The Best Boss


These three little piggies were “take-home” souvenirs from my first-ever job. Fact #1: Pigs are rarely a profitable undertaking. Fact #2: This is probably the second most unattractive picture ever taken of me. High school was precious.

I jumped head first into the “working world” the summer after turned 16 as a sophomore in High School.

My first ever “real” job was working on a several-thousand head farrow to wean/breeding and gestation swine operation in Minnesota.

It was a trip. (Literally.)

Since that point, I have held several jobs. Some were seasonal, some part-time and some big-kid-post-college-graduation full-time jobs.

With each of those jobs, I had a boss.

Looking back, I would have to say I have had some pretty great supervisors. Folks like Todd, Brenda, Cindy, and Sharon.

But I have also has some not-so-awesome bosses… Who, because I am a Christian and love Jesus, shall remain nameless. (You are welcome, un-named leaders in my life.) 

Now, over a decade later, I continue to work. Just the other day, I realized how incredible my current boss is.

Yep, that’s right. I work for the Best Boss in the world… and in Heaven.

I am employed by the Big Cheese, the Number One Director, CEO of the Universe.

I work for God.

And it is great.

Working for God is pretty reminiscent of the awesome earthly bosses I have had in the past. He challenges me with tasks to help me grow, He encourages me when I am down, He gives me grace when my work misses the mark.

But He goes even farther than that.

He is always with me, but doesn’t micromanage. He wholeheartedly understands the important of rest, relaxation and recharging. He doesn’t chide me about taking too many vacation days (what’s a vacation?) but instead reminds me when I need to take one.

He let’s me work from home, all while guiding me on how to be a minister, mama and wife all at the same time.

He provides daily feedback to me, sometimes several times a day. He is never too busy to answer my questions, never out of town and never bogs me down with too much stuff.

This Best Boss of mine is incredibly trustworthy. Although the “pay” in earth dollars is inconsistent and sometimes almost non-existent, I am putting more in the “bank” than I ever have or ever will with any job. Because those “Jesus dollars” that I am working for last forever.

Just thinking about my Best Boss motivates me to work harder, type more, pray with additional focus and share His projects with others.

It is what gets me out of bed in the morning and definitely what keeps me up late at night.

Here’s the best news: This incredible Boss doesn’t limit his power of employment to only those who are called to full-time ministry.

He is available as your supervisor no matter what vocation, season of life or location might be.

Are you tapping into His expertise? If not, I encourage you to find ways to serve Him in your daily lives, whether it is doing an act of kindness, encouraging someone at work or digging deep to tap into that well of patience with your spouse and kids. How can you “work” for Him daily? Leave a comment here. 

We all have the opportunity to work for the Best Boss. The Big Kahuna. The Employer of Eternity.

So let’s show up. Work hard. And give him all the glory.

Because he has hand-picked us and whispered those two powerful word:

 “You’re Hired.”

Working for the Glory of God,

Initials Signature Blog

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…” ~Colossians 3:23

Linking up today with Hazel via  Tell Me a Story and Jennifer Dukes Lee over at #TellHisStory. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up  community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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