30 Years, 30 Acts of Kindness (Factor of 7) #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I have been spending some super-duper quality time working through the book of James.

And for those of you who might be new to this Jesus journey, James is what one would call a “practical” book.

Which means major life application.

Application = Challenging.

Every time I get out out my Bible, notebook and pen that has like eight different color settings on it (Thanks, Lindsey) to dig into this word, I start to squirm. I have to fight the urge define my faith in light of my success (ahem, or failure) of God’s word in my life.

Slow to speak? Nope. Slow to anger? Negative. Showing favoritism? Yep, did that. UG!

But here is the good news, just as Lauren told us the VERY first day of class: No matter what we do (or don’t do), as long as we have said a sincere YES to Jesus, God views us as a ten. A perfect, solid, TEN. 


BUT… (You knew that was coming, be honest…) If we are sincere in our faith, that faith should produce good works. Jesus is our root. And over time, He helps us grow fruit.

His faith both saves AND produces.

So last Tuesday during our PWOC James class, we spent most of the time talking about compassion, mercy and how our actions reflect our faith.

It was a very rich conversation and has (obviously) stayed with me in the days since.

And, as it usually happens, God spoke to me on this topic. I was pondering my “plans” for my upcoming birthday, because there was no way I was going to pass up an opportunity to eat delicious food with my girlfriends unless Jesus Himself said otherwise…

Well. You can guess what He said.

30 Years 30 ActsGod told me that to commemorate welcoming in my 30’s, we are going to do things a little bit different.

From November 1st to December 31st, I will do 30 acts of kindness– some random, some calculated– for the glory of God. #30Years30Acts

It is going to be very similar to our Factor of 7 experiences (only probably with less dinero involved since finances are way muchly tighter than before we moved to WA then added a tiny human to the mix.)

I don’t say all of this to be all “Look at me.” I share this simply to say that this is what God told me… and because I want to see Jesus alive and at work, overflowing onto everyone I meet.

I want my faith to be alive. To grow fruit. To share Christ’s love by opening the door through kindness.

And dear reader, I invite you to come along with me. Help me celebrate my birthday as we ALL experience the greatest gift– serving out of Christ’s love for His glory.

So, are you in? If so, comment with your “commitment” (aka, one act of kindness or a dozen or anything the Lord puts on your heart…)

Over the next two months, if you engage in ANY act of kindness driven by Jesus, we would love to hear about it! Post it here in the comment section. Send me an email at Sharita@7daystime.com. Share on our 7 Days Time Facebook Page.

Girls, I want to see our Real Love in Real Life. And I don’t know about you, but I simply cannot wait to see what that looks like!

Motivated by Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“I will show you my faith by what I do.” ~James 2:18b

7 Days Time
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