So, if you’ve been kinda-sorta keeping up with #AllTheThings with our life transitions, you would know that we recently moved across the country (again) per military orders. I documented our adventures on Facebook, BUT as I reflect, those memories are too precious to just let them get sucked into the abyss of Facebook craziness. I want to cement them here– if not for your entertainment, for my joy/reflection later down the line. So for the next few blog posts, we will recap the adventure of #WeBeRoadTripping from Fort Lewis, Washington to Dahlonega, Georgia. Enjoy! ~SGK
I think I read in a Milspouse etiquette handbook once that milspouses are permitted one melodramatic post per PCS.
And I am cashing mine in right now.
We are in our final moments here in Fort Lewis, WA. This place is an easy winner for the best duty station in our career so far.
We will miss everything about it (except I-5.) The people, culture, food, weather, stuff to do, you name it.
And as our personal belongings are all packed in boxes on a truck somewhere halfway across the USA, there’s one thing we can’t take with us… The pieces of our heart that will always be in this state, in this season, with our people. (That was the melodramatic climax, just FYI.)
So now, we say farewell to a place we’ve called home with the promise from 1 Thessalonians 5:24… “The one who called you is faithful and He will do it.”
Related note: Very grateful I super glued my sunglasses back together because it’s getting old explaining to Charis why Mama is all teary eyed.
Our very final stop before departing Joint Base Lewis McChord… Our good friend flew in for the air show.
Ironically, he was the first familiar face we saw upon our arrival to Washington 3 years ago, and the last familiar face as we departed.
Departure day at first major stop:
Brandon: “Wife, we are doing so good. We’ve already made it this far.”
Me: “Yes. 48 miles. In a 3800 ish mile road trip. We are totally almost there.”
PCS Travel log, day 2:
1. This lady can’t quite party like she used to. And by party, I mean drive like lotsa miles while pregnant.
2. Grandparents are a blessing sent from heaven (Ahem, Lex and Dietrich.)
3. Trucks filled with freshly harvested onions are very cool.
4. Our temporary lodging accommodations at Mountain Home Air Force Base tonight will make it real hard to get back in the car in the morning. #FancyPants #AirForceDoesItBetter
5. Hell hath no fury like a pregnant woman driving on the interstate while eating Cheetos.
Definitely our favorite part of today. In the fancy apartment suite (finally) and in our pajamas (double finally)
Our daily “hood briefing.” (It’s Brandon’s favorite part of the day.)
Shoshone Falls, Idaho… Um, yes please!
PS: And yes. I now own a selfie stick. So my apologies to all of the people I have previously laughed at in my head for owning one. I have now crossed to the other side. Because I’m sick of not being in any pics.
Travel log, day 3: Greetings from Wendover, Utah!
1. Jakers restaurant in Idaho has a VERY legit salad bar.
2. Always make sure marital conflict resolution skills were included on packing list, especially when driving separate vehicles. ?
3. Grandparents are STILL the greatest.
4. I was thoroughly underwhelmed with Nevada. But Brandon said it made his “top 5 places to live when we retire.” It’s not even on my list. Stayed tuned in 7 ish years for the rest of the story.
5. I still judge a hotel by water pressure/shower head. Tonight’s budget hotel just got bumped UP two stars due to this criteria.
Sure indication you are in the middle of a long road trip… You wake up with this song echoing trough your head:
? Fifty, nifty United States, from 13 original colonies. Shout ’em, scout ’em, tell all about ’em, one by one til we’ve given a name to every state in the USA… ALABAMA…?
Annnddd now the song is also stuck in your head for the duration of your Monday as well. You are welcome. #MissionAccomplished
Travel log, Day 4… I think. Hello from Wyoming! #WeBeRoadTripping
1. Wyoming > Utah > Nevada when it comes to state coolness (like interesting-ness, not temperature.)
2. We discovered a great remedy for boredom: Taking random pics and creating punny captions to go with them. I don’t know whether to be proud of my pun creations or concerned. It’s like a toss-up between sickness/talent.
3. I am over this bronchitis. And by over, I don’t mean healed. I mean ready for it to GO. AWAY. #Meh Now my nose is getting all rebellious, adding to the shenanigans. #KnockItOffBody
4. Nevada is like the rebel child of the USA. Utah is the isolated/workaholic one. And Wyoming is the chill cowboy kid of America.
Stay tuned for #TheRestOfTheStory (actually, like several more “chapters” of our story…) And feel free to jump in and leave a comment.
Traveling for Him,
“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” ~Hebrews 11:8