Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #7)

Image may contain: 5 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, child and indoorFlat Daddy got to meet Pastor Steve last night… and It was so good for the soul to catch up with him ❤️

Image may contain: 10 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Kathleen Ivy, people smiling, people sitting and child

Oh, my dearest Cheesy Mollusk Kayla Taylor. It was so wonderful to hang out, catch up and let our children play/destroy all the things.

Image may contain: 9 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting, child and indoor

From being down-the-road neighbors, to FFA officer teammates, to Clovia housemates and collegiate cohorts, now to Mama pals and business women… Seeing Nicole T (and Kyle Wainwright) made Flat Daddy and I smile!

PS: Two extra Tiny Humans are pictured… sister Kathleen was out doing farm chores.


We are making some Thanksgiving memories on the farm tonight! We ate two hours late because the men were hauling hay (racing against the sunset). Then they realized the fence was broken so the bull got out. Kathleen was running to herd the bovine and had an asthma attack. Charis was spinning around in a circle and split her chin open (not stitches worthy, thankfully) then Malick gagged himself and projectile vomited across the kitchen three helpings of mashed potatoes, three servings of cranberry sauce and two helpings of chocolate pie. Finally, Cousin Jessa slammed her fingers in the door.

And a partridge in a pear tree.

PS: I wouldn’t trade this chaos for the world.

PSS: Ok, maybe less puke…


Image may contain: 8 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Deb Ferguson, people smiling, people sitting, child and indoor

Thanksgiving at the Lacey household might have been a *little* chaotic, but Flat Daddy and I are perpetually grateful for wonderful people who drive down to spend a few precious hours with us! So great to see you, Deb!! ❤️

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, tree, plant, grass and outdoor

The distance created by being a military family often keeps us from celebrating some of our extended family/friend’s greatest life moments, like weddings, birthdays and graduations.

But it often prevents us from experiencing another inevitability of life… like death.

Today, I visited Susie. And it was different than any visit I’ve had with her. Instead of petting her pup as she laughed out loud at my life catch-up stories in her living room, I sat silently on the ground, mopping up tears as the cold north wind blew around me and gray clouds filled the skies.

When God called her home earlier this year, I checked plane tickets no less than a dozen times. I racked my brain trying to think who I could get to watch my kids for a few days. But I just couldn’t make it back to say goodbye.

I feel like I’m a relatively intelligent human being, but how to grieve long distance is still well beyond me. I do know that our tiny town, loving community and entire world will never ever be the same.

On her humble resting place, I left a tiny bottle of Tajin seasoning I carried from El Paso. Like Tajin, Susie made EVERYTHING better. The perfect combination of sweet and spicy, which every person I know adores.

My dearest “Susie-boo…” I will take me a long to time process your permanent departure from this earth. Your impact is everlasting and I simply cannot wait to hear your laughter as you scoop me up on a hug when I some day cross that magnificent heavenly threshold.

Oh. Be sure to tell Jesus hey for me.

See you on the other side.


Deployment Log, Day 43:

1. Alas, ’tis departure eve from Kansas to Texas.

2. Using fancy language is fun.

3. We have had a wonderful time with family/friends in the Midwest.

4. So glad I’ve stocked back up on K-State gear (that fits!!)

5. Not sure what I was thinking when I got Charis a legit/new KSU dress… Mostly white. UG. #AllTheKansasMud

6. Is Cat Wrangling a viable career option? If so, I know two Tiny Humans who would be excellent candidates for an apprenticeship.

7. I purchased a new wallet/billfold thingy from Orscheln’s… YAY. But after I got home and started to unpack to repack for tomorrow’s trip, I realized they forgot to take the ink-exploding anti-theft device off. BOO. (Anyone have any insight how to resolve this without driving the 34 miles roundtrip back to town?)

8. I would legitimately pay someone like real dollar bills to come gather up and pack up all of our junk, er, I mean priceless belongings after this two-week trip.

9. I am so grateful that I’ve gotten to see so many folks in the last 12 days (and hoping I don’t forget to tag anyone!) Brandi Buzzard Frobose Debbie Johnston Wools Connie Johnston Harold Marilyn Thexton Billy BrownJordan Pieschl Robin Blume Erin Kerbs Ann Novinger Badders Willie Wildcat Kayla Taylor Nicole T Deb Ferguson Dereck Lindsay Caudell Susan Bubna Heath Tieben Lori Harlan Jane Kersley

10. Statistics is more than half over. Three more silly weeks of this class and group project hoopla. WE. CAN. DO. THIS.

11. Holidays apart from my Beloved Husband can be kind of lame… But being with extended family made the time pass quickly and less yuckily.

12. I’ve tried to use this trip to stock up on grown-up people hugs.

13. Prayer requests: Safe and efficient travels back to Texas, no Tiny Human puking (because they like to do that for fun I guess), to once again be fully caffeinated and abundantly patient, to avoid all bad weather (Kansas blizzard rumors?!?), for the kids to stay healthy with the transition back to TX because I love them greatly but I AM SO EXCITED FOR THEM TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL.

14. Today’s parting thought:
“I thank my God every time I remember you.” ~Philippians 1:3


Hypothetical question: Lets say there’s a mother of 2 children (neither of whom napped today) that will be stuck in the car for the next two days with both children (by herself because her hypothetical spouse is deployed) driving from Kansas to Texas. What is the appropriate amount of time for aforementioned mother to hide downstairs in the bathtub drinking wine while letting Grandma be in charge upstairs?

Asking for a friend.


Image may contain: 12 people, including Kathleen Ivy, Cj Lacey, Sharita Knobloch and Christopher A. Ivy, people smiling, people standing and indoor

Flat Daddy wanted to wrap up our time in Kansas with a minor dose of chaos, aka mandatory family pictures with 5 Tiny Humans ages 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. ????

Image may contain: one or more people, shoes, child and outdoor

Charis: “Mama! Mama! Malick is stuck!”

Me: “Stuck where?”

Charis: “C’mon, follow me!”

(I think she’s been watching too many movies)

*As we arrive on the “scene”*

Malick: (Calmly a matter-of-factly stating) “Mama. I’m stuck! Mama. I’m stuck!”

#FarmProbs #ParentingIsNeverBoring

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, hat and outdoor
You can’t stage this level of cuteness. (I think she is a farm girl at heart).

*Walking in the door upon our arrival back HOME in Texas*

Charis: “WOW, Mama!! The house is so clean!! How did that happen? Who did that?!”

“Me, Charis. ME.” ?

*Update: House is no longer even remotely clean. It’s a wreck. But hey, at least we aren’t driving in the car anymore!!


Image may contain: 8 people, including Kally Smith and Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing, people sitting and child

Just a little over 8 years ago, this gal stood by my side as my maid of honor when I said “I do” to non-flat-Husband. Now, we have a passel (herd? Flock? Gaggle? Posse?) of Tiny Humans between us!

Those Tiny Humans didn’t let much grown-up conversation happen in our brief on-the-road-homeward-bound hang out sesh (ahem, I’m looking at YOU, Malick!) but we wouldn’t trade it for the world. Love you, Kally!


Image may contain: 6 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting and child

? “Alpha… Alpha… Alpha of Clovia!” ?
This lady was my one of first ever big(ish) kid roommates my first year of college (See also: 14 years ago! Gah!) A love of ag, FFA and, well, each other, have kept us “ita sisters” for nearly the last decade and a half. Thanks for opening your home to us for a cozy pit stop, Carmelita! Cannot wait to see you in West Texas soon!

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I know, boys, I know… with one hour left in the epic two-day solo-adult with two Tiny Humans roadtrip, I wanted to hide from the chaos too…#MadeIt #ThankYouJesus #AllTheSonicDrinks

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