Archives for November 2012

Planting a Few Seeds of Faith (Factor of 7)

Attention houseplants and vegetation: Enter at your own risk.

I do NOT have a green thumb. You have been warned.

My inability to grow plants and keep them alive for extended periods of time is not for lack effort. (Ok, maybe a little lack of effort- or lack of remember to water them regularly.) It is mainly a lack of knowledge. Know-how. Skill. I just don’t have “the gift.” [Read more…]

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War on Worry (Anxiety-Free Monday, Week #9)

Soooo… What are YOU worried about?

Seriously. What was your first thought? Finances? Family? Job? Relationships? Or *perhaps* you were one of the few folks who’s first thought was “Nothing.” (If that is you, congrats. Feel free to skip today’s post. Just kidding. You are already here. Might as well read on right?)

But if you are like the rest of us in the world, you had some initial heart-thudding answer to the “worry” question. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been a worrier. However… God has called us to fight it.

We are at war… At war with worry. [Read more…]

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Playing it Safe… Or Living by Faith (Sermon Recap)

Jesus rocks. How do I know? Because He showed up (again) when I preached at Pioneer Methodist in Rock Valley, IA and Seeds of Faith in Lester, IA on October 28th… 

Wanna see what He had to say about playing it safe or living by faith? Check out my scribbly notes below… And stay tuned for the video/audio version coming soon!! 

Much love, 

PS: Thanks so much for the prayers… they worked 🙂  [Read more…]

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