A Solid Foundation (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #10)

Between 8th and 9th grade, my family built a house.

My Dad worked for a low-key home/building construction crew, and it was always a dream of my parents to not just own a home, but to have a home THEY designed and built.

So we went to work. Talk about a family bonding experience. Holy moly.

We were going through a lot during that time. Not only was I a teenager (super precious years of my life, BTW– yikes) but my lil bro was a couple of years old, my sister was also a teenager, and my grandma was living out her last year with us as cancer slowly took her life.

So we built a house in the midst of all this hoopla. I learned a lot.

And no, I didn’t just learn about building T-walls, how to insulate a house, proper methods to stain/sand trim and install sheet rock. (Side note: I was the official “voluntold” sheet rock screw installer. According to my rough calculations, there are over 23,000 sheet rock screws in my parents house. Fun fact.)

We learned a lot about each other. About our family. And about how having a solid foundation is vital.

Our house is built on solid bedrock. I don’t remember all the details, but when we were digging our basement, we only made it about four feet into the ground before hitting bedrock. Very solid. But not deep enough. Enter stage left: Jack hammers.

We knew we couldn’t shirk on the basement or foundation–because if we took any shortcuts, we would be sure to pay the price in a few short years when our house started to fall apart.

Starting from the ground up… building our faith is like building a house!

The same goes for our journey to contentment. We have to start with a solid foundation. And that foundation is faith.

This week’s bible study from “Calm My Anxious Heart” really drives this point home. Before we can take our what ifs, our worries, our whys, our if onlys, our everythings to the Lord– we have to have a solid foundation of faith and trust in Him.

There were some super powerful quotes from both chapters 9 and 10 this week. Some really awesome ones include:

  • “Faith is not something to be reasoned from afar, but something we throw ourselves into– heart, mind and soul.” (Pg142)
  • “It’s one thing to believe God can do something. It’s quite another to put yourself in a position of reliant trust. This is the distinction between intellectual belief and wholehearted faith.” (Pg 143)
  • “We tend to make trust a gray area, but with God the issue is often black and white. We either trust Him or we don’t.” (Pg 143)
  • “Faith looks to God, but feelings look to what is going on around us. Faith hopes in who god is and in what He has promised. (Pg 150)

Good stuff, huh? Really makes you think…

What does your foundation look like? Is it solid, built on the bedrock that is Christ, or has it shifted and cracked? What can you do to repair it? How can we keep our foundation strong when the what ifs, if onlys and whys are knocking on our door? Feel free to leave a comment below.

Oh. And speaking of comments– today, we are doing a GIVEAWAY!! If you comment below, you will be entered into a drawing to win our “Foundation of Faith” prize package… A sweet looking journal (to record your Jesus thoughts), a Starbucks gift card (because I always feel closer to God with a warm drink in my hand) AND… THREE (yes, THREE) free spiritual leadership coaching sessions (these can be done  in person, phone or Skype depending on your locale.)

You can enter more than once… AKA if you retweet something from 7 Days Time, share on FB or email it to a group of friends, just leave a comment below letting me know what all you did and for each action you get your name in the drawing. I will announce the winner right here next Monday.

Why the giveaway? Because I am super passionate about having a solid foundation. And we are nearing the end of our journey to contentment. PLUS– In the 15 months I have been blogging, this is my 300th original blog post!  (YAY!) Oh and because Jesus rocks. (Of course!)

Take a good look at your foundation today on this journey– and don’t forget to leave a comment and enter to win our “Foundation of Faith” prize pack! We all need a solid foundation– and that foundation is CHRIST!

On the Solid Rock,

“The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” ~Matthew 7:25-27 (NIV)

If you are “officially” participating in our online Bible Study, here is our *last* week of homework. (Sniff, tear!) What a journey it has been!

Homework Chapter 11 “Trusting God with the If Onlys

Day 1: Study Guide– Question 1, Memorize and meditate on Psalm 77: 11 – 14.; Questions 2, 3 a; b; and 4

Day 2: Study Guide– Questions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Homework Chapter 12  “Trusting God with the Whys

Day 3: Study Guide– Question 1, memorize and meditate on Habakkuk 3: 17 – 19.; Questions 2, 3

Day 4: Study Guide– Question 4 a; b; c; d; e

Day 5: Study Guide– Question 5

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