The Reset Button (#EverydayJesus Link-up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Do you ever wish we could just hit a reset button and start over?

I do.

Earlier this week, I was having one of “those mornings.”

I thought it was just me… perhaps I was just in a mood. Or better yet, my favorite excuse: hormones.

That morning,  I was easily rattled. Tiny Human woke up at 5:14am. The 12-lb dog found the gate left open by my Beloved hubs and sprinted across the neighborhood, howling like a high-pitched coon dog. He quickly returned when he heard the tone in my voice (and the fact that my quest to never-ever cuss was temporarily abandoned. Don’t worry. It was only one word. I repented.)

Then Tiny Human was squeaking for breakfast and I tripped over the dog as I scramble to appease her.  I was flustered, already sweating and begging God for a reset button.

We had been awake for 14 minutes.

Reset Button FrontI sat down to breakfast for some not-so-quiet time with Him. “Ahhh, that’s better. I am good now. Thanks for the reset, Lord.” 

As I finished, I looked at my daughter. Her cheeks were bulging with scrambled eggs and she was doing that gross mouth swishing thing she recently discovered.

Please, God in heaven… Make her swallow the eggs. Swallow, swallow, swal…

At that moment, she spurted mushy, chewed up eggs everywhere. Across the table, down her front, on her hands which immediately reached for her hair.

So much for that reset button, eh?

I was DONE. I was planning on going to our weekly gathering and Bible study at Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) but I heard a voice (the enemy) whisper to skip… Just this week. I contemplated but something (God) nudged me to get a move on.

Fine. Fine, God… I will go. But I really don’t wanna. 

All I have to say is that it is a good thing I went.

Because the Lord had A Reset Button waiting there for me.

During some extra-sweet prayer and worship time, I felt words bubbling up. It has been awhile since I was able to hear from Him that clearly. Snagging a piece of paper, I started scribbling. For 15 minutes, the words flowed.

And here are those words… Perhaps they will speak to you too and act as YOUR reset button today.


Sweet Daughter, 

Oh, how you have grown this year! Thank you for your willingness to move as I move. But I am not done with you yet. There is still a lot of this year left, so don’t move too far ahead. I commend you for where you have placed your heart and trust. Stay right there in My perfect peace. I have wonderful plans for you. Will you take My hand and trust Me with them? I invite you to come along with Me, one step at a time. 

This won’t be easy. But of course, you already know that. There will be opportunity to doubt, but I encourage you to trust Me as I grow you. Remember Jeremiah 29:11. I have have plans for you and they are good. Sometimes things will be uncertain and you won’t understand. That is OK. Remember I am your Father and you have to rest in My words, knowing it is Truth because I said so. 

Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy. You have become quite familiar with his voice and I am so thankful that the more time we spend together, the better you become at distinguishing his lies versus My Truth. Keep listening. Keep your heart soft towards Me. Don’t let pride trip you up. Don’t focus on what is yet to be accomplished, because you don’t say when you are done… I do. And I already have that precious moment planned. Remain faithful to Me as you walk forward.

Remember that I am a God of relationship, not rules. Don’t bind yourself to schedules and your plans. Leave room for Me to move. When you do, you will feel refreshed, peaceful, strong and more connected than ever before. Just listen to Me, my darling. Listen when you are relating to others, reaching for your goals and when you rest. I am there. Listen. Move. Act. Rest. I have every aspect of your life in the palm of My hand: your marriage, your family, your ministry, your finances, your future. ALL of it.

Trust Me. Release control. I am the God of your soul. Believe that truth. Reaffirm it to yourself and those around you daily. Give yourself away for My glory as you receive all I have for you. When you give yourself away is when you actually have the most. Because you have Me. Submit daily. Move forward. Wait expectantly. The best is yet to come. Persevere always. And as you remember Me, know that I will always remember you.  


Just think. If I would have heeded the whispers of the enemy, I would have totally missed the reset button God had planned.

Did you need this message as much as I did? How can it act as your reset button as you move forward? In what ways does it spur you onward to find Jesus in your everyday? Let me know how I can be praying for you. I welcome your feedback. Leave a comment below, drop me an email at or get connected on Facebook or Twitter.

This message moved me so greatly that I have made it into a printable. Just click this PDF link –> Reset Button to print front/back (or print single-sided then glue or tape it together.) Place it in your journal, Bible or somewhere you might need to “Hit” your reset button with Jesus.

Trust Him to “Reset” your heart whenever you need it. He is here, ready and waiting as you find Him in your everyday.

Humbly His,

Initials Signature Blog

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~John 16:33 NIV

7 Days Time
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