“Don’t take life too seriously because you won’t get out of it alive.”
I have heard that saying multiple times. It is plastered on Pinterest, bumper stickers and even T-shirts.
Although following Jesus is serious business, it isn’t supposed to be monotonous or boring. God created laughter for a reason.
How often are we intentionally engaging the gift of laughter?
I try to do so on a regular basis. Admittedly, I have my seasons where I forget, put my serious pants on and face each day with an intense grimace… Until my hubs reminds me to lighten up and enjoy the ride.
I want to pass that onto others– even if it might make me look a little goofy or make someone feel bit awkward.
I have always been “that girl” who will do <almost> anything for a laugh. If you have met me, you are probably nodding your head in agreement. If not… Well, consider yourself fortunate. 😉
My primary avenue to evoke laughter is an attempt as wittiness and outgoing comments that others, typically strangers, totally don’t expect.
It keeps my life interesting and provides some serious entertainment when an unsuspecting stranger cracks a smile due to my intentional antics.
Wait, you would like an example? Why sure! So glad you asked.
Not too long ago, I was back home in the MidWest. I was in South Dakota with my wonderful mother-in-law. We made arrangements with my daughter’s great Aunt and great grandparents to watch her for the day so Mama Lex and I could be grown ups together.
One of our tasks was to get Ma a new phone. So after the hoopla of choosing a new phone, case, accessories, etc, we are sitting across from our Best Buy guy as we wait for all of the info to transfer from the old phone to the new.
The silence was awkward, so Best Buy guy tries to strike up conversation by saying this: “So, uh… You ladies know anything interesting to share? Maybe a joke of the day?”
We both stared at him. Say what?
We uttered a half-hearted laugh and almost said, “No, not really.” But my brain clicked into gear (thanks, Lord) and I surprised both my MIL and Best Buy guy with my response.
“Sure! What do you call a cow with two legs?”
*Blank Stares*
“Lean beef! What do you call a cow with no legs?”
*More blank stares and chuckles from everyone within ear shot*
“Ground beef!”
After a few awkward moments, everyone around burst into laughter. (It really wasn’t that funny of a joke, but I think they were all surprised at my, um, outgoingness.)
Once the Best Buy guy regained his composure, he looked at me and said, “You know, I have worked here for quite some time now and you are the only person that has ever told me a joke. You just made my day.”
How. Awesome. Is. That?!?!
A super simple and very corny joke added a bit of laughter to a person’s day. Just because I spoke how God moved. Neat, right?
You can try this in your everyday life too. Just say something people don’t expect. How many times does a stranger ask how you are doing? Instead of responding with a mumbled, “Fine and you?” get creative.
I do this with the Fort Lewis gate guards every day. They see hundreds and hundreds of cars come through during their shift. They check IDs for each vehicle and usually say the exact same thing: “Welcome back to JBLM. How are you today, Ma’am?”
My response? “Living the dream, bro.”
Watching them crack a smile or respond with an upbeat, “I know, right!” or sarcastic, “You and me both” makes my heart just a little bit lighter.
I challenge you to try this with your cashier, bank teller, or as you drive through for your morning cup o’Joe. Mix things up. Add some surprise to someone’s day. Then jump back here, leave a comment and share their reaction. Do something to make you (or someone else) laugh today!
Think about what would Jesus do. Lighten up and laugh a little.
Living light,
“When the righteous see God in action they’ll laugh, they’ll sing, they’ll laugh and sing for joy.” ~Psalm 68:3 MSG
Linking up today with Jen over at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood, Hazel via Tell Me a Story and Jennifer Dukes Lee over at #TellHisStory. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!