If you are parent, it comes as no surprise that we learn A LOT of lessons from our tiny-to-medium-sized humans.

Like how you can eat 2.34 bites of yogurt and be “full…”

How loopholes can be a saving grace, especially if it ends in laughter: “I didn’t kick the dog. I touched him with my foot!”

And that sometimes, choosing to do something is the right choice. 

My three-year-old daughter is apparently just like me. (My mother is having an absolute hay day doing her “It-serves-you-right-taste-of-your-own-medicine” dance as I regale her with tales of my kiddo’s shenanigans.

See, Charis is a social butterfly. She never wants the party to end. She would rather be out and about flitting around, doing something. Currently, her most used phrase is, “Mama, I wanna do sump-ting. Sump-ting fun. Let’s ded-den-ter (adventure.)

Yep. This is my kid, through and through.

Do Something

As much as I would love to tell you that I treat my everyday walks with the Lord as “sump-ting fun” or an adventure, I can’t.

Amidst the emails, the challenges, the heartbreak that comes with ministering in a fallen world, I often lose sight of the bigger purpose and plan of what God has called me to do.

I know it sounds cliché (but hey, once cliché per post is permitted, right?) but it seems absolutely crazy that this season as PWOC President is quickly drawing it a close.

This whole thought is partly crazy and partly exciting.

Because I’ve been blessed to do a lot of “somethings” with PWOC this year. But I can already feel the touch of some new “somethings” on the horizon.

And, for a brief season, that “something” might be a little bit more “nothing.” (Are you confused yet? Great. My work here is done.)

God has been so gracious to take me on this adventure for the last 12 months (nearly 20 months serving on executive board!) but sisters–oh sisters– I am ready to breathe a little bit.

I am excited for my next something to potentially be a little bit more nothing.

More park playing. Sunshine napping. Book reading. Prayer closet parking. Husband flirting. Walk taking. Zentangle drawing. Iced tea drinking.

Dear readers, what “something” is God calling you to as begin this summer season?

Is it saying yes to a new ministry opportunity? Is it moving to a new duty station? Or, perhaps like me, is your something a little more nothing?

All I can say is that regardless of what “something” God is calling you to do, I encourage you to DO IT. Without hesitation. Like, right now.

Remember, ALL of our somethings from the Lord can be quite the ded-den-ter– as long as we are willing to say yes.

For His Glory,

Initials Signature Blog

“Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” ~Habakkuk 1:5

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