Celebrating the Holidays During Hard Times

Sponsored by Basic Invite.

The holidays are some of the happiest times of the year. Unfortunately, Covid-19 will probably make celebrating a little tricky this year. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun, memorable holiday season. Here are a few ideas to celebrate the holidays with joy and cheer despite an ongoing pandemic.

First off, prepare yourself and your kids for a different holiday season this year. Let your family members know what changes to expect, such as cancelled travel plans, less gifts, or smaller holiday parties. Make sure you talk yourself through this too, not just your children or loved ones. It’s one thing to explain something to someone else, it’s another thing to realize it yourself. Allow yourself to mourn the changes that this holiday season will bring. Also allow yourself to feel hopeful about future holidays, when you may be able to celebrate in all the ways you are used to. [Read more…]

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Deployment Log: HOMECOMING! (Week #35 & #36)

Current homestretch-of-deployment parenting strategy:

Me: “HEY! Are you guys making good choices in there??”

Charis: “Yes, ma’am!”

Malick: “NO!”

Me: “Well, at least he’s honest…”


I know it’s probably “cheesy” and I’m being quite a “ham,” but really, the army is “egging” me on. In spite of homecoming flight date changes (boo!) I’m determined to have a “Gouda” day! (Have you ever “salsa-ch” a breakfast full of pun fun?)

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, food and closeup

According to a recent poll conducted of Knobloch family members and friends, Flat Daddy has determined that today is going to be a good day. A REAL good day!!! ???

#SorryNotSorry, Flat Daddy… but you’ve been forcibly retired!!

I would say “I’m not crying, you’re crying…” but that’s a lie. I totally cried and I’m ok with that. MY BELOVED IS HOME!!!

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Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing

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Deployment Log, Day 246:

1. HE…

2. IS…

3. HOME!!!!


“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” -1 Corinthians 15:57


Justus is so jazzed up! (Before homecoming…)

Justus is so jazzed up! (Before homecoming…)

Posted by Sharita Knobloch on Thursday, June 13, 2019

<Insert Happy Dance Here!!>

<Insert Happy Dance Here!!>

Posted by Sharita Knobloch on Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Alpha Male is home!

The Alpha Male is home!

Posted by Sharita Knobloch on Thursday, June 13, 2019

Our family is complete once again!!

Our family is complete once again!!

Posted by Sharita Knobloch on Thursday, June 13, 2019

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

From cact-i to cact-us!!! ❤️

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling

To our Deployment Wall: You have served us well over the past months, but I cannot say I will miss you. So goodbye and good riddance… until we meet again (which will always be too soon for my taste!)

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #34)

Image may contain: 1 person, mountain, sky, outdoor and nature

HEY HUSBAND! So I’m trying to stay “rooted” and “leaf” this homecoming discussion alone, but I’m on pins and “needles” awaiting your return. You might even say I’m “stumped.” I’ve “coniferred” with others as to why time seems to be passing so slowly. I’ve also “branched” out, trying new things, in an attempt to distract myself. But honestly, I can’t stop “pining” for you and I’m “ever-green” with envy of all those folks overseas who get to see your handsome face each day.


If you’ve never called nearly 100 random strangers who are listed your company’s military roster as a toddler roars in the background, are you really even an SFRG (Soldier & Family Readiness Group) leader? #HeySon#TryingToAdultOverHere #FRGLeadersHaveChaoticLivesToo#KeepingItRealYo

Image may contain: 3 people, including Dietrich Knobloch and Megan Clayburn, people smiling, mountain, cloud, sky, outdoor and nature

It’s true. Deployment can feel like a long “hike” some days. It’s “sweaty” and feels like we are “climbing uphill” for a long time. It’s a “Mammoth” of a task, but eventually, our motivation “peaks.” That’s right. When we finally reach the “summit,” we know that even amid the “stumbles,” and moments when things were going “south,” we really did “rock” this deployment. In fact, it has made us even “boulder” than we were before.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people eating, child, food and indoor

I’m pretty sure that most months of the year have 30-31 days. Except for the last month of deployment, which has 4,853. I’m gonna need “s’more” motivation to make it to homecoming.

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For all “in tents” and purposes, the homestretch of deployment is like camping… you know, “in tents.” (There’s a lot at “stake.”)

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, phone and selfie

It’s no surprise that deployment seasons can be a little bit “hairy.” I’ve found that in order to keep our motivation from “dye-ing,” we shouldn’t focus on the plans that have been “foiled” but rather on the “highlights” of the journey. After all, we don’t want to “cut” ourselves “short,” missing out on possible joy. Sure, we are a “part” from our beloved and though some days our heart feels like it will “split”, we must remember that deployment WILL eventually “end.”


Deployment Log, Day 240:

1. Random friend: “Hi, Sharita! Happy Thursday!”
“Fine, thanks.” <– Me being Homecoming twitchy.

2. Friends, if anyone talks to me in person anytime soon, please do not be concerned. I’m squirrelly. And squirrelly makes me awkward. Awkward can be embarrassing. Just laugh with me, give me a hug and pass the chocolate.

3. I’m preaching/facilitating at church this weekend. So I’m confident that the Lord will keep my squirrelly self from being awkward. That or maybe people will just think I’m filled with the Spirit…

4. My brain is so distracted. I am relatively certain I forgot to rinse the shampoo out of my hair a couple of days ago. And yesterday I legit forgot to shower.

5. The non-shower thing was ok. Because I didn’t work out. Which is an exception for me, but my body was like NO. NO. So I listened to it and instead of going for a walk/run, took a nap. Good call. Look at me being a grown up and stuff.

6. The Lord always surprises me. Today I was texting my dear mother-in-love Lex, and I said “If I was made of money, I would hire someone to clean this house before my husband gets home.” Less than an hour later, my doorbell rings (no, it wasn’t Merry Maids). A couple of teenage boys were asking if I had any yard work that needed to be done for extra cash. Normally, I would be all prideful and decide I could do it myself, but today I surprised us all… I put those boys to work! They weeded the front rock yard, weed-eated the back yard, took down the tent, raked up the dog poop. It’s called delegation, folks! (Don’t worry, I paid them well. They crushed it and it was worth every penny. Plus, it’s hot and I didn’t wanna do it).

7. I am trying to stay chill and rested, but every time I close my eyes to sleep, my brain kicks into homecoming mode: The logistics, the kiss (EEE!), the potential time of day, everything, everything, everything. Thankfully, it’s not anxiety, mostly just excitement, but also will power to keep myself realistic that things can/will change. As my amazing counselor reminded me, God is in the details.

8. Here’s the other thing with the end of deployment: Life continues. Hubs still has to work (don’t worry, we do get leave, just not immediately). Kids are still kids and still need to eat 3-86 times per day. Bedtime routine still has to happen. Keeping semi-realistic expectations is important.

9. BUT… Soon I will have another adult in the house to talk to and hold my hand and not hit me in the face when I try to snuggle (Ahem, son!)

10. Prayer requests: Peace, so much peace, that truly passes understanding as we press on toward the finish line; logistic in the coming-home part/flights/etc.

11. Parting thought: “If your faith remains strong, even while surrounded by life’s difficulties, you will continue to experience the untold blessings of God! True happiness comes as you pass the test with faith, and receive the victorious crown of life promised to every lover of God!” ~James 1:12 (TPT)

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #33)

Alas, ’tis the last day of kindergarten for our girl. And in the spirit of all things growing up, she graced us with two really solid final Musings from Kindergarten Korner…

Charis: “MAMA! I don’t remember how to eat because Malick is distracting meeeee!”

Charis: “When I grow up, I want to be a flamingo.”

#IThoughtSheWantedToBeAVeterinarian #WhoForgetsHowToEat #NotI#WhatShouldICallHerFirstGradeQuips?


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Well, I guess we have to “face” the facts. Our little “flower” has “blossomed” this year during kindergarten. This experience has “painted” memories on our hearts, but we are super excited for the next adventures of our rising first grader!!#MamaGotMotivated#AttemptedLastDayFacePaintingFunBefore8am #ToddlerHelped #FunWithPaintingAndPuns


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HEY HUSBAND! I don’t mean to “egg” you on. I promise I’m trying to be “chili,” but I have a “beef” with waiting for this deployment to end. Let’s be honest and “hash” this out… we both need a “break” from being apart, and “fast.” I really love you from my head “to-ma-toes,” so let’s “taco” bout homecoming… ?#BreakfastPunsAreSoTasty #IJustEatThemUp


Deployment Log, Day 231:

Ok, so this “entry” is going to be a bit different. Might be a bit mushy, gushy, but hey, ’tis the power of personal social media.

Many of you remember that last September I made a slightly challenging request (as in, showing my vulnerability– “My favorite thing ever,” said me never) regarding our “Blessing Box” project. It was totally prompted from the Lord as a pick-me-up for hard days during this deployment.

My hope was to maybe get 9 people to send a box so that we would have something at least once per month. But guys. GUYS!!!!

Monday I cleaned out my master bedroom closet because #RedeploymentNesting. It was a wreck and was where I had been storing our Blessing Boxes… Just a few weeks after the deployment began, I was overwhelmed with YOU, my PEOPLE, this rock-star Jesus tribe as you stepped up to support us. Within days of the BB request, each of us (Malick, Charis and myself) had a FULL rubbermaid tote box of “blessings.”

And the boxes just kept on coming. So I had thrown them in the MBR closet, mostly unopened, until the totes emptied or we had some really hard days (See also: February and March. Gag).

Friends, I’m not exaggerating. I hoped for like 9 packages. But over the course of the last 8 months, I am pretty sure we received like 70 something packages. I lost count. And I think I owe the mail person/UPS deliver person some tacos or a 6 pack of beer.

Seriously. Ridiculously. AWESOME. As I was unpacking those remaining dozen + boxes on Monday and putting them into respective totes, I seriously started to get all misty-eyed. And it wasn’t the El Paso desert dust. You all RALLIED for us. You fought for us. You encouraged us.

I would love to tag all who contributed, but I will highlight a few who really stick in my brain at this very moment in time!!! (Please forgive deployment brain! I seriously should have made a list! #NextTime Also FB is weird and only lets me tag 50 people before thinking I’m a spammer. LAME).

We received things from local friends, immediate and extended family, churches that I’ve never attended, people that I’ve only met online and never IRL (in real life,  friends from college, FFA, Clovia, back home in SEKS  some of whom I haven’t interacted with on a face-to-face basis in years (nearly decades?), other friends of family members, distant-ish relatives, friends’ moms,  and even other military spouses who were/are going through their OWN super-duper tough life seasons.

So, if you sent us contributions to our blessing box, THANK YOU. And really, the blessing box contents weren’t all about the “stuff” (ok, at least not for me… I mean the kids are still like “YAY! BUBBLES! TRUCKS! CRAYONS! SNACKS!” and I’m like “YAY! INKY PENS! JOURNALS! CAFFEINE!”) but seriously, this was a tangible representation of how you all have had our backs during a hard life season. Say what you will about Social Media.. Sure, it’s kind of gross and stressful on occasion, but sometimes, like in this case, it can do a tremendous amount of good.

To all who have blessed us with support, “stuff” and/or prayers: THANK YOU. You ARE the blessing.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go power through the rest of this deployment!!

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #32)

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, smiling, plant, flower, sunglasses, outdoor and nature

HEY HUSBAND!! I am over this deployment and am so ready to transition from being cact-i to cactus!!  #WaitingIsMoreFunWithPuns#CactusPunsAreAlwaysOnPoint #HomecomingCountdown

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch

HEY HUSBAND!! Aren’t “chew” done with deployment yet?? I’m ready for you to be ‘bacca in my arms! #StarWarsPunsAreOutOfThisWorld#NeedMoreCoffeeInThisMugSoImNotSoSpacey

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HEY HUSBAND! Did you know that the homecoming homestretch is apparently an implied License to Chill? #WhenIGrowUpIWannaBe2#NotStaged #HopeHePullsThrough #MamaWasSweating

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, smiling, mountain, outdoor and nature

HEY HUSBAND! My excitement for this deployment to end is… (wait for it…) “mountain” everyday! 

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, smiling

HEY HUSBAND! Yes, it is true that deployment really “bites” sometimes, but you are always and forever the apple of my eye!

Image may contain: 5 people, including Sharita Knobloch, Dietrich Knobloch and Cj Lacey, people smiling, child, selfie and closeup

Oh Mama. It was good to see you and spend some time together, even if it was just a few short days. Safe travels back to the ocean (I mean Kansas).


Deployment Log, Day 224:

1. Good news, my friends! The very annoying cloud of “Blah” lifted yesterday morning, after 7, well, blah days.

2. I am SO relieved. Feeling that way is no bueno!

3. I had been wracking my brain and searching my heart for the why behind the blahs, and I think it was a combination of several things: transition out of school for the summer (which means I’m less busy, a good thing– but gives me room to feel the feelings–yikes!) those pesky woman hormones, too many processed carbs and sugar #ThornsInMySide and just #DeploymentLife. Glad we made it to the other side of THAT!

4. Mom got here Friday afternoon and I dropped her off at the airport today. Although the visit didn’t go as planned (what IS it with Texas and causing stomach issues in my parents when they arrive?) we made the best of it. Grown-up companionship was welcome!

5. At church Sunday, I was able to have a much needed ugly cry, which has been building for several days (See points 1-3). It felt good. Messy, but good.

6. I also had a revelation that I was just tired of being strong. People say, “Oh girl, you don’t have to be strong all the time,” I kind of don’t agree… I mean, I’m not saying “strong” in a sense of being warm and fuzzy and bubbly all the time. Or faking it till I make it. But I DO have the strong one in our household right now. My normal let-me-be-unstrong-and-ugly-cry-in-your-arms person is deployed. So when I say strong, I mean steadfast and stable for the kids.

7. Thankfully, *IF* *IF* this deployment concludes when it is *ISH* scheduled, we *COULD* be 91% *ISH* done with it!!! That’s an “A.” I can totally get on board with THAT!!

8. I just learned today that Magic Eraser will take red paint off of a husband’s large white truck from a mishap I had with the Dunkin Donuts Drive Thru pole a month ago. I AM SO RELIEVED about that too!

9. Charis had her Kindergarten “Awards Ceremony” in her classroom on Friday. Apparently “Awards Ceremony” is El Paso speak for “Bring your kid balloons and flowers to commemorate their graduation.” Missed THAT memo.

10. But Charis crushed kindergarten this year. Like, nailed it, even with the challenges and changes of deployment. I was so proud of her I legit teared up. She received 7 awards (and no, all of them weren’t “everybody gets a ribbon” kind of thing. Only two awards were that). She received recognition for Art, Reading, Handwriting, Math AND (the most teary-uppy one) Citizenship. Only one boy and one girl got Citizenship. So proud of our girl!

11. To celebrate, I let her pick out a cake and balloons since I missed the first memo on celebratory protocol in West Texas (See #8).

12. She chose a Tres Leche Cake. Seriously, when Jesus comes back, he’s gonna be carrying Tres Leche Cake in one hand and baked brie in the other. #JesusCake #JesusCheese Right, Megan Clayburn, Becky Fouard and Emily Loeb?

13. We still had leftover cake on Monday. So I got up and had to throw it in the trash. I was so blah and emotional I couldn’t trust myself. I’m feeling more empowered and less discouraged in my health/food choices again. THANK THE LORD.

14. Prayer requests: For smooth transition as the school year ends TOMORROW and that I can be present and enjoy the kiddos (and El Paso and life in general) as the last few weeks *ISH* of this deployment tick by.

15. Parting thought: “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” ~James 1:12


Alas, ’tis the last day of kindergarten for our girl. And in the spirit of all things growing up, she graced us with two really solid final Musings from Kindergarten Korner…

Charis: “MAMA! I don’t remember how to eat because Malick is distracting meeeee!”

Charis: “When I grow up, I want to be a flamingo.”

#IThoughtSheWantedToBeAVeterinarian #WhoForgetsHowToEat #NotI#WhatShouldICallHerFirstGradeQuips?


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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #31)

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Dietrich Knobloch, people smiling

Ok. Here’s the “tooth” about deployment: sometimes it really “bites.” Other days it can directly hit a “nerve.” The absence of your Beloved creates a “cavity” that is difficult, if not impossible, to “fill.” Yes, deployment can even leave a bad “taste” in your mouth. But know what? Taking time to determinedly set your “jaw” and keep a stiff upper “lip” even in mundane moments of daily life such a a triple-play day of dentist appointments is necessary to find joy and hope in the “suck.” Time (and Jesus) gives us “wisdom” and yes, even the ability to SMILE.

PS: No major dental procedures were performed in the making of this post. #ThankYouJesusForThat #EveryoneCrushedIt #EvenTheToddler!

Image may contain: 4 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people eating, people sitting, child, table, food and indoor

Now that I’m done with school for the summer (Can I get an amen??), I am trying to be more intentional to “play” during the rest of this deployment. It’s kind of weird that it doesn’t come naturallyl to me anymore (too much adulting I think– gross, I know!) Thankfully, the kindergardener-almost-rising-first-grader is good at drawing me in… Like a Saturday morning (mandatory?) PJ picnics in the living room (on a cardboard box for a table).


Deployment Log, Day 216:


2. No. No, we are not.

3. Yesterday I was in a funk. I just woke up kind of blah and missing hubs more than I had since saying see-ya-later 7 + months ago. It was not my finest moment (but just keeping it real up in here, yo).

4. With the blahs yesterday, I was very tempted to do something irrational, like chop and bleach my hair or adopt a puppy.

5. I refrained and did none of those things (You are welcome, husband).

6. By the grace of the Good Lord in Heaven, I WAS ABLE TO MAINTAIN MY 4.0 GPA during this deployment!

7. Malick has started calling every girl character/doll/figurine “Cha-cha” (aka, same name for his sister…) He did that to a Cinderella doll this morning and I almost melted into a puddle.

8. I’ve continued with the redeployment (homecoming) nesting. Again, not because hubs could care less that the closets/garage/pantry are clean, but mainly because it restores a bit of order to what I feel like has been a chaotic season of life.

9. On a same note, if anyone ever finds themselves in a Kleenex/Paper towel apocalypse situation, I got you.

10. It’s officially summer here. Because all the bugs have arrived. Like the one-inch LIVE cockroach I found in my make-up drawer yesterday morning, the ants who are pouring out of a kitchen outlet and the furry spider who ran towards me across the barbell while it was ON MY BACK. #ThatsANopeFromMe #KThanksBye

11. I’ve decided I need to stop “shoulding” on myself. “I should clean/run/organize/should, should, should, should, NO.” I’m tired of shoulding. I should stop shoulding. #SeeWhatIDidThere#OldHabitsDieHard

12. This ^ is a direct result of Revelation Wellness.

13. I’ve resisted many years of watching a single episode of Grey’s anatomy. But I gave it a try last week. It’s sucked me in. I think I will be able to perform a solo craniotomy before this deployment is over.

14. I’m really, really trying to play more with the kiddos. But my motivation is not impressive. Anyone have suggestions? (And by suggestions, I don’t mean “mom guilt” of “enjoy them while they are little, the time passes so quickly, etc.” I’ve got that handled on my own. I’m talking tangible stuff. More caffeine?)

15. Prayers: Supernatural patience for these final weeks; encouragement for my heart/soul as I miss my dear husband; JOY as I get to spend time with my mama this coming weekend when she comes to Texas!; peace as I ponder/pray about the reintegration process.

16. Parting thought:
“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.” ~Psalm 139: 7-10

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #30)

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and sleeping

We absolutely LOVE it when family comes to visits. But dang, the see-ya-laters get us every time. Malick looked how I felt when we dropped Aunt Denise Wysong off to return home earlier today. We miss you, ‘Neese!! And thanks for blessing us with your presence and help the last 12 days. So glad I could catch my breath!

Now if everyone will excuse me, I have to go solo adult again. #Gross

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The Knobloch children are in fine form today. Conspiratorial shenanigans before school, now this, 15 minutes after school gets out.

Me: “All right! That’s IT! This is your LAST warning! If you two do not stop fighting, there will be TIME OUTS FOR EVERYONE!”

Charis: *Pauses from the impromptu youth MMA match in the kitchen* “A time out even for you, Mama?”

Me: “Baby, I would LOVE a time out.”

#SomeonePLEASESendMeToMyRoom#IWillComeOutWhenThisDeploymentIsOver #WhenThreatsBackfire

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Fifteen (FIFTEEN!?!) years ago today, my Beloved graduated from basic training!! Since then, a lot has happened: 5 deployments, 6 duty stations, 1 wife (you are welcome, by the way!), three pregnancies, two Tiny Humans, 1 dog, 4,329 inside jokes and about eleventy billion prayers.

Thanks for doing what you do, Brandon We are so dang proud of you… And cheers to being 75% (ish) done with your army career!!#HowSoonIsTooSoonToStartPlanningTheRetirementParty#AskingForAFriend

#KiddingNotKidding #ButSeriouslyImKidding


Deployment Log, Day 210:

1. So, hypothetical question… how close does one have to be to the end of a deployment to start using the phrase “homestretch?”


3. Disclaimer: No, we never know when exactly he’s coming home. And yes, it can always change. And no, I can’t post it on social media anyways… OPSEC (operational security is mucho importante).

4. I feel like the last couple ish months of deployment are a lot like the last couple months of pregnancy. It seems to drag on, and we all look like a hot mess, even though we are really doing ok. And my apologies in advance to anyone who asks when he’s coming back and I give kind of a short, snippy, general answer. I don’t mean to have an attitude. And you can totally ask me. But it is really the only way I can keep myself from getting TOO excited TOO soon. Again, kind of like a baby’s due date. Both my kids were overdue and those last few days when someone said, “GOSH, YOU ARE STILL PREGNANT?!?!” I wanted to cut them. Similar-ish feeling. Only I don’t get as much heartburn and can walk to the mailbox without losing my breath.

5. I have began the redeployment (homecoming) nesting process. Not that my husband cares if things are organized and clean. But I finally have time to get some stuff back in order…


7. Oh, after 6 weeks of hoopla and literally 12 trips between emissions testing, dealership and car registration place, THE TRUCK IS OFFICIALLY REGISTERED IN TEXAS. Although you might think I would have cried happy tears, I almost cried tear-tears… Because they made us pay sales tax on the truck. PSA to all my military friends: IF YOU EVER BUY A TRUCK IN GEORGIA, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, opt to pay the Ad Valorem tax, even if it “appears” to be about a hundred bucks cheaper. Because Ad Valorem tax does not count as sales tax in other states, say Texas. Now we have two license plates for the truck that are literally the most expensive piece of metal we’ve probably ever owned. #ByeMoney

8. Aunt Denise introduced me to the glory of wet brushes for thick kindergartener (and mama) hair. My life has been changed for good. #ItsTheSmallStuff

9. Charis has just over two and a half weeks of school left. That’s craziness, I tell ya!

10. Malick and I have continued to work on his vocab when we are on our stroller walks. Today was brushing up on more patriotic words: Infantry, Regulars (our battalion), America, and his personal favorite HOOAH.

11. Prayers: For peace, kindness and gentleness in these final weeks-ish of deployment. Although homecoming is a good thing (a VERY good thing) there’s a lot of chaos that normally comes with it and reintegration isn’t typically like it is portrayed on the Hallmark channel. Oh, and prayers that I can REST now that school is done for me and focus on spending time with the great people in my life and filling my bucket.

12. Parting thought: “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. ” ~Philippians 1:16 NLT

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #28 & 29)

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, closeup

It was “Wellness Wednesday” at school today. So parents were invited to come walk with their kids during PE. Except today was one of the like nine days of the year it rains in the desert. So we did PE in the gym. See also: Dancing. To YouTube/Just Dance videos. I. Looked. A. FOOL. (Charis was near the front of the room, so go big or go home I guess). But it was hilarious. 40 something kindergarteners and a handful of brave parents doing the Gummy Bear dance, the Monkey Dance, and the kid version of “Watch me whip it” and “What does the Fox day?” All of that wasn’t part of my plan when I woke up today, but I know it was the right choice when Charis leaned over and hugged me between every song.

PS: I sweated. (Not to be confused with sweared). And my heart rate was definitely up.

PSS: I managed not to hit/fall on/step on any Tiny Humans.

PSSS: Research indicates that Families that do the stanky leg together, stay together.

PSSSS: Flat Daddy was shamming it today and didn’t come with me. I asked him if he was afraid to dance because he had two left feet and he just glared at me.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people standing, outdoor and nature

We, Malick, Charis, Aunt Denise, Flat Daddy, Autumn (honorary Knobloch) and I want to wish our Beloved Leroy Chuck HAPPY EASTER! You were undoubtedly missed at Paseo Church’s sunrise service in the park.

And of course, Blessed Resurrection Day to all of our friends and family across the miles.

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch and Dietrich Knobloch, people smiling

If there is not already a milspouse proverb that says “Friends that get inked together, stay together, even if one friend is moving a thousand miles away,” there should be.

Today, my bestie Megan and I were reminded how much feet tattoos hurt… but we now have matching tattoos! The design turned out wonderfully: it is the actual skyline of the Franklin mountains, complete with the Texas star (because Megan lives below it) and also includes the iconic Mount Cristo Rey. The scripture is Isaiah 52:7, which says “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

There’s a lot of symbolism in our tattoos. Probably more than I can fully explain on FB. Our feet as a pair of milspouses have literally submitted the highest peak in El Paso (I was so surprised I did it!) Our feet are called to proclaim the Good News of the gospel, no matter where we go. (In case you haven’t heard, Jesus loves you SO much that He lay down his life for you… there’s victory and freedom in Him!) And while it is true that sometimes the military spouse life can feel like we are wondering in a desert during challenging seasons (hubs deployment and/or hubs studying for the MCAT), there is such incredible beauty when we open our eyes and truly LOOK. This beauty comes from God in the form of landscape, history and amazing people that change our lives.

Megan and I have known each other less than a year. But goodness, she is a true Jesus soul sister if I ever had one! She’s my person. She’s literally the most compassionate, merciful, unbiased, peace seekingest, kind-hearted person I’ve ever met. When I grow up, I want to be like Megan Clayburn. Lord in heaven, how I shall miss her when we say our see-you-laters in a few weeks!! But after today, we are linked (or should I say inked?) for life!!

Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch and Dietrich Knobloch, people smiling

I’ve had many proud moments in life. I graduated undergrad with honors. I ran a full marathon and didn’t die. I watched my Beloved Husband rock at his job and be promoted “ahead of peers” in the army. I birthed two beautiful children without painkillers. But TODAY is my greatest* life accomplishment! After EIGHT inspection attempts, driving hub’s truck nearly 1,000 miles after we replaced the battery in an attempt to get the monitors/drive cycle reset (“Just keep driving it,” they said), 4 hours at the dealership and approximately 4,329 prayers, THE TRUCK HAS FINALLY PASSED ITS EMISSIONS TEST. The issue? Dust (seriously, just dust?!?!) in the mass air flow sensor.  #GladItDidntCostAMillionDollars#AndAllGodsPeopleSaidAmen

*Only slight exaggeration on the “greatest accomplishment” bit.


Deployment Log, Day 202:1. We are in the two-hundreds of our count-up, folks! Which can only mean one thing: We are getting closer to homecoming EVERY DAY.

2. Ok, I admit that even at day 12 we were getting close to homecoming everyday. But it’s way different now that we can almost see the light at the end of this very sticky, sandy, milk-spitted tunnel (thanks, son).

3. It’s been an absolute joy, delight and blessing to have Aunt Denise here. Seriously. That woman needs to update her resume to include “professional shoe-putter-onner” and “kid-bed-putter-to-sleeper” and “fight-breaker-upper.” I feel like I’ve been able to breathe!

4. And speaking of breathing– I went on a sabbatical this weekend. As usual, the time away with just me and Jesus was EXACTLY what I needed for my soul. Nothing profound except sleeping through the night, eating slowly with two hands (and not sharing) and going to the bathroom by myself.

5. Now that I think of it, that IS pretty profound.

6. I could write my own post all about my sabbatical in the little casita north of Las Cruces, but here are the highlights: I slept 10.5 hrs, 11 hrs, 11.5 hrs each night (respectively), and “accidentally” took a three hour nap on Saturday. I read three books and started two more. It is officially sun screen season and lizard season, pecan orchards are AWESOME (especially when they are being irrigated!), New Mexico has onion fields (did not know this) and the Rio Grande is pretty grande, it not very rio-ish (almost zero water in it). Oh, and the three horses out in the yard near the casita brought such joy to my soul. My hostess even taught me to “drive” them like for pulling a cart/carriage.

7. My Beloved has been incredibly busy the last month with EIB (Expert Infantryman Badge) train up and certification (He already earned his, thank goodness!) That said, we hadn’t talked on the phone in a MONTH. A month I tell ya! BUT… Last night we were able to connect and chatted for NINETY MINUTES! 90 precious minutes of uninterrupted husband/wife life talk. I thought my heart was going to explode and was all happy-teary eyed when we got done! (Thanks again to Aunt Denise for putting the babes to bed so we could have our time together).

8. Malick and Charis are still a handful of funniness. Malick is saying more and more words everyday and it’s great. He realized how incredible pockets on his pants are today. And Charis is intermittently frustrated at me because I won’t let her change her name to start with a “K” and that her last name DOES start with a “K” but actually sounds like an “N.” I know, honey. Words are hard. (Better than numbers, though!)

9. I am at the HOMESTRETCH of class for this semester. Three assignments away from summer freedom. (One of those is a 20 page research paper. Hooray said me never). I feel like I have senioritis and I’m totally not a senior. Maybe I have adultitis. Or deploymentitis. I should prob get that checked out before a develop a rash or something…

10. Prayer requests: Strength, focus and motivation to finish this class and finish well; safe travels for Denise back to MN tomorrow (sniffle, sniffle, tear, sigh); Positive attitude and sticktoitiveness for the last several weeks of this separated-by-duty situation. WE. CAN. DO. THIS. #Merica

11. Parting thought: “Rejoice always.” ~1 Thessalonians 5:16

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #27)

Image may contain: 5 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Megan Clayburn, people smiling, people sitting, people eating, table, food and indoor

Throwback to Saturday, when my bestie and I ADULTED! That’s right, we ate a full meal and had in-depth conversation (with belly laughs) for 2.5 hours without needing to wash tiny hands, break up any fights or retrieve snacks. And let’s not forget it was literally the best sushi I’ve ever eaten in my life. Dragonfly Sushi on the West Side… Try it out!

By the time we left, our bellies were very full… And so were our hearts!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

Goodness. She’s becoming like a grown-up and stuff. But gosh, how we love her!!!

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Holy wind advisory, Texas! Today, Korea totally wins for air quality index. (I’ve never seen one this bad before). I supposed this is payback for me bragging yesterday about our gentle 90 degree weather when it was 45 degrees and rainy in Korea. If anyone needs me, I will NOT be outside tonight. #SoMuchDust #InMyTeeth #OnTheChair#OhMyGoodnessItsEverywhere

So, fun story: Several weeks ago, Aunt Rita Knobloch’s friend Cheryl Herrmann sent me as message to say that her friend Tania Bazzell had a daughter (Dakota) whose husband was stationed at Bliss and currently deployed. I didn’t really know what to think… At a base of nearly 40,000, a lot of soldiers are always deployed all the time. But Cheryl introduced me to Tania’s daughter Dakota via FB messenger. Turns out, our husbands ARE deployed together (same brigade, different battalion). This gal Dakota Bazzell turned out to be a pretty courageous fellow milspouse, because she voluntarily joined our household chaos for a week while she was back in town for class with the Army Reserves. Cheers from going to complete strangers to temporary roommates (who are still on speaking terms after another sandy deployment week). What a wonderful blessing to us. (She’s also a great kindergarden-hair-doer, toddler-boot-putter-onner and dishwasher-cleaner-outter and PWOC-guest-attender-er)#ItTakesAVillageYo


*Practicing sight words at the breakfast table*

Charis: *Sounding it out* “O… vuh… errr… OVER!”

Me: “Good job! Now can you use it in a sentence?”

Charis: “Please stop overreacting.”

#Whoops #WeLiveInAnEmotionalHousehold


Image may contain: Sharita Knobloch, Dietrich Knobloch and Meagan Vaughan Kendall, people smiling, sunglasses, selfie and outdoor

Last Friday, my good friend Meagan Vaughan Kendall treated me to a very special “blessing box…” A mani/pedi! Very happy with my nails and probably the best one I’ve ever had. And let’s not forget that in the Palm Sunday performance for church today, I have a line in my monologue that says, “Gotta keep the mani nice!” So now, it’s true.

PS: Thank you, Meagan… it made my heart smile!

Image may contain: one or more people and dog

SON!!! That’s not what I meant when I said to clean up the milk you spit on the floor…#MaybeIShouldHaveGivenHimAStrawInstead

Image may contain: 9 people, including Sam Cline, Jason Roth, Janette Roth, Sharita Knobloch, Brandi Walker and Joanna Cline, people smiling, people standing and indoor

?Annnnd ACTION! What a blessing and adventure to be a cast member of our Paseo Church’s First Encounters skit for this Palm Sunday. During rehearsal, we literally laughed until we cried and during the actual performance, some of the audience was cry-crying for some very profound and tender moments. We nailed it! #GloryToGod

From left to right: Sam Cline (The Roman Soldier at the crucifixion), Joe Fueille (Thomas), Jason Roth (Cleopas? Clopus? Cletus? Dude who met Jesus after he has risen), Janette Roth (the “other” Mary who encountered Jesus after the resurrection), Eric Bowers (Phineas the Healed Leper), yours truly (The Innkeeper’s Wife the night of Jesus’ birth, complete with Brooklyn accent/attitude), Brandi Walker (Samaritan Woman at the Well), Joanna Cline (epic instrumental accompaniment) and Peter Kendall (Sound/tech/fix-all-the-things guy).

PS: Flat Daddy showed up for the auditions but didn’t make the cut. Something about his facial expressions being too fixed I think. His hand gestures left something to be desired too…


Deployment Log, Day 190:

1. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, it’s been more than six months since I’ve held my husband’s hand and the kids have been chased by Daddy/Ticklemonster.

2. BUT… that means we are getting much closer to redeployment AKA homecoming!

3. Why do they call it REdeployment? Shouldn’t it be DEdeployment? UNdeployment? (I’m sure there’s an army-based reason for the label).

4. Sometimes deployment makes me feel old. Then I remember that Noah didn’t see dry land until the “first day of the month of his 601st year” and I feel much more confident.

5. We are doing really pretty good. All the company/adult support/extra parenting hands the last 6 weeks has really made the suck way less sucky.

6. And did I mention all the talk about homecoming stuff? WE ARE GETTING THERE.

7. Aunt Denise will be here in like 27 ish hours. FOR TWELVE DAYS. And THAT will get us to MAY. #JesusJesusPreciousJesus

8. Malick is still being Malick… although for the moment, he’s shifted from dumping sand on the floor to spitting milk on the floor. I think I like the milk better. Easier to clean up. Especially when he glues his face to the ground and slurps it up.

9. He’s also talking more and more every day, which is entertaining. He’s started calling Charis “Cha-cha” (why??) and yesterday we filled up the bird feeder in the back yard, then he turn around and yelled, “HEY DUCKS! NUM NUM!” like they were going to come when he called. Oh, and at lunch he pushed his plate in front of me and said “Hold my stuff.” #UmNoThanks

10. Can’t remember if I shared… but Charis had her ENT appt a couple weeks ago after the strep throat debacle in Jan/Feb. Good news: She does not need an immediate tonsillectomy! If she gets another throat infection in the next few months, it will be a thing, but that will be after hubs gets home so we will have back up. Talk about an answered prayer!

11. I am done with week 5 of 8 for this class. Other than previous classes that include dreaded group projects, this is probably the most labor intensive class I’ve done in the two years since starting my doctorate. All that to say, I shan’t be taking any summer classes, because Mama’s brain needs a minute. I’m so pumped to not think smartly for a few weeks!

12. For those of you who think I “have it all together,” (ha ha haaaaa), I almost forgot to pick up Malick from daycare a couple weeks ago. So there’s that.

13. In the same week, I tried to flush a public bathroom toilet with my foot and almost missed, which meant I almost completely submerged my foot. Definitely one of my finer moments. #CrushingIt#OrShouldISayFlushingIt

14. Prayer requests: For me to be present in the here and now, not getting too far ahead of myself/life, to fully ENJOY and be able to rest-ish while Aunt Denise is here, continued health for our family here, strength for all of us (hubs included) as we begin to head into the homestretch season of this gig.

15. Parting thought: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ~Romans 15:13

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Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #26)

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting, child and closeup

A recent survey indicates that a vast majority of military families believe that deployment is a “pain in the butt,” even among those representing the 2-year-old male demographic.


The newest installment from Kindergarten Korner…

*28 days after her 6th birthday*
“Mama, for my 7th birthday, can I have a telescope?”

#AndSoItBegins #DoWhatNow

No photo description available.

Me: “Charis, that’s a great picture! Who is it?”

Charis: “Me and daddy. I’m wearing a crown because I’m his princess.” #ImNotCryingYoureCrying

PS: Hubs, not sure if your hair is within regs. You might need to hit up the barber shop…


From my devotional this morning, “Sparkling Gems of the Greek Volume II” by Rick Renner (just in case you need some encouragement)…

“I want to encourage you today to lift your eyes and set them on the goal before you. God‘s plan is not that you remain in this difficult place forever. His plan for you is a place of victory and resurrection! For a season… And only God knows how long that season is… You may be called to simply endure. But if you know you’re where you’re supposed to be, simply embrace the opportunity to trust God in the midst of it all and refuse to let any person or any devil from hell move you out of position! With God‘s power, you can stay in the right place and get the job accomplished that Jesus has asked you to do!”

Image may contain: Dietrich Knobloch, smiling

Currently in West Texas, it’s not hot enough to use dollar bills and run the air conditioner… great theory, however SOMEONE (ahem, FLAT DADDY?!?) left the bedroom window on a windy day so the north wind left a very generous deposit of dust EVERYWHERE (I hope this gives perspective to everyone who says, “Gosh, my house is such a mess. You can practically write in the dust!” Here at Chateau de Knobloch, you really can.)

Image may contain: Dietrich Knobloch, smiling

You know, if wasn’t so desperate for an extra hand parenting these Tiny Humans, I might have to put Flat Daddy on parenting supervision probation. Come on, man… Step up your game!

PS: My housekeeping game is totally on point right now. This red marker might have stayed on the floor for like 3 days.


Deployment Log, Day 178:

1. I might be rounding up a teeny bit, but we are essentially 2/3’s done with this deployment!!!

2. WE. CAN. DO. THIS. (Right? RIGHT?!?! Right.)

3. Malick has a new favorite hobby… Sitting on his mother’s last nerve. I think his life goal is to give me a permanent eye twitch.

4. Highlights of his shenanigans from this week include drawing on the kitchen floor with a red marker, drawing all over his face with a brown marker, getting some kind of sort of black eye (I have no idea what happened) drawing on the living room floor/face/mouth with green marker (at least its non-toxic) and BLATANTLY dumping sand on my kitchen floor. As in bring in a bucket, wait till I made direct eye contact and lunge for him, then calmly dump it right in front of me (because he has it down to a science how long it takes me to sprint across the kitchen).

5. Today is the first Saturday of the month. So the kids are at date night childcare. And all God’s people said AMEN.

6. After a week of driving it around, the truck monitors have still not fully reset, so it still did not pass inspection.

7. Malick is thrilled that we get to keep riding in “Daddy’s big truck.”

8. However, the registration place DID give me a 30 day permit so at least I’m not driving it around legally (I asked for an emissions test waiver and it was a no-go since I haven’t previously registered the vehicle in TX but am transferring from GA. I tried, Jennifer Gifford 

9. Charis told me she wants to be an “alientologist” when she grows up. I asked her why she wanted to study aliens, but she said no, she wanted to dust off dinosaur bones. Oh. PALEONTOLOGIST. Now I’m tracking.

10. Oh, we are also no longer in the triple digit countdown of days till home coming. Double digits are a thing. HOORAY!

11. Every time I post a picture of Flat Daddy on Facebook, it automatically tags Dietrich Knobloch… Must be that German Knobloch nose.

12. Anyone have tips on how to perfect a saucy/feisty Brooklyn accent? I have a part in our Easter skit at church and have been watching YouTube (in all of my spare time- ha) in an effort to nail it.

13. I’ve decided I will not be taking ANY summer classes. I’ve been going hard after this doctorate of education and need to breathe. Plus my brain is tired and I don’t want my beloved husband to come home to a completely crispy/burnt out wife (at least not more than I already am).

14. In the last week, I’ve written probably 35 double spaced pages of stuff. See note above about tired/crispy brain.

15. Prayers: Peace and joy in parenting; strength and positivity to keep moving forward in this deployment (not that I have a choice but I would love to do it with grace!) and praise for God carrying us this far.

16. Closing thought: “The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” ~Zephaniah 3:17

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