Life is funny.
Why? Because just a few short years ago, I had two “nevers” that I (naively) thought were non-negotiable.
- I will NEVER love/marry/follow a man.
- I will NEVER run a marathon.
You can probably already see where this post is going.
Obviously, I have done both.
The follow-a-man-thing when by the wayside nearly seven years ago, when I met this blonde-haired, blue-eyed soldier-dude in Manhattan, KS.
I was getting ready to graduate college, he was stationed at Fort Riley.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
But I held hard to the “Never run a marathon thing.” Because I was overweight. I was asthmatic. I hated running. (Don’t get me started with the trauma that running that Presidential Physical Fitness Test mile in gym class inflicted on me.)
However, for some silly (divine?) reason, I had put “run a 5K” on my Bucket list. Then when that was done, a 10K. Then a half marathon.
Again, you know where I am going.
It’s a long story (one for another time) but back in October, I ran a full marathon and didn’t die.
<Insert jelly-legged happy dance here.>
As the months have ticked by, I have continued to reflect on this slightly ridiculous feat. And I couldn’t help but think about how my role as an army wife is much like running a marathon.
Want to see my #FunnyBecauseItsTrue list? Pop on over to Army Wife Network.
Take it from me, gals. Army Wife life and running a marathon are two of the hardest things I have EVER done… But both have been so worth it, a thousand times over.
Are you runner? How do you think army wife life and running are connected? Jump in and leave a comment here.
Oh. And keeping running, sister. Keep running.
Racing for Him,
“…My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me…” ~Acts 20:24 NIV