Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #17)

Deployment Log, Day 111:

1. Have I mentioned that Aunt Rita Knobloch is the BEST?

2. Such a weekend of recharging… I slept in yesterday (till 8am!) AND took a nap. Is that what heaven is like?

3. I was ready to rock this Monday… Annnnnddd Charis woke up saying she didn’t feel well.

4. My mama-gut said she wasn’t exaggerating. But I REALLY wanted to fight it. #PleaseLetMeBeWrong

5. She has strep. AGAIN!!!

6. I feel like I’ve walked around all day throwing up my hands muttering “COME ON!!!” Seriously. Third Monday in a row with some plague-ridden Tiny Human. COME ON! #FlipsTable #NotReally #ItsFiinnnee

7. But it’s ok. Still A LOT to be thankful for: I don’t HAVE to work outside the home (after the last two weeks, I would have missed 7 days of work = fired), I still got my homework done and did I mention Aunt Rita is awesome?

8. We did have to say “See you later” to Aunt Rita today. Talk about some “deja blue,” aka that recurring sad feeling when we have to say goodbye to The Help, I mean our amazingly supportive family.  Charis and I (almost) cried. Gah.

9. Then we went to Hobby Lobby. I felt better. #Whoops#IThinkIBlackedOut #OhHeyThereWashiTape

10. I feel like we are 3/4 of the way up this deployment mountain. ALMOST. HALF. WAY. As in, to the summit. Then we get to roll (not literally) down hill. #TakeItEasy #ProtectTheKnees

11. Still very grateful for God leading me to do Whole30 in this season. Because the threads of wanting to emotionally eat are still there for me. Right when I saw that 101 degree fever number pop up on the thermometer, I was like “I WANT A DIET DR. PEPPER. Or maybe dark chocolate. FOOD. FEEL GOOD. NOW.” But I didn’t partake.

12. I am hereby declaring that both of these Knobloch children are NO LONGER PERMITTED to lick any more germ-infested doorknobs.

13. Prayer request: For all Tiny Humans (and the Mama) in this house to get healthy and STAY THAT WAY for a minute or jillion; for hubs to find legit Jesus joy in this deployment, and for me to continue to be steadfast, growing in my peace, one small choice at a time #TheLittleWay#Revelationwellness

14. Parting thought:
“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts.
Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always.” ~Psalm 105:1-4

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Welcome to Fort Strep, where the air smells like Thieves Essential Oil and the Pedialyte flows like the rivers of ancient Babylon. Charis got her SECOND set of TDY (temporary duty) orders to Fort Strep yesterday. Thankfully, command approved our petition to accompany her even though little brother, Flat Daddy and I do not yet have the sickness (and let’s all just pray it stays that way!!)

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“Boys are super fun,” they said. “Boys aren’t THAT messy,” they said. If I develop an eye twitch, this will be why. I JUST swept and mopped the entire kitchen and living room two hours ago. Then THIS. So. Much. Sand. SON!!! That’s not what I meant when I said to play quietly for a few minutes.

I guess it could be worse. At least it’s not puke, poop or glitter.#OurHouseWillNeverBeTheSame

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Our son was on a roll yesterday. Apparently he thought Flat Daddy was hungry for applesauce. Sure glad I laminated Flat Daddy, or we would have to upgrade to Flat Daddy version 2.0.

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, smiling

To all of my fellow Paseo Church goers, who, for the last 21 days have been fasting “choice foods” and/or caffeine… HAPPY RETURN OF COFFEE DAY TO US! ? ☕️ ? ?? #andallgodspeoplesaidamen
PS: Looking forward to hearing how God moved during this season at Story night tonight, 6:30pm MST. ?


Update on the Welcome-Back-Coffee Day:

If anyone is feeling low on energy, fast caffeine for 21 days. Then drink ONE cup. I’ve never felt so alive. I wanted to be like, “C’MON KIDS! We don’t need the stroller for the half-mile walk to school! JUST GET ON MY BACK! You too, Justus! EEEEE!!!”

I *think* it was just normal coffee, but I sure responded like it was Rocket Fuel. Pretty sure I did #AllTheThings before leaving for PWOC at 0840 today (Load of laundry, dishes, two miles with the stroller, groomed, 88 push-ups, QT with Jesus, etc)…

And if anyone sees a bright light zooming across the sky like a shooting star today, don’t be alarmed. It’s probably just me. #Whoo! #Whoo! #Whoo! #AMERICA

The boymom saga continues… And no, we weren’t eating outside. #WhySonWhy #HesSoFast

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, smiling, selfie, closeup and indoor

I have recently determined I need to diversify my workouts. So this morning, I went to my first ever spin class. Now I know why it’s called Spinsanity! (I’m smiling here because I did get complimented on my spin sprints since the instructor got off her bike and stood right in front of me… but really I was trying not to yak).

PS: Not exactly sure why I thought it was a good life choice to follow this up with my first-ever “Pound” class (cardio/strength with drumsticks) but we did way too many squats and lunges. #MyLegs #Medic #JustLetMeSit

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Epic levels of food prep this week for Whole 30 week #5! (And before you think I eat all of this by myself in 7 days time, I also cooked some things for a superbowl party and I usually have at least one to three gals come over on Wednesday night for supper)

Top left to right: Hard boiled eggs, roasted cauliflower, roasted brussel sprouts, oven-baked sweet potatoes, crock pot cooked carrots, fresh veggies (celery, peppers, jicima sticks), mustard-glazed chicken wings, hambugers, W30 coleslaw, guacamole (to go with the fresh veggies for the SB party) deviled eggs (SP party) and beet salad (maybe SP party, if I’m feeling generous…)

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It’s our weekly “Meal-prep Saturday!” I’ve been running a bit low on veggies toward the end of the week which forces me to improvise, so I’m upping veggie prep. I have a feeling that when I get done with all this meal prep, I am going to feel rather (wait for it…) “BEET.” ? #Badumchick#FundayPunday #ImHereAllWeekFolks #TipYourServers 

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Deployment feelings are experts at guerrilla warfare… they ambush you when you least expect it. Like when you (singly) drop of the Tiny Humans for the special first-Saturday-of-the-month on-post daycare, and the childcare worker jovially says, “Have a great date night!”

Talk about a solid kick right in the feels. Ouch! I remember the fun dates that my Beloved and I had this last summer/early fall, exploring El Paso. And gosh… I miss him! Tonight, I have a date (with myself) at the gym then Saturday night church. (And let’s not forget there was an ominous white army bus parked in front of the fitness center. All my milspouse fiends know what kind of emotions THOSE conjure up. Sheesh. More feels!)

But you know what? I’m gonna feel the feelings because I feel like that’s the healthy thing to do. Then I WILL be grateful. Grateful for a few hours to just BE. Grateful I get to spend part of tonight with my loving church family. Grateful for my ability to work out. And grateful that I remembered to wear my dangly, glittery, pretty earrings today.

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