The Laundry Monster (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Hi friends! It’s time to link up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday.

So let’s get to it.

Today’s Prompt: LAUNDRY


It’s always there. Sneaking around, seemingly taking over every room of my house.

It’s the laundry monster.

Out of all of the household terrors, this monster is really dedicated. I’m talking employee of the century dedicated. I mean, it never quits. No matter how hard I work, at the end of the day, the laundry monster has reproduced and left more laundry to tackle the next day.

The way this monster procreates, you would think it’s part rabbit.

And it is creative. Not only does it make tons of laundry on a daily basis, it also misplaces it. I swear I started with ten pairs of perfectly matched socks… But by the time they make  it out of the dryer and into the laundry basket, we have 36 socks… NONE of which match.

This monster keeps me busy. It distracts us, and sometimes we forget about the laundry load in the washing machine just long enough so that it starts to smell musty… then we have to start all over. Or it brainwashes my Beloved, convincing him that the laundry hamper is evil and clothes must stay strewn about.

And when this monster is really feeling feisty… He puts an ink pen in the dryer.

What might a laundry fail could be a faith victory... Your choice.

The laundry monster strikes again…

But in all honesty, I have to say that the laundry monster keeps me entertained. Busy. Determined. And overall, blessed. Because we DO have tons of clothes to wear AND the equipment to wash/dry them AND closets/furniture to store them in.

So while the laundry monster might try to dictate my life, it really just brings me back to my blessings… And how God has gifted us with laundry to do.


Hmmm… Interesting (and very different) prompt today. What did you think? Does your laundry monster overwhelm you or remind you of your blessings? Think about it…

As usual, thanks for stopping by, my friends. May your weekend be blessed– and your laundry be stain free and Downy-fresh.

Cleaned by Christ,

“Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean, scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.” ~Psalm 51:7 MSG

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