Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #13)

Just because we were at Grandma’s house doesn’t mean we don’t do time-outs!

Image may contain: one or more people

Just because we were at Grandma’s house doesn’t mean we don’t do time-outs!

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, closeup

Absolutely delightful (2.5 hour!) lunch date with this awesome woman today. Flat Daddy was once again very fortunate that I overturned my normal “no boys allowed” rule. Cheers to our 2019 being a year of steadfastness and full of renewed peace.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Carla Berndt Feucht, people smiling, people sitting and food

Flat Daddy was invited to a tea party today. However, we quickly learned that he needs to work on his tea time etiquette… although he kept his elbows off the table, he forgot to drink with his pinkies up.

Image may contain: 11 people, including Sharita Knobloch, Rita Knobloch, Carla Berndt Feucht and Dietrich Knobloch, people smiling, people standing and indoor

What. A. Crew! So grateful to have supper with the Feucht family tonight. Here’s to full bellies and full hearts.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Kandace Brands and Sharita Knobloch, people smiling

Very fun and exciting day for Flat Daddy today! He witnessed this non-Flat Mama as I interviewed with Avera Integrative Medicine and KSFY News about my health and fitness journey through Ideal Protein (and beyond). Although Flat Daddy himself won’t be on air, they did allow us a photo opp with my epic coach Kandace Brands. All the glory to God!

Image may contain: 1 person, eating, child, stripes, drink, closeup and indoor

“You can totally work out at home with children present,” they said. “Nothing ridiculous could possibly happen in just a few short seconds,” they said. “Oh look, she’s THAT MOM,” the people in the airport tomorrow will say…  #WhenSharpiesAttack #MomOfTheYearYo

Image may contain: 5 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Lex Wysong Knobloch, people smiling, indoor

Throwback to… yesterday. Mama Lex took us on a date to see Sesame Street Live. Good show, solid music and it kept BOTH kids (and Flat Daddy) engaged for the entire time.


Deployment log, Day 87:

1. We’ve had SUCH a great time in South Dakota. I’m incredibly grateful that I have loving and generous in-laws and a super supportive community here.

2. We go back to Texas tomorrow.

3. That said, my attitude has been kinda poopy today. Not that I don’t love our home and our people/church/routine in the Southwest, but leaving family is hard. Especially during a deployment. Because extra grandma/parenting hands are the greatest. And I get to take naps. And shower before 9pm.

4. Also, I can’t say I’m super pumped to do the airport chaos that is traveling with the two tiny humans and the dog. I feel like I need to start drinking coffee like yesterday for the upcoming adventure. Because the kids will be starting vacation detox and the whole “listening to the words coming out of mama’s mouth” is pretty rusty. And I don’t think TSA would appreciate me blowing my parenting whistle.

5. Lex is a super fun workout partner (I normally don’t like working out with anyone else). I will miss that too.

6. Our arms, legs and core are all sore. Hooray for a strong start to 2019!

7. It might be cliche, but I’m starting Whole30 on Monday… but I’m doing it for at least 88 days (it’s the “Year of 8” for my God-Sized dreams).

8. So excited for W30 to crush my sugar and carb dragons and kick up my energy a notch or 12 (plus it always helps my attitude significantly). I’ve been rather indulgent the last month and it’s starting to show, mainly in how I feel and how my clothes are fitting. Reset time!

9. Malick drew on his hands/face/clothes with my new Sharpies today. Neat. ?‍♀️

10. Prayer requests: For me to be abundantly patient and adequately caffeinated for tomorrow’s trip; that all flights go very smooth (to include tiny human naps) and that we make our connection in Denver with no need to sprint.

11. Parting thought: “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” -Psalm 42:11

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