My Daily Cross-Examination (Printable and #Everyday Jesus link-up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


In a past life, I used to get bent out of shape pretty easy. And by past life, I mean like 36 seconds ago.

Yes, I admit it– I am what many would deem “high-strung.” I don’t know if it my achieving nature (sometimes dangerous) or my perfectionist tendencies (always dangerous) but it doesn’t take much to send me reeling.

One minute I can be basking in a metaphorical tub of peace and the next I am gasping for breath as the waters of worry attempt to overtake me.

Fortunately, God has brought me a long way in this journey. And because I love you, I want to share my latest tool that has helped me freak out less and rest more.

Now presenting: My Daily Cross Examination. (Yes, it is a printable, just for you. Click the blue PDF link below the graphic to get hooked up.)

Daily Cross Examination

Daily Cross Examination

Take a good, long look at this diagram. One of my spiritual gifts is administration, so I often need tangible representations of God’s lessons for our life.

Notice the diagram has two questions. The top question is “Can I control it?” (Random disclaimer about the control question– Yes, I realize that God is sovereign over all. BUT we all know He gives us free will and the ability to choose/act on a daily basis. So that is where the control matters.)

The vertical question is “Does it matter?”

Each “quadrant” is designated as either yes or no.

For example: Top left is YES-YES, Top right is YES-NO, Bottom left is YES-NO and Bottom right is NO-NO.

Think of it as Spiritual Punnett Square.

You might be thinking, “Well, isn’t this nifty… But how exactly do I use it?”

So glad you asked! Let me explain.

Say you have an issue causing you to worry. Ask yourself these questions and determine into which quadrant it falls.

Then (and this is REALLY important) only those things that fall in the upper left-hand corner under YES-YES  are items you should be concerned about.

Need some examples? Ok, lets practice with some of my daily struggles.

I begin to worry my daughter could get sick. Does it matter? Absolutely. Can I control it? Other than general proactive practices, no,  not really. So that is a heart item that I would lay at the foot of the cross and “Elsa-fy” it– see also, LET IT GO!!!

The commissary is out of potatoes.  Does it matter? Not really. Can I control it? Nope. = Lay it down and move on.

My dog quietly growls from the living room couch when someone is outside on the sidewalk. Does it matter? No. Can I control it? Yeah, with some training… But it isn’t something I need to let steal my peace today. Give it to Jesus and take action when I can.

The toilet seat in the upstairs bathroom is busted. Does it matter? Since I have company coming this weekend, yes. Can I control it? Yes. ACTION REQUIRED: One quick call to maintenance and boom– worries be gone!

You get the picture. So– what everyday items of life would you plug into your Daily Cross Examination? In what ways does this illustration help you connect to Jesus? Let me know and leave a comment!

Friend, I encourage you to print this off and put it on your fridge, bathroom mirror or in your journal. Next time something threatens to pull your eyes off of our Jesus in our Everyday, engage in some literal “Cross” examination.

Bottom line: If it matters to you, it matters to God. And ultimately, God is in control.

Cross Examined and better for it,

Initials Signature Blog

Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. ” ~2 Corinthians 13:5 MSG

7 Days Time
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