Get Fixed Up (Five Minute Friday)

Hi friends.

After several weeks of sketchy hotel internet, it appears that my on-the-spot Five Minute Friday writing dealio might just work. (But just to make sure, I am throwing out a few prayers. Lil’ help here, J-man.)

Let’s give it a shot.

Quick Five Minute Friday (FMF) background in case you missed the memo. Each week I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker (whose blog/internet is ALSO on the fritz today,) she gives us a prompt and we write– for five minutes.

Simple as that.

And today’s word (no surprise here…)


And go! [Read more…]

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Appearance of a Thistle

Hell hath no fury like a rancher going after a batch of musk thistle.

Are all of my non-country/ranchin’ peeps confused? My bad. Let me back up and give you a quick lesson on ranching and horticulture.

Musk thistle is a nasty noxious weed. You know how dandelions spread? Yeah, musk thistles do the same thing. Honestly, they are a kind of a pretty purplish color when they are blooming… but it just takes one weed to go to seed and before you know it, the entire pasture is taken over, choking out the good grass.

Then the cattle have nothing to graze on and what started out as a smallish-weed is now a really big problem. [Read more…]

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Chocolate & Jesus

When the going gets tough… the tough get going.

Now, let’s tweak that statement a bit…  Complete it  with YOUR word… what do you desire/need/turn to when things get tough?

Here are a few of my potential examples.

When the going gets tough… the tough get frustrated.
When the going gets tough… the tough get take-out. (I’m an emotional eater. What can I say?)
When the going gets tough… the tough get snippy. (Not proud of this one—but it’s true.)
When the going gets tough… the tough get chocolate. (No explanation necessary, right?) [Read more…]

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Pictures of Faith

In case you missed the memo, we recently moved.

And by moved, I really mean traveled 79 total driving hours in the car with a 4-month-old baby for 3,785 miles.

Good times.

Along the way, we had the opportunity to have some great family moments– as well as several incredible Jesus moments. Today, I would like to share a few highlights of God’s splendor (and some funny tidbits) from our trip of a lifetime during our PCS army move from Fort Benning, Georgia to Fort Lewis, Washington. [Read more…]

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God’s Country

I have to be honest with you. Sometimes I worship best OUTSIDE of the church doors.

Literally. As in, out of doors. I’m not your hardcore sleep-in-the-woods-for-weeks-on-end kind of gal, but I sure do appreciate the majesty that is God’s creation.

Recently, as we were traveling across this great country per our move with the army, I had a pretty legit opportunity to worship God via His creation through 14 different states. We traveled 3,785 miles (but who was counting??) and I added hundreds of gifts to my 1000 gift list (that has now busted past 2000.) [Read more…]

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Just a Little Splinter

Have you ever thought about how something so teeny tiny can really throw your life in a tizzy?

Consider this… Just missing a payment or two of a school loan can really jack with your credit score. Going just a few miles per hour over the speed limit can impact your driving record when the cop writes out that fateful ticket. Olympic races are sometimes won and lost in just milliseconds.

Sin in our lives is the same way. Just a little “tiny” one, if left unattended, it can really mess with our lives. (Sidenote: there are not “big” and “small” sins… A sin is a sin is a sin. But I think we sometimes consider some “smaller” than others as a means of justifying our actions. But that’s another blog post. Anywho…) I personally think having unrepented sin in our lives is like having a splinter in our finger. [Read more…]

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One Word 2013 Update: STAND

Can you believe that 2013 is already more than half over? (Or if you are more of a glass-half-full kinda person… We have another half a year to go in 2013!)

No matter how you say it… It’s been a wild ride.

As you might remember back at the beginning of January when I shared with you my “One Word” for 2013… STAND. In the last 6-plus months, it’s been really interesting to watch God make that word real in my life.

Now, don’t get me wrong– it’s not been an exceptionally rough or necessarily “bad” 6 months… It’s just been… Intense. [Read more…]

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Happy “Dependence” Day (And no, that’s not a typo)

Today’s post is a blast from the past… Enjoy! 


In case you didn’t get the memo via the numerous Facebook posts, the shortage of hotdogs and burgers at the store, or the large late night explosive sounds…

It’s Independence Day. Happy 4th of July!

Today, we celebrate our freedom. What a blessing it is to live in the United States! (Somebody bring me a sparkler!!)

But even more than our patriotic freedom… Let’s celebrate our freedom in Christ. When He took His last breath on the cross, our chains were broken. We were no longer bonded by sin.

We have a hope and a future… And that’s even more awesome than fireworks and cookouts. [Read more…]

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Life-as-a-wife Survival Kit

Today I would like to share with you another fun marriage post “from the archives” with a few updates and modifications. It doesn’t matter if you are a wife, know someone who is a wife or is preparing to become a wife… I am sure you can relate… 🙂 

Be blessed, 


God sure has a sense of humor. It still cracks me up almost daily that He had the idea to create man, then create woman, make us COMPLETELY different and say “Ok, live together for your entire life. Play nice. Love each other. I’m here when you need me. Good luck.” [Read more…]

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A Ruck March Marriage

You might have noticed that several of my Friday posts have been “reposts” from previously published material. It’s not that I don’t have lots of new and crazy ideas about faith,  but rather it is due to moving cross-country and not having a promise of a legit internet connection. So doing Five Minute Friday on the spot might be a little sketch til we get settled. 

So today I would like to share with you a post that was featured as my first ever guest post… It brings a lot of great memories and I pray that it provides some encouragement in your walk with Christ! ~SGK  [Read more…]

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