Courageous Faith: Love

My heart was pounding. It was air-conditioned, and a temperate fall day but I was still sweating. My stomach was churning and my mouth was dry.

I was clad in white, hair done up, make-up applied meticulously.

The music began. And it was my turn. Just one step in front of the other.

This year, we celebrate five years of marriage.

I would love to tell you that I practically floated down the aisle on Cloud Nine, tasting a slice of heaven with each step towards the altar.

But really, I was terrified. I loved my almost-husband, was confident that God had chosen us for one another, but I was scared.

Did I really have the courage to say yes? 

Obviously, I did. It was a great day. The butterflies flew off once I made eye contact with my Beloved as my Dad handed me off for the last time.

But saying Yes takes courage, whether to a spouse or to Jesus.

Saying yes to love takes faith. Specifically, courageous faith.

When we follow Jesus, both with that initial yes when accept Him as our Savior AND in those #EverydayJesus moments of obedience, we do so from an overflow of His love. That love is rooted in our courageous faith.

Loving courageously doesn’t just happen at the altar in marriage or in salvation.

Courageous faithCourageous love is when we drop to our knees, sobbing, asking God for the stamina to stay with our marriage for the long haul after a betrayal.

Courageous love is speaking the truth to a dear friend who has lost her way on the path of righteousness.

Courageous love is supporting a sibling when he or she has made a very poor choice that will impact the rest of his/her life.

Courageous love is kissing your soldier see-ya-later as he walks out the door for yet another mission.

Courageous love is admitting when we have sinned, turning from it and running after righteousness.

Courageous love is disciplining our children with the intention of teaching them the right way to God.

Courageous love is saying yes to anything Jesus asks, no matter how hard it might seem. Not because we are intimated by the consequences, but because we love Him so dearly, we will do whatever it takes to show it.

Courageous love is hard. But so very worth it. Times a million.

Take some time to consider: Who in your life needs to shown courageous love? A spouse? A friend? A neighbor? Someone in your home group who is struggling? An acquaintance at church? That homeless man on the street?

What does courageous love look like in our everydays? Reflect, consider then chime in by leaving a comment.

Tap into that well of courageous faith and let the love overflow.

Courageously His Everyday,

Initials Signature Blog


“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” ~2 Timothy 1:7 ESV

Linking up today with my friend Kristin over at Three-word Wednesday and having a little Coffee for your Heart with Holley.  Oh! And be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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