Travel Log (Appendix) Part 2

I know… FINALLY! This post will conclude the crazy travels/adventures/blessings that my family experienced during our major life moving transitions in the fall of 2016… Cue collective sigh of relief. (And pardon me while I go take an epic nap.)

BTW: If you want to recap our entire journey, check out these previous posts:

Travel Log Part 1
Travel Log Part 2
Travel Log Part 3
Travel Log Part 4
Travel Log Appendix Part 1


Travel log (Appendix) Day-feels-like-873… Hello (again) from Indianapolis! [Read more…]

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Travel Log (Appendix) Part 1

Just when you all thought that things were simmering down for our little army family after our cross-country move… We added an “Appendix” to our traveling adventures, due to my commitment and dedication to my best friend Emily was getting hitched (in Kansas City) less than two weeks after my arrival to our new home in Georgia. So, the shenanigans continue… (If you want to get caught up to speed with all things sarcastic/traveling, jump over to read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.)


Talk about Monday conflict. My brain/body are rebelling. I’m trying to pack and get ready for another road trip and they are all like, “Um, WE JUST DID THIS. ABORT MISSION. REFUSE TO FUNCTION.”


West bound and down for Emily Surdez’s upcoming nuptials. #LiveLaughLoeb

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Travel/PCS Log: #WeBeRoadTripping Part 4

So, at this point in the Knobloch-family-army-moving shenanigans, we had arrived at our new home-destination… But of course, the “fun” didn’t stop there. Keep reading for the ups and downs of transitioning to our new-to-us Georgia home.

(And if you are just joining us today… Catch up with Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of our transition. Feel free to point and laugh.)

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Travel Log: #WeBeRoadTripping Part 2

The recap of our journey across the USA continues today… to get caught up, be sure to check out Part 1 of this series. Thanks for tuning in! ~SGK


Surefire indication #2 you are in the middle of a very long road trip:

Husband get out of shower and you catch him doing the “smell test” on his very limited number of T-shirts he brought. ?#ThatsWhenFebreezeBecomesDeodorant 


“But seriously, Mama… What time zone are we in??” -Lightest Sleeping Child On the Planet Except When We Need To Hit The Road

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Travel Log: #WeBeRoadTripping Part 1

So, if you’ve been kinda-sorta keeping up with #AllTheThings with our life transitions, you would know that we recently moved across the country (again) per military orders. I documented our adventures on Facebook, BUT as I reflect, those memories are too precious to just let them get sucked into the abyss of Facebook craziness. I want to cement them here– if not for your entertainment, for my joy/reflection later down the line. So for the next few blog posts, we will recap the adventure of #WeBeRoadTripping from Fort Lewis, Washington to Dahlonega, Georgia. Enjoy! ~SGK 


I think I read in a Milspouse etiquette handbook once that milspouses are permitted one melodramatic post per PCS.

And I am cashing mine in right now.

We are in our final moments here in Fort Lewis, WA. This place is an easy winner for the best duty station in our career so far.

We will miss everything about it (except I-5.) The people, culture, food, weather, stuff to do, you name it.

And as our personal belongings are all packed in boxes on a truck somewhere halfway across the USA, there’s one thing we can’t take with us… The pieces of our heart that will always be in this state, in this season, with our people. (That was the melodramatic climax, just FYI.)

So now, we say farewell to a place we’ve called home with the promise from 1 Thessalonians 5:24… “The one who called you is faithful and He will do it.”

Related note: Very grateful I super glued my sunglasses back together because it’s getting old explaining to Charis why Mama is all teary eyed.

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Enjoy the Ride

Hi friends… For the next several weeks, Wednesdays will be dedicated to re-sharing some of my favorite posts. I am so blessed to be working on some “big rocks” and pretty awesome God-sized dreams, but I need time to make that happen. So after much prayer, here we are. I pray you enjoy these words… And thanks for extending me Christ-like grace. Oh. And everything is still business as usual for our Thursday #EverydayJesus link-up, so don’t miss it!


The sun was bearing down on our necks. I tried to smoothly fan my armpits to make sure sweat didn’t show. I peered around the dude wearing a Hawaiian-flowered shirt in front of me, who was eating a corndog and funnel cake at the same time.

Was this line EVER going to move? HURRY. UP. 

Those were the days of theme park rides. I have to say that I have (sadly) grown out of that thrill, but for a teenager, “riding rides” was as good as it got. (Sidenote: unless you have a super strong stomach, don’t eat a corn dog and funnel cake right before you get on a ride that is name something along the lines of “Roller Coaster of Doom…” you will most likely embarrass yourself and gross out everyone around you. Just sayin.) [Read more…]

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Making a Splash

It’s that time of year. Folks everywhere are donning their swimsuits to hit the pool, head to the beach, fire up the sprinkler in the front yard, or for those exceptionally adventurous– spend the day at the water park.

For me, the water rides at theme parks are some of my favorite for two reasons: 1) They usually aren’t too intense and 2) It is sooo refreshing when you have been walking for miles, standing in line and sweating all day.

Even if you have never been on one of those nifty water park rides, you most likely seen them on T.V. They load a ton of people into a boat/raft thing, haul them to the top of the ride then SPLASH!!! Down they go, squealing, squawking and dripping wet. [Read more…]

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Think “Fast”

The sand was warm underfoot. The water flowed gently, the current making a gentle swishing sound. Puppy Justus was exploring, sniffing, digging and splashing. I was reading the first chapter of a book out loud to my husband.

It’s amazing how simple, serene moments can change your life so quickly.

My beloved and I were enjoying a sliver of time last Saturday, relaxing in our mushroom chairs on the pseudo “beach” area near a small river on Fort Benning. I had recently gotten a copy of Jen Hatmaker’s book 7: An Experimental Mutiny against Excess. The general premise of the book deals with the fact that we live in a society obsessed with stuff. The book documents Jen’s month-by-month experiment to eliminate the “junk” in life. Each month, the author chose a different area of her life to focus on.  Month #1? Food. [Read more…]

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Real Time Warriors for Christ (Vlog: Factor of 7)

It has finally happened. I have finally gotten the guts to take a leap in to the “Vlogging” world.

For all of you newbies to the techie world (don’t worry, I only learned the term “vlog” about a month ago) “Vlog” is a simply a video plus a blog. Get it? Vlog. (I think Blideo would have been an interesting choice as a close second for techie terminology.) [Read more…]

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Just GO

As I child, I didn’t get out much. (Hey, we lived on a farm. In the country. At least 15-25 miles from a legitimate restaurant. In fact, the first 10 years of my life found us 90 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart. Seriously.) So when we did get the chance to go ANYWHERE as a family, I wanted to know WHERE we were going… Immediately.

“HEY! WHERE ARE WE GOING!?!” (Imagine this forceful statement in your best childlike slightly whiny/curious voice.)

For those of you who haven’t met my beloved Daddy, he is something of a smart aleck. (Good thing that’s not hereditary, right?) Whenever I asked this oh-so-vital question, it was met with one of the following answers: [Read more…]

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