An Adoptive Heart: Kathleen & Chris

And last but certainly not least… This is our Christmas letter to my dear sister Kathleen and her husband Chris.


Dear Kathleen & Chris—

Merry Christmas! This year’s gift to you is a little different than normal. We wanted to go a different direction since God has really been doing a work on our hearts over the last several months. I know we all enjoy getting “stuff,” but we have chosen to give something that won’t collect dust or break.

Your gift for Christmas 2011 is a donation in your name to PAWS Humane Society. 

Why did we choose this for you? Because you both have such loving, giving and adopting hearts… from kittens, dogs, ducks, calves and even people. It is an inspiration to us in OUR marriage to love on others like you do, giving, especially in the name of Jesus.

Thank you for being such a loving, caring and strong couple. Each time we hear about a new “adoptive” adventure from you, we can’t help but think of Jesus’ loving and adoptive heart. He invited us to be a part of His family when we least deserved it.

We pray that this gift will go on and continue to bless others that are contemplating adopting a pet, farm animal or even person. As a result, we hope that God will continue to be glorified.

So Merry Christmas, Kathleen and Chris. We love you with all we have and pray that someday as we all grow in our marriages, that we can bring our adopted pets, families, brothers and sisters together in Christ to celebrate God’s eternal gift.

Love and blessings,

Brandon & Sharita (and Justus)

“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.” Ephesians 1:4-6


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