Thank you for… (#EverydayJesus Link-up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


On a scale of one to ten, how thankful are you? (Ten being “I thank God multiple times a day for EVERYTHING” and one being “thankful-schmankful.”)

If I am being perfectly honest with myself, I would have to say I am well above a one but still have some work to do to get to a ten. Really, if we are still on this earth, then we won’t ever reach a ten because there is always something to be thanking God for.

Even the hard stuff. 

Gratitude is such a powerful habit to establish in your life. It is not something that is limited to one day a year (Thanksgiving) or even one month a year (November.)

I know, I know. It’s February. Nothing overly special about February except the Winter Olympics (Yay!), Valentine’s Day (yuck) and Groundhog Day (meh.) But we still have so much to be thankful for. The more I give thanks, especially in the mundane, the more of Jesus I find in the everyday.

Thank You

Photo via Celestine Chua @ Flickr

So today’s post is going to involve a bit of audience participation. Below in the comments, I would like to you fill in the blanks:

“God, thank you for _____ to/because ______.”

It will look a little something like this:

God, thank you for the post-nap crib babbles of my daughter to make me smile.

God, thank you for the decision forgo work and instead drink hot tea and read your Word during nap time to recharge my heart.

God, thank you for the hard moments of life because they draw me near to you.

God, thank you for the moments of uncertainty because they force me to fully rely on you.

God, thank you for the supporters of this ministry to encourage my heart.

God, thank you for sunshiny days in Washington to bring joy to my soul.

God, thank you for the dirty dishes because that means I have food to eat and mouths to feed.

God, thank you for the blankets on the couch to warm my weary body.

God, thank you for belly laughter because it brings such fun to my world.

God, thank you for technology to allow us to community with family all across the world.

God, thank you for the washing machine to wash poopy baby clothes NOT by hand.

God, thank you for the ability to dream about our lives because it instill such faith in Your Plans.

I could go on ALL. DAY. LONG. For real. Please friend, I would so love to hear just one thing that you are thankful for today… And how God uses that in your life.

Because every single one of these statements is a little piece of Jesus in our everyday life.

He is here. He is there. He is everywhere. Everyday.

God, thank you for #EverydayJesus to keep us going, reaching for heaven, even on our hardest days.


Finding Him in the Everyday,

Initials Signature Blog

 “All day we parade God’s praise— we thank you by name over and over.”  ~Psalm 44:8 MSG

7 Days Time
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