Hiya, peeps.
It’s Five Minute Friday time, that moment in the week where I link-up with Lisa-Jo Baker, she gives us a prompt and we write. For five minutes flat. No editing, no over thinking.
So how’s about we cut the chit chat and get to crackin’, eh?
Today’s prompt: SEE
I see Him everywhere.
I see Him in the sleepy morning smile of my daughter. I see Him on a phone call with my husband, long distance, right after my Beloved prays for me.
I see Him in the funny tricks of our pup. And I see Him when the rain stops for a brief moment and the sun peaks through the clouds. I see Him when it IS raining, and the sidewalk catches the drops, pitter, patter.
I see Him in the clean dishwasher, I see Him in our bed before I drift to sleep. I see Him while driving down the road when Mount Rainier comes into view from behind the trees.
I see Him in my quiet time first thing in the morning when I crack open my Bible. I see Him when I write. I see Him when I run. I see Him when I eat.
I see Him everywhere.
But here’s the thing about seeing Jesus in everything I do, everyday. My eyes have to be open. My heart has to be receptive.
Because on days when I don’t see Him as much as I can, I feel blind. Lost. Alone.
Fortunately, I have learned that He is just a prayer away.
“Father, restore my sight. Help me not to be distracted by the things or circumstances around me. Allow me to see you, in everything I do. Open my eyes. Open my heart. Let me share that with others. Lord, let me see.”
That isn’t a prayer reserved just for me… It’s for you too. Ask God to open your eyes to see Him in all you do.
Because when our eyes are opened by Him daily, we can see Him everywhere.
I love it when God speaks and shows up in the simplest moments, even when it is just writing and letting the words flow for five minutes. I personally am incredibly thankful that Jesus makes Himself available to us, wherever we are, whatever we are doing.
Where to you see Him most? How do you feel when He shows up and shows out? I would so love to hear all about it! Please leave a comment and join the conversation. (If you are reading via email, click here.)
As usual, thanks for stopping by. Please know you are always welcome here at 7 Days Time as there are a lot of coolio changes going on as we SEE God work in our lives and ministry.
“My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.” ~Job 42:5 NIV
PS: Don’t forget to take advantage of our coaching special now in progress. Also don’t be shy about joining our brand new “Everyday Jesus” link-up. This week’s is still up and going and a new one begins every Thursday. Hope to see you there!