Today’s Take-Home Message:
Sometimes we are too close to see things clearly.
Sounds a bit counterintuitive, but it is so true. Check out today’s video blog for a little somethin’ somethin’ on how to step back and see life through God’s perspective.
If you are reading via email, click here to watch the video.
To recap: There are three major things we can do to start moving toward seeing and living life from God’s perspective.
1. Recognize who is at work. Hint: the correct answers are God, our flesh <sigh> and that big dumb jerkface Satan.
2. Be grateful. When we are too close to the problem or in the middle of the trial, we forget about the big picture blessings. Count them.
3. Pray. The power of prayer is Ah-MAZ-Ing. Use it and just see what happens.
So… On a scale of 1-10, how well do you see life from God’s perspective? Which of the three tips speaks to you most or is most effective in your life? Chime in and leave a comment. (I read and respond to every single one.)
If you are in the middle of a trial, attempting to find a solution to a problem or even just living life, remember to grab those Jesus glasses so you can see things from God’s perspective.
Seeing through Christ,
“So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective.” ~Colossians 3:1-2 MSG