The Right Kind of Pride (#EverydayJesus)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Do you struggle with pride? I do.

It is zero fun.

But there is hope.

Especially when Jesus is in our everyday.

If you are reading via email, click here to watch the video.

So… what are your thoughts? Do you think the Double A plan of awareness and action will work for you? In what areas of your life do you struggle with pride the most? What is your strategy to deal with spiritual pride? Join the conversation and leave a comment below.

Don’t give up on the battle with pride, friends. Know that God will equip you.

After all, he is oh-so-proud of you!

Humbled by Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall.” ~Proverbs 16:18 NIV

7 Days Time
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