All ZenTangled Up #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Deep in my heart of hearts, I have always wanted to be artsy.

Some might say that writing falls in that category, but that’s not the kind of artsy I mean. (Don’t get me wrong. I am VERY grateful for this ability to write semi-ok-ish.)

But I wanted to create beautiful things. Like pretty art that I could hang around my house.

I always say I am resourceful crafty, but not classy crafty. 

And as a recovering perfectionist, the few times I tried to draw, paint, sketch whatever turned out less than Michelangelo. So I was discouraged and really never tried anything like that again. I guess I wrongly thought, “If it can’t be perfect, why try at all?” (This theme has shown up in many different areas of my walk with Christ… And don’t worry about it, He has done and continues to do some real work here.)

But you might recall that my One Word this year is REST.  And at the end of last year, God decided to show me a new way to disconnect my intense woman Jesus brain to just REST.

He introduced me to Zentangling.

Zentangle is like a thing now. It is a form of mediative drawing. With minimal “rules.” No right or wrong way to do it (unless you are stressed out trying to overachieve… that defeats the point.)

And the best part? There are no such things as mistakes. 

So over the past 10 months, I have practiced the art of disconnecting my tangled thoughts and expressing them on paper.

And friends, what a world of difference it has made.

I don’t do this for accolades or to show off. I Zentangle to unplug from this world and connect more with Jesus in my everyday.

Instead of logging onto Facebook or watching a TV show that stresses me out, Jesus and I sit down at our kitchen table (or in the doctor’s office waiting room or on the tarmac of an airplane) and we tangle some lines as I untangle my heart.

Here are a few of my Jesus encounters, in real life, getting all Zentangled up with Him.

Zen 1 Zen 2 Zen 3 Zen 5 Zen 6 Zen 7 Zen 8 Zen 9 Zen 11 Zen 12

Friends, how do you unwind? I would love to hear how you connect with Jesus in your everyday outside of reading your Bible and prayer. Join in and leave a comment below.

Now if you will excuse me… My inky pens and Jesus are calling my name.

Tangling with Jesus,



Initials Signature Blog


“He presented his message to them, fitting the stories to their experience and maturity. He was never without a story when he spoke. When he was alone with his disciples, he went over everything, sorting out the tangles, untying the knots.” ~Mark 4:33-34 MSG

7 Days Time
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