10 Ways to Show Love to Someone who Loves a Veteran

Ah, Veterans.

Veterans are amazing. Dedicated. Courageous. Focused. Determined. They are willing to lay it all on the line to serve our country.

Just that thought alone makes me want to stand in the middle of my street wearing a pearl-snap American flag shirt singing “The Star Spangled Banner” at the top of my lungs. (If only I had that shirt…)


And yes, I am extra-biased because I just happen to be married to a veteran. One that has been rocking the army-infantry blue for over a decade, deployed three times for 45+ months in the Iraqi sandbox. (I can brag on him if I want to, right? OK, good.)

Each Veteran’s Day, we make efforts to show those who have served how much appreciate them. Which is awesome. I wish everyday were Veteran’s Day.

But here is a new way to honor veterans. Maybe one we haven’t thought much about before.

Honor veteran’s by showing love to someone who loves them.

I am not just talking about military spouses. Think broader. Moms. Dads. Kids. Brothers. Sisters. Grandparents. Best friends. The whole shebang.

Curious to see what that might look like in real life? Well, I am so glad you asked… Here are ten ways to show love to someone who loves a veteran.

(Side note to all of my fellow military spouse readers out there: This is a reminder for us too. Specifically me… because we are called to show love to one another as well.)

10. Provide physical/logistical help. I could be wrong, but most of us who love a veteran (active duty or other wise) aren’t very awesome at asking for help. (It is something I am working on. Trust me.) Sometimes, a small gesture like mowing grass or helping decorate for Christmas or cook supper can be a big deal to those of us who love a veteran.

Veteran love9. Keep a filter on the word vomit.  Even as a military spouse, I have to watch this one close. I try to stay informed (see suggestion #5) so that I don’t say something stupid that will unintentionally hurt the veteran lover I am addressing. I don’t share the heartbreaking details about my miscarriage to a newly pregnant gal (unless they ask.) I refrain from complaining about hubs being gone to the field for three nights last week when their family is facing a nine-month deployment. Use discernment and be kind.

8. Be authentic. Loving on someone who loves a veteran is not a chance to test out our recently acquired acting skills. Don’t fake it ’til we make it. Be sincere. Even if we don’t understand what they are going through, don’t be overly dramatic or nonchalant. Just be real with them.

7. Do a random act of kindness. Open a door. If his/her kids are having a meltdown, help them load groceries in their car. Bring them a meal. Take them out for a meal. (Wait, what? I GET TO BE A GROWN-UP!?!) Get creative.

6. Encourage. This can be done in a variety of ways. Text them. Mail a funny card. Tell them thanks for supporting <insert Veteran’s name here.>   More than likely, the person who loves a veteran will humbly/politely shrug it off… but later when they are finally able to sit in the recliner after the kids are in bed (or fighting bedtime) your kind words might just give them the umph they need to press on.

5. Stay informed. I know,  I know… I have a hard enough time keeping up with our own family and the cray-cray changes that we sometimes face, let alone someone trying to be tracking our life when they don’t even live here. But just send a text to say “How are things?” or “Any news?” Also, be aware of what is going on. Example:Someone who love’s a veteran is traveling solo with a Tiny Human. Engage option #10 and offer a ride to/from the airport, watch a pet or to bring over supper (and milk) for when they return late to a super empty fridge. Our friends from home group did this and I felt so supported/loved/blessed I thought my heart would burst.

4. Spend time with them. This goes for those people who love a currently active and still serving veteran (deployed, training or even at home) AND for those whose days of service have come to an end. Don’t forget about the family members of veterans who have long since retired. Sometimes the transition is hard. Or perhaps they have lost their beloved veteran due to age or sickness. Either way, spend time with them. When we spend time with one another, we open a door to serve in the other nine areas.

3. Cry with them. Loving a veteran can be dang hard some days. Changing plans, holidays away from family, duty separations, unknown futures, etc, etc. It can make any veteran-lover weary.  As a wife of a soldier, sometimes I just need a good cry. It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does, come prepared. Kleenex and chocolate are encouraged.

2. Rejoice with them! This is one of my favorites. When something great happens to the person who loves a veteran (homecoming, news of next duty station or RETIREMENT #PraiseJesus) rejoice! Let your heart sing with them. Let them know how genuinely happy you are for them– even if it takes all the courage in your heart. This can be difficult if our particular veteran is in a tough season… but don’t let the enemy rob us of joy. Know that God has got it and rejoice!

1. Pray for them… Or better yet… WITH them. The power of prayer is incredible, my friends. Of course, you probably already know that. But as I love my Veteran, I feel so loved when people remind me that they are praying for us… Even in the random mundane of long days or weird schedules. Pray for your lovers-of-veterans, even in the little stuff. If you are extra courageous, ask  if you can pray with them right in that moment. Not sure what to pray about? Ask. If you forget, prayers for veteran-lovers can usually cover one or more of the following: Peace, patience, trust in the Lord, strength, focus, perseverance, flexibility, discernment… You get my drift.

Are YOU someone who loves a veteran? How can I show love to you today? Can I pray for you? Send you a card? Let me know by leaving a comment below. If you don’t find yourself in that “category,” which of the suggestions strikes you? How can you implement one of these suggestions today?

Let’s show some love, friends.

Happy Veteran’s Day to all of our Veterans… and to those who love a Veteran.

In God we Trust,

Initials Signature Blog


“Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the Lord has blessed.” ~Isaiah 61:9 NIV

Linking up today with my sweet friend Jen over at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood,  and Hazel via  Tell Me a Story, as well as having a little Coffee for your Heart with Holley.  Oh! And be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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