Workplace Warfare

Most of us have been there.

After a weekend of relaxation fun (or, if you are like me and a few other folks I know, a weekend filled with catching up on your to do list outside of the working world,) the alarm sounds at whatever-o’clock in the morning.

It’s Monday. Time to go to work.

Which thought below typically pops into your head first?

A) YESSS!! Another day at an awesome job that I love! (in a non-sarcastic tone)
B) YESSS. Another day at an awesome job that I love.  (in a sarcastic tone)
C) Morning ALREADY? For serious??
D) Must. Wake. Up. Bills. Need. To. Be. Paid.

So which one did you choose? Does it depend on the day or what’s on your schedule? I know it does for me. Although I haven’t had to officially “clock in” daily at a paying gig for a little while, I have already had my share of workplace experience. From getting up at 0400 am to make the 45 minute drive to the hog barn when it was 16 years old, to working in the pizza-making section at a gas station during one summer of high school, to writing for a local newspaper, to various internships throughout the nation, to working HR for a corporation (all shifts of the day– that was icky!) to non-profit work… I’ve been around the block a time or two.

And yes, I have had ALL of those thoughts before. But really, I love to work. It makes me feel fulfilled. I like enjoying a job and doing it well. Hopefully you are the same way. (Ish?) It can give a great satisfaction.

Time Card

Another day. Another dollar. Another battle. Another blessing.
(Image courtesy of M Sullivan via Flickr)

But as I was thinking about this job/workforce experience, I couldn’t help but think about those around us who might make facing our Mondays (or any other day of the week) harder or easier.

They could be an awesome boss (or not) or great co-workers (or not) or other factors…

Such as the enemy himself. Yeppers, I’m talking about Satan and all of his stinkin’ minions.

Unfortunately, the enemy is REALLY good at his job. Like, really good. If there was an award like “Employee of Eternity” in the category of causing chaos, distraction, pain and havoc, the enemy would likely be a very viable candidate.

SIGH. So what’s a girl (or guy) supposed to do?

Well, we can fight him. Both inside and outside of the workplace.

Because no matter who your earthly boss is, whether you work in a school, office, on a construction site, in a restaurant, in the armed forces, whatever… The person you ultimately report to is Christ.

And He is one legit boss. For reals.

Christ is willing able to provide all of the training, tools, instructions and encouragement we need to overcome those schemes of the devil… and make his job to kill, steal, and destroy much, much more difficult.

Think about it… How many times during the day at your place of employment do you stop to pray? (Even if it’s for 30 seconds at your desk or at the water cooler or yes, even during a bathroom break.) What about reading His word over your lunch break? Or sneak-attack witnessing with your actions and mannerisms to a co-worker? Or casually bringing up your weekend plans and tossing Jesus into a conversation? How do you work for Him daily? Comment below!

We can always be working for Him no matter where we are or who we are employed by. And when we do so, we really throw off the enemy’s plans of doing his evil work as efficiently or effective.

It’s workplace warfare, folks. We are all engaged in it. And yes, Satan is really stinkin’ good at his job. But honestly– Christ is our boss… so who will you be clocking in for today?

Working for the Big Man,

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men…” ~Colossians 3:23 NIV

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