I love making up words.
Perhaps you figured that out with the title of this post. Seriously. (Vliggity? I need to cut back on the Jesus caffeine.)
If you are already confused and/or exhausted from your remaining turkey tryptophan coma or Black Friday shopping, my apologies. You are excused to go get a nap then come back. đ
Ok. Let’s get down to business.
Today’s post is a variation of Five Minute Friday. Since it is a holiday-ish weekend, I thought I would take a slightly different approach. So today is a short little guest VLOG (video blog) day.
Are you excited? I am. (Or maybe that’s the leftover sugar still coursing thorough my veins from yesterday’s dessert.) Whatever.
Today’s vlog is a short little snippet about Factor of 7, our random act of kindness ministry here at 7 Days Time.
I was honored to be featured on my dear, sweet, awesome, hilarious friend Amy’s blog this week.
So if you have a hankering for Jesus in the form of serving others, pop over to Amy’s site and check out this week’s 60 Second Service Vlog to see what we have to say on the subject.
Oh. And don’t be shy. Feel free to leave a comment here or there. We L-O-V-E hearing from our darling readers. (Yes, even more than we love Thanksgiving leftovers!!)
Thanks for your continuous love and support you show to this ministry. I am so THANKFUL for each and every one of you!!!
Giving Thanks for You AND Jesus,
“I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.” ~1 Corinthians 1:4