Perfect Timing #EverydayJesus Link-up

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I adore moments of perfect timing.

Perhaps it is just my OCD nature. Maybe it is because I just love it when things flow seamlessly.

But really, I think it is because each little moment of “perfect timing” helps me to see Jesus in my everyday.

After all– God IS kind of the big bopper of time-keeping.

One example of “perfect timing” sticks in my brain…

A while back, I was finishing up a tough run. I was at the point of no return with just a few more minutes to go. I had been running hard and (as usual) was battling my brain that kept telling me to slow down to a walk.

As I huffed, puffed, sweated and groaned, I prayed. Please God, send me some encouragement. I want to finish this strong, at my steady pace. Please Lord– just get me there.

Like many aspiring runners, I run with music, usually a mix between upbeat Jesus workout music and secular (clean) music with a powerful cadence… Mainly to distract me from the fact that I am actually outside running (Whose idea was this again?)

On this particular run, I was ready to quit. As I stuttered prayers through my oxygen deprived brain, I asked for God to cue up a powerful song to get me to the end since my iPod was on shuffle.

In all honesty, I was hoping the song “Wipeout” would come on. Not because I care about the title (actually, the title psychs me out– I always feel like thinking about the title is going to result in me literally wiping out. I have done that before, and I was not pleasant.)

I was praying for “Wipeout” because it always motivates me– the cadence is absolutely perfect for my short-legged strides.

A  new song came on– and I was a bit disappointed that it wasn’t what I requested. C’mon, Lord! I am dying here! I don’t want to quit but I need your help!

I looked down at my watch and realized I had a little farther to go mileage-wise than I originally planned. As I crested the last nasty hill, wouldn’t you know… “Wipeout” blared in my ears!

I did so sort of weird half run-skip-jump step and flew down the hill. The beat pounded in tune with my feet and I kicked it into overdrive. The mileage clicked lower… lower… lower…

DONE. Right when my watch beeped to signal the end of my run, the song was over.

I laughed out loud. And may or may not have audibly gasped, “Thanks, Lord. That was awesome.” 

Perfect TimingYep, God’s perfect timing.

Friends, God cares about ALL of life moments. And although sometimes we think we know exactly what we want when we want it, most often– we don’t. But God does.

Just think: If I would have gotten what I wanted when I wanted it (aka my requested song) I probably wouldn’t have finished so strong. AND I would have missed out on a great moment to celebrate and praise the Lord.

Consider this today: Where in your everyday have you witnessed God’s perfect timing recently? It can be big or small moments– don’t limit yourself. In what areas do you need to trust God’s timing more? You know I always welcome feedback. Join the conversation and leave a comment below.

Be encouraged, dear reader– the Lord knows WHAT we need, exactly WHEN we need it. Be courageous to ask for it AND for His perfect timing.

Because when we seek Jesus in our everyday, He will always deliver– right on time.

In Tune with His Timing,

Initials Signature Blog

Timing is the Father’s business.” ~Acts 1:7a MSG
7 Days Time
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