Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #10)

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, hat, sky, selfie, outdoor and closeup

Today, I’m grateful.

Grateful that I have a healthy body to carry me the full long-run distance of 9 miles.

Grateful that the sun is shining in Texas.

Grateful that my legs, core, and sometimes-pesky hip flexors felt strong.

Grateful for albuterol inhalers when my lungs get a bit angry with the sort of chilly air.

Grateful that running is now a form of stress relief.

Grateful that the kids were both healthy enough to go to school so I could have this precious time to move my body for God’s glory.

Grateful that I was still able to (genuinely) smile after 9 sweaty miles.

Grateful that I have people who encourage me, believe in me, call me out when I get obsessed or distracted, and always point me back to Jesus.

Grateful that the Lord is not impatiently waiting at the finish line with a stopwatch, telling me to go harder, longer, faster, but is instead running right beside me.

Yes, my friends… today I am grateful!

Image may contain: shoes

For the first time in my life, we have a mantle on which we can hang our stockings. Next year, we look forward to all 4 of us being near the same Christmas chimney. We miss you, Daddy/Husband!

“May the Lord watch over me and you while we are apart…” ~Genesis 31:49 #DeploymentLife


And now I present the latest installment of “Why my kid is crying.”

Because I was still in bed at 5:31am.
Because I insisted she get dressed for school.
Because she was wearing footie pajamas. 
Because her foot was stuck in said footie pajamas.
Because it’s 28 degrees outside and I said she had to wear long sleeves.
Because I brushed her hair.
Because I shut the door when I went to the bathroom.
Because I gave her pancakes with sprinkles(!!?) for breakfast.
Because I handed her brother his vitamin first.
Because we were driving to school.
Because the boots she chose had zippers on them.
Because her coat was hanging up on the coat rack.
Because her backpack was on the floor and not hanging on the coat rack.
Because I didn’t back the car into the garage last night so this morning the car seats were on the “wrong side.”
Because I wouldn’t zip up her coat for the 12 foot walk from the kitchen to the garage (it’s all indoors).
Because she remembered her teacher said that for the Christmas program next Wednesday they all have to wear jeans and matching t-shirts.
Because she is afraid I’m going to make her wear “crazy jeans” for aforementioned Christmas program (she doesn’t own crazy jeans).
Because her coat hood wouldn’t stay up since she was also wearing a stocking cap.
Because Mama chose to laugh at the above situations as I didn’t want to yell at her and it was too early for a glass of wine.


Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, hat, child and closeup

I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but earlier this week during Kindergarten pick-up, Charis somehow voluntold me to help her class make gingerbread houses. All I remember is walking toward her teacher after Charis said she “needed to talk to me.” When I came to, I saw her incredibly motivated/patient teacher sweetly waving and saying, “Thanks for volunteering! See you Friday!”

I guess I’m grateful Flat Daddy is coming along for moral support.

#YeaThoughIWalkThroughTheValleyOfTheShadowOfKindergardeners #IWillFearNoChaos#CanYouEatStressAwayEssentialOil?#AskingForAFriend


Deployment Log, Day 66:

1. We have passed the 2-month mark since “See-ya-later” day! Hooray!

2. Brandon and I have been able to connect online more lately (thank you Jesus! And thank you for the prayers!) and so we were discussing the deployment so far. He said “Only 7 months to go!” And I think I rolled my eyes and sighed. His ever-optimistic response: “Well, at least it’s not 8 months…” #AlwaysHalfFull

3. I feel like deployment is SUCH a roller coaster. One minute we are rocking and rolling, like we got this, then the next the kids are crying about things that makes no sense (see yesterday’s FB post) and I want to eat all the carbs within a six-block radius.

4. Charis is continuing to learn letters at school… So we play the “What starts with ____” letter game. If anyone asks, “Celery” starts with an S, because I didn’t want to argue.

5. She has also informed me that I need to learn how to floss ASAP (the dance, not the personal hygiene thing… I know how to do the latter). Yeah, ok. Gonna get right on that… #Not

6. Charis told me that at school yesterday she had a “Girled cheese sandwich.” She hopes that next week they have “Boy cheese sandwiches.” #WordsAreHard #ButHilarious

7. In the last week, Malick has learned how to meow and moo. So I’m sure all of our neighbors are now incredibly intrigued as to why I am pushing a cat around in the stroller for 3 miles.

8. We had our early family Christmas here today. It was cute and enjoyable, but reminds me of the expectations/reality tension that exists.

Expectation: Kids will have new toys and activities, excitedly opening them and being grateful (yes, this happened) then will play the rest of the day both together and independently.

Reality: The first half was a go, but then they started fighting over each other’s toys, and Malick was so frustrated that he had to learn how to use some of his new stuff and/or they didn’t work like he thought they should. I’m currently fighting the urge to go eat #AllTheCarbs. Again (See #3)

9. I finished up the silly statistics class/group project on Wednesday. THANK YOU LORD. Still waiting for grades to come back, but I’m hopeful. I edited/changed the final project pretty much by myself, since the rest of my group was just like “I dunno, what do you want to do next” or “I won’t be able to work on anything until Friday morning” (It was due Friday at 11:59pm EST). And since I love Jesus and want to be positive about life… That’s all I have to say about that.

10. I survived the gingerbread house construction project with Charis’ kindergarten class. Apparently there is a HUGE difference between Kindergarten and Pre-K… And Charis’ teach has got those kids TRAINED. She is my hero.

11. I wonder if I could hire her to come in and train my kids too?

12. Malick is learning how to share– as in, cold germs. I think he sneezed in my eyeball last week and gave me his gunk. Thankfully, it was mild and short-lived for both of us.

13. I’ve been really trying hard to take care of myself: Naps, more netflix and working out. I would love to do more things to “fill my bucket” but obviously, that’s challenging with the kids. Thankfully, we will soon be in SD with the amazing Gma Lex, so I hope to spend a solid two weeks on Fort Couch not parenting full time (that’s the theory, anyways).

14. After this morning’s early Christmas celebration (I played Sharita-Claus last night), I’m REALLY missing the hubs. It comes with the territory, but am also grateful that for the moment, the kids are outside playing while I hide in the bedroom to type this, giving just a few moments to pray, reflect and rejoice!

15. Prayer requests: Continued stamina as I solo parent, (Again: Fully caffeinated and abundantly patient), health for the Tiny Humans (well, and me!) and blessings for our trip north… I’m sure that me flying with the two kids and the dog (in the cabin!) will be epic swirls of chaos.

16. Parting thought for today:
“For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” 
~Isaiah 9:6-7

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, food

Well, Flat Daddy and I are totally confused. We opened this container and found cookies in there! We thought we were getting a sewing kit or a tin of buttons. Glad I kept the receipt…

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, selfie, child, closeup and indoor

Mother-daughter date night: Supper out and now at the K-LOVE Radio Christmas Concert! We typically have a “no boys allowed” policy, but made an exception for Flat Daddy.

(The security staffs’ expression when they check my bag for contraband and see the paper/foam board floating soldier-husband head on a stick is still my favorite thing like ever…)

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