21 Truths: God Gives Joy (#EverydayJesus)

I have loved music for as long as I can remember.

Growing up, my sister and I would spend time playing in the basement listening to old school records while Mom sewed. At night, we would pop in one of those nifty little yellow children’s cassette tapes and listen to tunes about coming around the mountain when she comes (whoever she was), Michael rowing his boat ashore and the like.

But now, over two decades (decades!?!) later, there is one song that still sticks in my head… And heart.

I’ve got  that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart, down in my heart
I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart to staaaaayyy!!

EVERYBODY! I’ve got that… (Just kidding. I get a little carried away sometimes.)

But seriously. Back then, I didn’t know Jesus yet. I just loved the song because it had a catchy tune and was fun to belt out at the top of my lungs as I did various chores on the farm.

Now I don’t do much for farm chores and I try to keep my belting-out singing a *little* more to myself. But I still have that joy down in my heart.

And since Jesus and I are pretty tight these days, that joy is here to stay.

Which brings me to another truth in our 21 Truths about God series:

God Gives Joy

God Gives Joy

I know I have mentioned this God-giving-joy jam in various places relatively recently. (Like here and here.) But man, this just keeps coming up. Especially when I think of our #EverydayJesus link up. (You all just bless the socks off of me!)

God gives joy. And He doesn’t just give a little… He gives abundantly. There really are no limits to His joy– we just have to be open to receiving it, even in the not-so-wonderful circumstances of life.

God is our SOURCE of joy. No matter what we are facing, we should soak up the joy that comes from His promise of love and eternal life. Even if the car won’t start and the baby is sick and supper looks like whatever microwave meals we can scrounge up, there is joy.

Because God is there.

Like today. There is nothing exceptional about today– pretty typical, really. Household chores, mediocre workout with a teething baby, writing. But you know what? There is still joy.

God gives joy through this semi-high protein non-fat chocolate fruit smoothie I have randomly created.

God gives joy through the warmest day we have had in months… and this open window next to me as I write.

God gives joy by a baby who still managed to fall asleep for nap time even with three teeth coming in at the same time.

God gives joy by supper already cooking (and almost done) in the crockpot.

God gives joy in my comfy clothes and messy hair bun.

Friends, there is joy EVERYWHERE… Because God is everywhere. And God gives joy.

Today’s #EverydayJesus question: Where are you seeing God’s joy today? Please don’t be shy… Join in the conversation and share your thoughts below.

Now if you will excuse me… I have a rather joyful song to go belt out at the top of my lungs (after nap time, of course.)

“I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!”

*Because God GIVES me that Joy!*

Joyful in Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence.” ~Psalm 21:6 NIV

7 Days Time

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