Nearly three years ago, when my tiny human was born and subsequently made me into a Mama, I doubted my abilities in all things child-rearing.
How will I know what she needs? When does she need to eat again? How much tummy time is enough? Can you have too much tummy time? And the biggest one…
How will I know when she is sick!?!?
I had always admired moms who could take one look at a tiny to medium sized-human, raise their eyebrows, place their palm on the little human’s head and say, “Yep. Got a fever.”
I tried to adopt that same suave, confident attitude of fever diagnosis growing up, practicing on myself when I was under the weather and even other people (especially my little brother who is 12 years younger than me.)
But it was always fruitless. I couldn’t tell the difference between a normal-temped kid versus one that was two degrees this side of the sun.
The only fever I knew about was the one that needed more cowbell. #SNLreference
But wouldn’t you know it… The minute I became a Mama, I magically developed the ability to detect an “off” temperature in my little girl.
My instinct would prompt me to dig out the digital thermometer to confirm it– and I was right almost every time.
Mind. Blown.
Recently, I have been reflecting on a different type of “temperature” in my own life. And it has nothing to do with germs and everything to do with Jesus.
I have been forced to bust out my “Joy” thermometer and check the temp of my heart.
Because when one of your God-sized dreams for the year is “Be more positive– Did my words, attitudes and actions reflect that of Jesus?” you gotta find a way to measure it.
For me, that is my hypothetical joy thermometer.
Because being a Christian means that I don’t get to cop-out on the “joy” factor when things get tough. (And seriously, in this world, when are things NOT tough?)
Christ’s joy transcends our circumstances.
I see the words. I write them. I say them. I know them.
But do I live them??
Right now, the answer is “Probably not often enough.”
I am still wrestling with what that looks like in real life. I am asking myself some questions…
On my Jesus joy thermometer…
Am I running hot with just bursts of Jesus joy when things go well?
Am I running cold with a general negative outlook/attitude about things?
Or am I just right, a consistent, stable, steady fiber of joy weaving through my everyday?
In Paul Tripp’s book, Dangerous Calling, he talks about one of the dangers in ministry is that because we do work FOR God everyday, we can easily slip into a routine of familiarity.
We no longer stand in AWE of God, His Character and what He has done for us.
Convicting thought, eh?
I was also kind of struggling with how to be joyful when so much of my ministry interaction brings such heartbreak by way of divorce, death, sickness, etc. Brennan Manning in Ragamuffin Gospel cleared up that question for me. He said (paraphrasing) that while we will have days where we are bummed out, sad and maybe even downright depressed, the general theme and direction of our life still points to God’s joy.
(I’ve apparently been reading a lot of profound books lately.)
Friends, on a scale of 1-10, where is your general life joy thermometer? I have to admit that just a few months ago, I was probably at a 4– on a good day– maybe… and now, just one month into 2016, I am at a 6.5-ish (and climbing.) Don’t be shy– I would love to hear your ranking AND how you find joy even when things in this world get tough. Jump in a leave a comment here.
Over the years, God has continued to perfect my “fever” detection abilities when it comes to rearing this tiny human o’mine. And not surprisingly, He is doing the same in my spiritual life, teaching me to keep a steady temp of joy in my life every. single. day.
Finding Joy in Christ,
“Be joyful always…” ~1 Thessalonians 5:16