5…6…7… and 8…
Oh hey. Sorry, didn’t see ya there. I was just doing my finger calisthenics and warming up for my weekly Five Minute Friday Finger Sprint with our friend Lisa Jo.
Here’s how it works. Lisa Jo gives us a prompt. Then we write for five minutes whatever profound (or not-so-profound) thoughts comes to mind. No excessive editing or overthinking. Just going with the flow, writing then linking up in our FMF community.
Enough chit chat. Let’s get started.
Todays prompt: DIVE
And GO!
I’ve always admired them. Their rehearsed, graceful form… The simple, smooth way they slice through the water… It didn’t matter if it was at our local pool growing up or on TV at the Olympics– I’ve always wanted to learn to dive. Gracefully.
That’s the kicker– gracefully. Now, if you have known me for more than 14 seconds, you will know there is nothing graceful about me. Entertaining, perhaps. Graceful? Not so much.
I remember those early days of my youth at swim lessons where the lifeguards would instruct me on proper form– where my hands should go, how close to stand to the water… Then (allegedly) how to just dive right in with all of the elegance and grace of an Olympian.
Alas, I have never been able to achieve that feat. Sure, it’s been a hot minute since I have even tried to dive and I know it’s possible… but most often, I end up belly flopping.
When it comes to our walk with Christ, we might not get it perfectly right the first time. Or the second time. Or the 5o0th time.
But just like diving, we can keep on trying.
I personally believe that God is pleased that we are striving to be obedient– even on the days when we fall short and belly flop. I wholeheartedly believe that He is pleased we are even getting in the water.
Our form might not be perfect. We might never be at level of a high-flying Olympic diver when it comes to following Christ. But don’t stop getting in the water, even when your well-intentioned dive bellyflops. Because for whatever grace we lack in our walk… His grace is enough.
So… are you a diver or bellyflopper? In what Jesus situations do you find yourself bellyflopping most often? How can we stay motivated to keep getting in the water– no matter what? I always LOVE to hear from you– feel free to comment below!
Oh, one more thing– Regardless of your dive/bellyflop status– let me know how I could pray for you today.
Blessings in our Bellyfloppiness,
“But you continue boldly in my Name; you never once denied my Name, even when the pressure was worst…” ~Revelation 2:13 (MSG)