Baby Steps

For my entire adult life, I have always heard parents talking about the “big” firsts  in their child’s life: First tooth, first solid food, first vacation…

And yep, you guessed it– first steps.

I never really knew what a big deal those first steps were until we had a daughter of our own. 

My Beloved and I were sitting in the living room floor with little Charis standing between us. She had been “cruising” along the furniture for months, always holding onto something, trying to muster the courage to let go and take a solo step.

That night, she let go of Brandon’s hand and quickly took a few tiny baby steps before falling into my arms.

It. Was. So. Cool. (I may or may not have teared up.)

A few months have passed since then and she is now a professional– she runs, she squats, she climbs, you name it.

And it all started with those baby steps.


Photo courtesy of Steve Koukoulas via Flickr

As I watch our daughter grow, I can’t help but think about how, even as adults, we still need to embrace the “baby step” opportunities in our life.

When we really think about it, all goals and dreams really start with that first tiny baby step.

Want to run a marathon? It probably isn’t a good idea to slap on some old tennis shoes and try to run 26.2 miles right out of the gate. You will probably break your face (and not to mention other body parts.) Instead, we have to start slow– taking one baby step at a time… getting off the couch, walking a mile, running a mile, and building from there.

Want to strengthen your marriage? It won’t happen in a day. It is going to take lots of little, intentional baby step moments of love, compassion, kindness and speaking life into your spouses heart.

Want to write a book? Chances are, you probably won’t (and physically/mentally can’t) sit down at your laptop and crank out 75,000 words in a day. You have to start with baby steps. An idea. Putting that idea on paper. Developing chapter outline. Filling in the blanks. Then writing a word, a paragraph, a section, a page, a chapter… It’s a process.

Want to follow Jesus? Well, my friends– that too is going to require baby steps.

All of life, especially as we take those first steps and learn to walk with Christ, are all part of a bigger process. It takes time. Patience. Perseverance. Grace.

We learn. We get off track. We get back on track. We stumble. We strive. And finally, one precious day, we will reach our goal.

This is a hard truth for me to embrace sometimes. See, I am an instant gratification kind of gal. I am an achiever. When a goal is set before me, I want to go after it as hard and fast as I can.

But as God continues to show me how to live out my One Word for 2014, Grow, I have learned (repeatedly) that my God-sized dreams are going to take time… and they all start with baby steps of obedience as I walk (and sometimes stumble and fall) toward the Father.

Think to yourself for a moment– what areas of your life do you need to make changes? Is God calling you to do something to bring Him glory? Does it intimidate you? If so, what is the first little baby step you need to make to get the ball rolling? I would love to hear from you– leave a comment. 

Friends, it doesn’t matter what God is calling you to this year (or any year for that matter!) What matters is that we are obedient to that call. And sometimes obedience is going to be a baby step– like choosing salad over fries or carving out time to read just one chapter of one book of the Bible. Our baby steps are big steps in the eyes of Christ.

So let’s stand up. Get our balance. And get to stepping.

Walking with Christ,

Initials Signature Blog

“So I never lose sight of your love, But keep in step with you, never missing a beat.” ~Psalm 26:3 MSG

Linking up today with Jen at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood, Hazel via  Tell Me a Story and Jennifer Dukes Lee over at #TellHisStory. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up  community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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