7 Ways Being an Army Wife is Like Parenting A Toddler (Army Wife Network)

Our Tiny Human just turned three-years-old. And with the “Terrible Twos” behind us, I thought things would flip like a light switch as the final smoke wafted from her blown-out-candles.

And it did. We went directly into the “Threenager Stage.”

It’s really not THAT bad. In fact, I like her more now than I did this time three years ago after 12 hours of Pictocin-induced labor with no pain meds. (Side note: I have, of course, always loved her. She is just more fun and like a real peoples now and stuff.)

Anywho, this girl is something else. Talk about a box of chocolates– you never know what you are gonna get with her.

And, because I am a lover of all things analogies and find joy in comparing my army wife life journey to things like running a marathon and learning “How to America,” , I now present to you ways that being an Army Wife is like Parenting a Toddler.

Army Wife Toddler

1. It’s Challenging. 

Right out of the gate, this one of kind of a “duh” statement. But it still has to be mentioned. As you have gathered, I’ve been a mama to this girl for three years and on the Army Party Bus as a girlfriend-then-fiance-then-wife for seven years. Every day presents a new challenge. New skills to learn. (Resiliency? Is it REALLY a thing? #YES) Flexibility.  The ability to totally wing it, improvise and make things up as we go. Oh, and don’t forget the “Nod and smile” technique. (That last bit has helped me through many, um, “challenging moments.”)

2. It’s Messy.

And I don’t mean like figuratively messy. I mean LITERALLY messy. I read a quote somewhere that cleaning  with a toddler in the house is like shoveling the sidewalk while it’s still snowing. Or brushing your teeth while eating an Oreo. I think that the same can be said for being an army wife. Don’t get me wrong– I’m not complaining, and my hubby is anything but a slob– but man, both of these humans in my life just have so. much. stuff. Army gear just shows up in the weirdest places, much like my toddler’s toys. Clothes in the toy box. Rite in Rain notebooks in my roll-top desk. (I hope it wasn’t raining in there!?!) 550 cord on top of the microwave. Crayons on the bathroom floor. PLUS… I think the toddler’s “gear” and the army gear have joined together in some sort of conspiracy of anti-matching socks and constantly lost keys/wallets/PT belts.

Don’t miss the other five comparisons. Swing by Army Wife Network and check them out!

Readers, did I miss any comparisons? What would you add? Which one was your favorite? Don’t be shy… Chime in and leave a comment! 

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