Travel/PCS Log: #WeBeRoadTripping Part 4

So, at this point in the Knobloch-family-army-moving shenanigans, we had arrived at our new home-destination… But of course, the “fun” didn’t stop there. Keep reading for the ups and downs of transitioning to our new-to-us Georgia home.

(And if you are just joining us today… Catch up with Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of our transition. Feel free to point and laugh.)

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Travel Log: #WeBeRoadTripping Part 3

And the recap of our humorous military cross-country saga continues… Catch up with Part 1 and Part 2 by clicking the links. Hope you are enjoying our journey! ~SGK


Travel log, day 12: Hey yo, from Little Rock, AR.

1. Yes, I can count… Travel log days 9-11 were spent semi stationary at my parentals hacienda. Again, no driving = delightful.

2. Grateful for the the awesome hospitality tonight at Chateau De Knoberg (Aka, thanks Brock & Katie!)

3. Driven by the sign several times over the years, but “Toad Suck Park” still makes me lol.

4. Stopped for gas in Russellville, AR… And it reminded me of my summer spent there interning with Cargill Pork. (I waved in that general direction Cindy Woods Looney!)

5. Crushed (aka “Sonic”) ice is the best non-human traveling companion this preggo has thus far discovered.

6. We are one passenger (and a lot of luggage!) lighter as Charis is partying like a Rockstar Toddler the next couple weeks, first with Gma Cj then Gma Lex. I’m a little jealous. #AllTheIceCream

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Travel Log: #WeBeRoadTripping Part 2

The recap of our journey across the USA continues today… to get caught up, be sure to check out Part 1 of this series. Thanks for tuning in! ~SGK


Surefire indication #2 you are in the middle of a very long road trip:

Husband get out of shower and you catch him doing the “smell test” on his very limited number of T-shirts he brought. ?#ThatsWhenFebreezeBecomesDeodorant 


“But seriously, Mama… What time zone are we in??” -Lightest Sleeping Child On the Planet Except When We Need To Hit The Road

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Travel Log: #WeBeRoadTripping Part 1

So, if you’ve been kinda-sorta keeping up with #AllTheThings with our life transitions, you would know that we recently moved across the country (again) per military orders. I documented our adventures on Facebook, BUT as I reflect, those memories are too precious to just let them get sucked into the abyss of Facebook craziness. I want to cement them here– if not for your entertainment, for my joy/reflection later down the line. So for the next few blog posts, we will recap the adventure of #WeBeRoadTripping from Fort Lewis, Washington to Dahlonega, Georgia. Enjoy! ~SGK 


I think I read in a Milspouse etiquette handbook once that milspouses are permitted one melodramatic post per PCS.

And I am cashing mine in right now.

We are in our final moments here in Fort Lewis, WA. This place is an easy winner for the best duty station in our career so far.

We will miss everything about it (except I-5.) The people, culture, food, weather, stuff to do, you name it.

And as our personal belongings are all packed in boxes on a truck somewhere halfway across the USA, there’s one thing we can’t take with us… The pieces of our heart that will always be in this state, in this season, with our people. (That was the melodramatic climax, just FYI.)

So now, we say farewell to a place we’ve called home with the promise from 1 Thessalonians 5:24… “The one who called you is faithful and He will do it.”

Related note: Very grateful I super glued my sunglasses back together because it’s getting old explaining to Charis why Mama is all teary eyed.

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In the Lord’s Army #SDG Connections

I never thought it would happen, but I have finally gotten used to it. Sort of.

I check the clock, certain that at least six hours have passed. But it has only been three minutes. Sigh.

I make plans, but I always write in pencil. Sigh again.

My heart no longer jumps into my throat every time the phone rings. Sigh. (Do you see a pattern here?)

Yes. I am Jesus lover AND an army wife. And just because I say I have gotten USED to this call, it doesn’t mean it is easy. [Read more…]

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10 Ways to Show Love to Someone who Loves a Veteran

Ah, Veterans.

Veterans are amazing. Dedicated. Courageous. Focused. Determined. They are willing to lay it all on the line to serve our country.

Just that thought alone makes me want to stand in the middle of my street wearing a pearl-snap American flag shirt singing “The Star Spangled Banner” at the top of my lungs. (If only I had that shirt…)


And yes, I am extra-biased because I just happen to be married to a veteran. One that has been rocking the army-infantry blue for over a decade, deployed three times for 45+ months in the Iraqi sandbox. (I can brag on him if I want to, right? OK, good.)

Each Veteran’s Day, we make efforts to show those who have served how much appreciate them. Which is awesome. I wish everyday were Veteran’s Day.

But here is a new way to honor veterans. Maybe one we haven’t thought much about before.

Honor veteran’s by showing love to someone who loves them. [Read more…]

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The Enemy Doesn’t Wear Combat Boots

Hi friends… For the next several weeks, Wednesdays will be dedicated to re-sharing some of my favorite posts. I am so blessed to be working on some “big rocks” and pretty awesome God-sized dreams, but I need time to make that happen. So after much prayer, here we are. I pray you enjoy these words… And thanks for extending me Christ-like grace. Oh. And everything is still business as usual for our Thursday #EverydayJesus link-up, so don’t miss it!


We are all fighting a battle. Some of us more than one. As an army wife (specifically: Infantryman’s wife), and a mama, AND a minister,  it sometimes seems like the battles are never-ending. I battle with maintaining patience, changing schedules, miscommunication, all while attempting to continually support my Beloved Husband in his quest to defend this mighty country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, keep my daughter from licking an electrical outlet and still do Jesus-y things for God. It’s a lot sometimes. But whether you are an army spouse, doctor’s spouse, farmer’s spouse or any son or daughter of Christ,  we are all fighting the same spiritual Enemy. [Read more…]

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Twas the Military Night Before Christmas

Merry Christmas, beloved readers, followers and supporters!

Here at 7 Days Time, we dig tradition, especially around the holidays. So this Christmas, I wanted to re-gift a lil somethin’ somethin’. (Hope you aren’t offended. At least it’s not a fruitcake.) This is a tiny reminder of WHY we celebrate this wonderful holiday. We are free to celebrate thanks to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and our beloved American Military.

A Christmas Salute to you all!!


Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the base,
Soldiers were last-minute shopping,
Running all over the place.

It has been a crazy year,
Full of missions and drills,
But through serving their country,
Their hearts were fulfilled. [Read more…]

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5 Love Languages: Military Edition (Book Review/Guest Blog)

Marriage. It’s one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences we can be called to in life.  Paul even tells us in 1 Corinthians 7:28 that “…those who marry will face many troubles in life…”

So yeah, marriage isn’t easy. And when you add the military factor to marriage… Things can get sticky in a hurry if you don’t have your feet on a solid foundation.

Which is why we need all the Godly guidance, tools and encouragement we can get.  “The 5 Love Languages: Military Edition” covers all those bases…


I am honored to guest blog for Kindred Grace today, so if you would like to hear more about this awesome book, pop on by clicking HERE.  AND– they are giving away FIVE copies of “The 5 Love Languages: Military Edition” so don’t miss out!! [Read more…]

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Finishing Strong

I personally believe that there is no other feeling in the world than accomplishing a huge goal and finishing strong.

Think about it…

When you cross the finish line of a race after weeks (or months!) of training… When you hit SUBMIT on that last paper for a really tough class… When you walk across the stage and receive that diploma that has been years in the making… When after 9 months, that little baby is finally laid in your arms for the first time…

Yep. There’s no other feeling in the world. [Read more…]

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