If we are Called… Be Brave (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Greetings all!

It’s that time again– yeppers, it’s Five Minute Friday time. At the end of each “work week,” I link-up with Lisa-Jo Baker for this writing exercise of glory. She gives us a prompt. We write for five minutes. Without over thinking. Simply free and uninhibited.

I never know what is going to happen. (But these precious words from God rarely disappoint!)

So let’s get started and see what Jesus has to say via my fingertips today…


Andddd GO! 


Brave. Courageous. Daring. Hopeful.

No matter how you spell it– really it all boils down to faith. Because with faith– all things are possible– and we can brave the scariest of storms with Jesus at our side.

Because the one who calls you is faithful and HE will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24.)

If we are called to move to a new place… Be brave, knowing that Christ is with you.

If we are called to get married… Be brave, building your marital foundation on Him with the knowledge that He IS the solid rock.

If we are called into parenthood… Be brave, embracing the fact that none of us really know what we are doing at the beginning, but God will give us the wisdom and discernment we need to love and care for our little ones.

When we are called to share the gospel… Be brave, confident that He will show up and give you the words to say.

Friends, take heart and know that when we are called to (you fill in the blank here) we can be brave– ultimately by being faithful to the one who called us in the first place.


In what life situations do you find yourself needing to be brave? How can you always make sure you fall back on your faith?

Be brave, my friends. Cling to the truth that He is sovereign over all and the One who calls you is faithful and He WILL do it!

Finding courage in Christ,

“I, even I, have spoken; yes, I have called him. I will bring him, and he will succeed in his mission.” ~Isaiah 48:15 NIV

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