The recap of our journey across the USA continues today… to get caught up, be sure to check out Part 1 of this series. Thanks for tuning in! ~SGK
Surefire indication #2 you are in the middle of a very long road trip:
Husband get out of shower and you catch him doing the “smell test” on his very limited number of T-shirts he brought. ?#ThatsWhenFebreezeBecomesDeodorant
“But seriously, Mama… What time zone are we in??” -Lightest Sleeping Child On the Planet Except When We Need To Hit The Road
Here ye, here ye! Let it be known that after 4 plus months of coffee being a pregnancy aversion, today I was able to drink coffee AND enjoy it!
Life has meaning once again!!
And if anyone is curious, today’s road trip will be powered by Black Gold Caffeination. ????☕️
Here’s to Gas Station Dinosaurs.
Travel log, Day 5. #WeBeRoadTrippin
1. We are finally almost back in the Midwest-ish. And it makes my heart flutter a bit. (Not sure if it’s the Midwest or the fact we are almost done with the marathon driving portion of the trip.)
2. A Good, solid, sit-down breakfast (with coffee!! #GodBlessSecondTrimester) is a gift from heaven.
3. In our boredom today, Lex and I created new acronyms for “PCS.” (Actual military meaning is “Permanent Change of Station.”)
*Predictably Complicated Situation
*Pass the Container of Sedative
*Potential Criminal Status
*Possessed, Crazy & Stressed
*Prayers Constantly Streaming
*Pretty Cramped Spaces (see tonight’s lodging picture)
*Pitstops Can Save-a-life
*Possible Chance of Screaming
*People Conserving their Sanity
Travel log, Day 6: Lennox, SD
END OF PHASE 1 #WeBeRoadTrippin
1. God Bless Grandma and Grandpa’s house!
2. South Dakota is a very long (wide?) state to drive across (much like Kansas)
3. I am SO EXCITED for a single day of non-traveling respite tomorrow I can’t decide whether to shout for joy or cry tears of relief.
4. Pizza Ranch is the the best post-road trip cook ever.
5. Time zones ranks right up there with daylight savings time. ?
Travel log, day 7: #WeBeRoadTrippin
2. Today, I brought “vacation” to a whole new level (for me.) Many of you know I’m not very good at “resting.” But today, I didn’t get out of my pajamas til noon, ate cold gluten free pizza for breakfast, watched Netflix and took a 2 hour nap. #VictoryIsMine #PantsAreOverrated
3. Grandparents are STILL the best thing since cold pizza for breakfast.
4. Tomorrow will be a victory if I can drag myself off Fort Couch and back into the car for more driving.
Today’s road tripping-preggo-false motivation is brought to you by: Trail mix, tums, crushed aka “Sonic” ice and various KS/MO/AR classic country radio stations. #FakeItTilYouMakeIt
Travel log, Day 8: #WeBeRoadTrippin
1. Is it just me, or did the trip from Grandma Lex’s house in SD to Grandma Cj’s house in KS get way longer??
2. One of my fave parts of massive road trips is the incredulous looks my husband Brandon gets as he does a few dozen push-ups in each pit stop parking lot.
3. I also love using the word “incredulous” in a FB post.
4. I also love pretending to be cool and saying things like this to my husband on the Walkie Talkie: “Bad Karma, it’s Good Vibrations, come in. Watch your 6, there’s a Smokey fast approaching.”
5. Can I just get a huge AMEN that we get an entire long weekend of non-traveling respite?!?
6. Cracker Barrel is delicious, but not light road tripping fare. It’s definitely wanna-take-a-nap sustenance.
Traveling under His direction,
“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways…” ~Psalm 91:11