My dear sweet readers… Something BIG is brewing.
And no, I don’t mean a Starbucks Venti Caramel Macchiato.
This time tomorrow, my sweet boss/coach/mentor/friend Kelli and I will be bound for Concord, North Carolina for the Proverbs 31 SheSpeaks Conference.
That’s right… we are going to gather with 650 of our soon-to-be girlfriends in the name of Jesus to learn even more about writing, speaking and the like.
So, that said… I ask for your prayers. Kelli and I are both on the Speakers Track, where we are to deliver a 3 minute and 5 minute message to a small group of our peers. We receive feedback/critique and do the same for the others in our group.
I’ve been praying about SheSpeaks for months– and wondered if God wanted me to get all motivated and stuff to write some blog posts ahead of time to prep for my absence on Thursday and Friday.
He said no. (GASP!) I know it sounds slightly ridiculous, but the last time I didn’t blog 5 days a week was… um… practically never. (I’ve missed 3 days in nearly my entire year-long career of blogging. I would say I need a hobby– but this IS my hobby.) So I am unplugging from the pressure of blogging for the rest of the week (two whole days– I know 🙂 ) and going to focus on the journey that God has laid before us.
Instead of freaking out about last minute details today (because I totally could– it’s in my nature), here are my current plans on this last day before SheSpeaks, given to me by God:
~Sleep until I wake up
~Trim/polish my nails
So as you can see, I have a full day ahead of me. (Wink!)
If you have a few spare moments over the next several days, please send prayers our direction– for God to move, for us to listen and to connect with the other sweet ladies in attendance.
Thanks so much for understanding my need to recharge and focus… I miss you already! Can’t wait to tell you all about this upon our return.
Hope you have a STELLAR rest of the week… In the meantime, be fully blessed!
With a heart of anticipation,