The Book of Rationalizations

So… What’s your favorite book of the Bible?

If you have been a Christian longer than a day, more than likely someone has asked you this question… (Or maybe that’s just what my nerdy Jesus self talks to my friends about…)

Regardless… Have you thought about it lately? What IS your favorite book? [Read more…]

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Everyday Jesus: Across ALL Generations

Welcome to another installment of our “Everyday Jesus” series… How are you liking? If you are digging it, let us hear it!!  I am privileged to host my friend Meghan today as she share’s her heart (and ministry) for Christ’s love across all generations. Read. Enjoy. Comment. Be blessed! 🙂 

Thankful for Jesus in the Everyday,


And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” – Mark 9: 34-36 [Read more…]

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Our Heart and Macaroni Art (In case you forgot…)

On a scale of one to ten… where is your heart with God today? I ran across the post below as I was walking down bloggy memory lane– I remember a brief season when I was disconnected to Him– and how He brought me back around. 

If you find yourself in the same boat (or anywhere near the boat… on the shore, in the lighthouse, whatever) check out this reminder post below… and grab ahold of the love God is offering to you! Oh, and as usual– feel free to comment. 🙂 

Loving Him,


I saw him from a distance. My heart started to pound. I smoothed my hair and gave myself a mental brownie point for wearing my favorite shirt. I considered moving closer to him… but he turned and started walking toward me. My breathing sped up. He was coming. He was beautiful. And I knew I belonged to him. [Read more…]

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The Power of Mind Control

I’ve always heard that mind is a terrible thing to waste.

I also believe that a mind is terribly hard to control.

Seriously. Maybe you have the ability to control your thoughts all mastered, but I sure don’t. One tiny event, action, news story or comment from someone can send my otherwise Christ-centered, balanced, content and peaceful mind spinning in the wrong direction faster than a merry-go-round on an elementary school playground.

And the enemy of my soul absolutely LOVES it. Gives him great material to work with. Jerkface. [Read more…]

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Everyday Jesus: Adopted by Christ

Sometimes, God introduces us to a person and/or story that just touches our heart and inspires us to the very core. Today, I am blessed to introduce you to my neighbor (literally– she lives next door!) who loves Jesus and is on quite a faith-journey. Meet Mindy. She and her husband Roger are building a family– which requires them to seek out Jesus Everyday. Show these faithful Christ followers some love as they encourage your heart and press forward in their calling. 

Loving my neighbor,


Growing up, I, like other little girls, dreamed of our meeting my prince, getting married and having a family. Never did I imagine hitting a bump in the road, called infertility. [Read more…]

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In the Garden (Revisited)

I am smack dab in the middle of learning what it means to be a new Mama while moving across the country. No big deal, right?  (It is an adventure, that is for sure!) So today as I considered what bloggy ministry message God wanted me to share, He put this one on my heart. (Actually, He put the song on Pandora which made me think of this post written a little while ago…) 

As my Beloved Brandon and I make new memories with our little one as we seek out our new home with the army, I couldn’t help but get all gushy thinking about my parents. This post recalls one of my favorite childhood memories with my dad… and my heavenly Father. 

Where do you go to meet with the Father? I would love to hear all about it. Feel free to comment below! 

Praying today is full of Him!


Growing up in northwest Kansas as the daughter in a farming/ranching family provided me with many chances to “get away.” Ok, let’s be honest– we were 90 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart. We were always “away,” so actually going somewhere aka civilization was a big deal. [Read more…]

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Check it at the gate– Our Overpacking Issue

Hi. My name is Sharita Knobloch. And I am an overpacker. 

(This is where you all respond in unison with “HI SHARITA.” 

Seriously though… I don’t MEAN to overpack when I travel and/or move. It just sort of happens. I start out with a general packing list, and by the time I get done, I am standing in our driveway, staring at our car whispering prayers under my breath that all of this stuff will actually fit in our vehicle. 

As I type this, we are getting ready to move 3000 miles across country… With an infant.  [Read more…]

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Everyday Jesus: Under His Umbrella

Remember my good friend Meghan? Well, she’s back with us again today to share another incredible story of how she encountered Jesus in everyday life. This recount is just as powerful as her last testimony– so I pray that it not only inspires your heart but also motivates you to move in the name of Christ! 

Covered by Christ, 


God has recently impressed on my heart how He is my covering. I’m counted as blessed because I get to take shelter in him. He’s showing me how He longs for me to come under His protection and allow Him to shield me from damaging elements in this world. If I seek shelter in Him, He will guide me to do things that I once feared. Under this protection, He’s also teaching me to step out of my comfort zone. [Read more…]

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Falling to Faith (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Hi friends! Yep, it’s Friday. (Can I get a whoot-whoot?!?) And Friday can only mean one thing ’round these parts.

Today is the day we link up with Lisa-Jo and rock out Five Minute Friday.

For FMF, Lisa gives us a prompt. Then we write. Uninhibited. For five minutes.

It’s as easy as that.

So let’s see what is in store for us today…

Today’s Prompt: FALL

AND GO! [Read more…]

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Everyday Jesus: Even from the Other Side

Today I am so incredibly blessed to introduce you to a Soli Deo Gloria Sister, Jenn. She actually hosts the Soli Deo Gloria (To the Glory of God Alone) sisterhood link-up each week– and lemme tell you what, it’s a powerful experience. Be sure to share the love with her both here at 7 Days Time and over at her place as she shares a little piece of her heart and what it means to experience Jesus… Everyday! 


I was incredibly afraid of taking them to another funeral.  I was afraid to watch them bury yet another great-grandparent.  I was afraid that they would fail to see the hope and the life and concentrate solely on the deadness, on the vacant body, on the loss.

But Mama Gal, or Mrs. Mavis to some, she didn’t plan to go out without reminding everyone for whom she lived.  And how can you instruct people to talk about your faith without imparting the hope that comes with the name of Jesus Christ? [Read more…]

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