10 Faith-Full Habits that Changed my Life (Part 1)

God blows my mind on a daily basis.

Some days He shows up in the most unexpected places. Other times, He straight up blesses my face off. On some occasions, I powerfully feel him as He bestows peace that passes understanding in the realm of future junk I have zero control others.

And some times, He rocks my world by reminding me of where my heart used to be and how He has transformed it today.

habitsIt is kind of weird for me when folks say, “Wow, I don’t know how you do it” or “I wish I could pray like you” or whatever.

It’s weird because really, I had a VERY minimal role in this process. All I did was finally let go and let God do His thang.

And ALL of us have that opportunity.

So today, I wanted to share the first five of ten faith habits that have literally changed my life. I doubt any of them are like, “Whoa! Why didn’t I think of that,” because really, it is all about making God’s Word come to life and giving him space to work.

Here are the first five faith habits, in no particular order. (Tune in next Monday for part dos.)

1. I got off the throne. No friends, this one has nothing to do with the bathroom, nor does it relate to some closet royalty experience in a past life. Six years ago, I had a wake-up call from Jesus… He finally got through this thick, stubborn skull (and heart) of mine and showed me that sure, I am gifted and have something to offer this world, but oh-hey– I AM NOT GOD. For the first couple decades of my life, my keister was firmly planted front and center on the throne of my heart. There wasn’t room for God to take His rightful place. But when things fell apart enough so that He could make my life truly come together, I got off the throne. I let Him reign where He was always supposed to be. I submitted. I took shelter under his sovereign wings.  And seriously, my life has NEVER been the same since.

2. I STOPPED worrying… well, mostly. As with most of my “habits,” this one is still a bit of a work in progress. Oh, but seriously– you have NO IDEA how far God has brought me in this. I was an incessant worrier about ALL THE THINGS. Things I couldn’t control. Things that really had less than 1% chance of happening. Things I should have been trusting God with in the first place. I prayed and prayed (and prayed some more,) and certain life events, obviously planned by the Big Guy himself, coupled with the game-changing bible study “Calm My Anxious Heart” by Linda Dillow finally broke something loose inside me. Now, when I feel that panic bubble start to rise, I know how to lay the smack down before it takes me on that ridiculous roller coaster of emotion.

3. I pray about (almost) everything. This goes back to number 1. Because I was no longer Top Dog, Queen of my own Castle, the Big Cheese and other analogies of my life, I had One who was greater… and who cared about all of my everything. So now, I pray about the big stuff– marriage, motherhood, how to handle sticky ministry situation, AND the little stuff– lines at the commissary, the silly combination lock that won’t come open, ingredients that I need to be in the cabinet but am unsure if they are or not… This habit not only brings great blessing, but it also brings me back to center and reminds me of who is really in charge.

4. Two words: Prayer closet. Recently, I saw the movie “War Room.” (HIGHLY Recommend. Easy five stars!) I about jumped out of my seat when they showed the place where one of the main characters did “battle”– it was her war room, aka prayer closet. About a year ago, I made a prayer closet for myself. And other than a solid bible and multiple journals, it was the best tangible investment in my faith I could have made. It gives me a Holy Place to connect with God on a daily basis. It is (mostly) quiet, sacred and easily my favorite “room” in the house.

5. One word: REST. You may have noticed I am a goer and a doer. My “One Words” from previous years (Trust, Stand, Grow) have been incredibly transformative, but this year’s word of “Rest” seems to have put a layer of Jesus cement over the whole deal. This year I am facing the messiest ministry season to date… But I have more peace, more love and more joy than ever before. And I attribute it to God’s (hard) lessons on teaching me how to rest. I take (almost) daily power naps. I Zentangle. I read. I have more fun. I stopped wearing a watch (because something about the clock gives me a level of unnecessary hurry.) I could go on all day.

So friends– which of these habits resonate with you the most? What faith habits have changed your life? I would love to learn from you! Jump in and leave a comment.

Dear reader, if you don’t already have some solid faith habits established in your life, I would encourage you to seek the Lord and see just what He has for you up His Holy Sleeves.

Initially the habits might be stretchy or messy. But trust me. Hang in there, because they will be worth it.

Transformed by Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” ~2 Corinthians 3:18

Linking up today with Kelly,   Laura at Playdates with God,  Joan’s  Beauty in His Grip,  Jen over at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood,  and Hazel via  Tell Me a Story. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up  community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday! 

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