21 Truths: God Provides

I didn’t grow up in church. So when I graduated college and started chasing after God with passion, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard about the “tithing 10% gig.”

TEN PERCENT?!?! That was like, a lot of money, especially for a recent college grad who was learning how to manage her money (and wasn’t very good at it yet.) While I  managed to pay my bills each month, sometimes it was pretty close and involved a lot of stressed out tears.

So the whole idea of following God and giving Him back MY money in what seemed to be quite a big chunk was a turn off for me. I figured that there must be some loophole or disclaimer for recent college grads with credit card debt who really liked to eat sushi.

But now that I fully understand what it means to truly follow Jesus, I realize it wasn’t a nickel and dime issue… It was a heart issue.

I didn’t trust God to provide for me. I thought it was MY money (it wasn’t) and I thought I was solely responsible for making ends meet (I wasn’t).

Now, several years later, I have witnessed time and time again a very powerful and profound truth about God…

God Provides.

God provides

When I really stop to think about the incredible ways that God has provided for us since we have started tithing 10% (and sometimes more) it really blows my mind and encourages my heart. He has never, ever, EVER let us down. We are a family still living on one income and how He can stretch a dollar is pretty dang remarkable.

Here are a few examples:

We bought breakfast for a couple of homeless folks. Later that day, a wad of cash totaling the amount we spent on said breakfast literally blew across our path on the street. (Not even kidding. Read the whole story here.)

 I felt called to pursue Blackaby Spiritual Leadership Coaching certification… And He not-so-randomly landed me a summer job whose stipend equalled my certification tuition almost to the dollar.

We pour more moolah into this ministry and God continues to go beyond our financial expectations in our household.

God always provides. Sometimes He has been pretty creative  in His provision and it wasn’t exactly what we expected, but as long as we were walking with Him and remaining faithful, He has never let us down.

This truth of God’s provision encourages my heart in very deep ways. It keeps us plowing forward building this ministry for Him and giving until it hurts even when the world says we are being a bit financially foolish.

We trust God way more than we trust any money guru in this world.

Because God is the one who always takes care of us financially, physically, spiritually, relationally and emotionally.

Can you think of some specific times that things seemed to be a little shaky but God’s provision came through? How did it make you feel? Offer up some encouragement to fellow readers by sharing a comment. 

 It doesn’t matter what your income is (or isn’t.) This truth stands firm for all of His faithful followers. God provides. Trust Him to do that for you today.

And watch Him do great work through endless and miraculous provision.

Worshipping our Great Provider,

Initials Signature Blog

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” ~1 Timothy 6:17 NIV

Linking up today with my sweet friend Beth over at Three-word Wednesday and also with Walking Redeemed. Oh! And be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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