Wife Talk Radio show I recently hosted for AWN. Listen to it here.) [Read more…]

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11 Ways that Being an Army Wife is Like Running a Marathon

Life is funny.

Why? Because just a few short years ago, I had two “nevers” that I (naively) thought were non-negotiable.

  1. I will NEVER love/marry/follow a man.
  2. I will NEVER run a marathon.

You can probably already see where this post is going.

Obviously, I have done both. [Read more…]

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Humorous Holiday Hacks, Round 2 (Army Wife Network)

Can we just all take a collective, deep cleansing breath?

I don’t know about you, sister… But sometimes the holidays stress me out.

Sure, last month I made the vow to switch things up a bit this year for the holidays, transitioning from stressed to blessed.

But let’s be honest. Even in a “perfect” world, that would be a tall order… let alone trying to mesh that vision with the craziness that is Army-wife life.

One of my coping mechanisms for stress is humor. (Usually this is a good thing… Usually.) Last year, I shared some “Humorous Holiday Hacks” here at Army Wife Network. Apparently, they were well received. (That or people were so desperate for a laugh.)

Either way, I have been asked to expand on my “hacks” from last year,  adding some fresh ones to the mix. [Read more…]

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The Holiday Switch: From Stressed to Blessed (Army Wife Network)

I eyed the calendar suspiciously.

I blinked. That can’t be right. Didn’t we just do this like five minutes ago?!?

But as I looked again, I realized it to be true. The holidays are upon us.

Sure, that sounds a bit cliche, but seriously– it seems the older I get, the faster the pages of the calendar turn.

Don’t get me wrong– I am not stunt double for the Grinch that Stole Christmas. I like the holidays. I really do. The fun, the family time (when applicable– hey, it’s the army!) and the festivities make that little spot in my heart get all warm and fuzzy.

Holiday SwitchWhat I DON’T appreciate is the stress that seems to come with the holidays.

Because really, if I am wound up about the holiday season and stressed to the max, I fail to enjoy it. I spend more time worried about all the things instead of reveling in the blessing that comes with all the things.

So this year, I am going on strike regarding holiday stress. Starting NOW, I am making a holiday switch from stressed to blessed. And I wanted to share with you some of my proactive techniques and expectations I am setting in advance. 

  1. Sharing my expectations– then sticking to my guns. That’s right. Talk with your people and determine what you want to get out of this holiday season. My Beloved Soldier has had a very busy year… And my job has also kept me on my toes. Oh. And we chase a toddler too. And I trained for my first marathon. And, and, and…. So we have already set the expectation that this holiday will be low key because we need to recharge more than have the banister decorated with organic, hand-braided pine boughs.  My in-laws are coming for Christmas this year (don’t worry– I love them to death– they are awesome!) so we have already told them to bring comfy clothes and prepare to eat, sleep and be pseudo-hermit-like. We have never been so excited to be this boring.

Keep on reading about my switcheroo techniques over at Army Wife Network. 

Dear reader, which of these tips resonates with you the most? What would you add to the list? I always love to hear feedback. Chime in and leave a comment.

And may you have a beautiful holiday season as you make the switch from stressed to blessed!

So Blessed,

Initials Signature Blog

“May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” ~Psalm 115:15

Linking up today with Kelly,   Laura at Playdates with God,  Joan’s  Beauty in His Grip,  Jen over at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood,  and Hazel via  Tell Me a Story. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday! 

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A Poetic Tribute: Dear Army Wife

Dedicated to all current, former and future army wives. We appreciate you. And hang in there, sister. You can do this.

Dear Army Wife,
I see you standing there,
Know this little tribute,
Is just something to say, “We care!”

It is no secret that you’ve been called,
To quite the daunting goal,
To love and support your soldier,
No matter the effort or toll. [Read more…]

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A Little Pep talk… (Army Wife Network)

A few anniversaries ago, my husband surprised me with a small gift…

It was one of those army-wife stickers. But not just any sticker– one that said “Army Wife: Toughest Job in the Army.”

I was touched at the gesture, said a polite “Thank you?” (yes, with a question mark at the end) and put it on my car.

In my heart of hearts, I didn’t know how to react to the gift. I mean, yeah, sure, being an army wife IS a tough job about 98% of the time, but it’s not like I am getting deployed for a year at a time and carrying a ruck sack on my back on a regular basis. [Read more…]

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6 (Humorous) Signs that Homecoming is Coming (Army Wife Network)

As army wives, I would say we have two distinct moments of our army wife experience… One we loathe and one we anticipate.

The one of we dread is obviously the numerous “See-ya-later” moments with our Beloved Soldiers. Some days, as I kiss him and he walks to the door/bus/plane, I really feel like we just did this same routine like 20 minutes ago. Gross.

BUT… with the see-ya-later moments comes homecoming anticipation. And really, it doesn’t matter if he is gone for a week to the field, a month to training or a year to a desert somewhere, homecomings are always one of the “marked” army wife adventures. [Read more…]

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The Backwards PCS (Part 2) Army Wife Network

Last month, I shared the first half of what I deem as a rather epic list of “backwards” PCSing tips. (And yes, I am biased.) My Facebook friends contributed to the humorous list, and now I would like to share the second portion of the how-not-to-PCS strategies. (To get caught up and read the first post in this series, click here.)

Got your chocolate in hand and ready to laugh? Let’s dive into to the rest of our Backwards PCS adventures. [Read more…]

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The Backwards PCS (Part 1) Army Wife Network

We all know that rocking this army wife life is rewarding. It is an adventure.

But you know what? Sometimes that adventure can daggum stress us out.

I personally believe that PCSing can be one of the most stressful events of our army lives.

Backwards PCSSo much coordination, so few answers. When are we leaving? When will the packers arrive? Can we drive both vehicles? How much is in savings? When do we report? When do the kids get out of school? When does school start? What is our weight limit again? Do we really like or furniture or can we just ditch it and start over? Where is the nearest chocolate stash? [Read more…]

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When Our Plans Get Hijacked (Army Wife Network)

I remember the conversation like it was yesterday.

My Beloved soldier and I were preparing to take the plunge into wedded bliss. Our entire courtship had essentially been long distance, which included a 12-month deployment to Iraq.

We were in the single digits until our day of nuptials. I had stars in my eyes, my heart pounded when I saw him in uniform. I was crazy about this guy and would do anything for him. It was wonderful.

Until that one conversation. [Read more…]

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