Put me in, Coach!!

I am really uncoordinated.

For any of you who have met me in person, you will probably be willing to verify this statement. For my sweet readers who know me primarily through this computer screen, let me clarify.

We’ve mentioned in previous entries that I am the girl who tends to fall UP the stairs. I drop things on a semi-regular basis. I think I have even tripped over the lines in the sidewalk before.

And don’t get me started on my inability to play sports. Seriously. The only sport I have ever played kinda-sorta ok-ish that didn’t result in an impressive bruise or bleeding is ultimate frisbee. (I even split my lip open once when I was playing ping-pong. Not kidding.)

Due to my lack of coordination/non-athletic inclination, I have typically found myself in one of three alternate places: On the bench, fulfilling the role of cheerleader or coaching.

Thanks to Jesus moving profoundly (and intensely) in my life, I have a feeling that my “days on the bench” are no longer an easy opt-out option. However, I am still a cheerleader for people in all walks of life, especially as they run after Jesus.

Most recently, I have been called to coach. Not a sports team (insert sigh of relief here!) but rather people.

Last May, I attended Blackaby Ministries International’s Spiritual Leadership Coaching seminar. It was EPIC. (Read about the entire experience HERE.)

I am now in the process of answering the call to be a spiritual leadership coach. You might be a bit curious as to what a “spiritual leadership coach” (SLC) really is… well, here are a few tidbits I picked up from the seminar and throughout my certification process so far.

SLC is similar to life coaching, only with a “Jesus-bent.” It’s a three-way conversation between the coach, God and the coachee. It is not a chance for me to preach or tell folks what is right or wrong. Instead, I am a supporter when it comes to helping others listen, hear and understand how God is moving in their lives.

Think of SLC not necessarily as a sports coach, but more as a means of transportation… you know, the horse and buggy  kind of thing. It’s primary purpose is to help or aid a person to get from point A to point B.

When I returned from the SLC seminar last May with this new call, several folks who read/heard about the experience wanted to know how they could get involved.

Well, here is your chance. Blackaby is hosting their next Spiritual Leadership Coaching seminar December 10-12, 2012 in Jonesboro, GA (right outside of Atlanta.) If SLC interests you just a teeny bit, I encourage you pray about it and see what God says. He might give you the go-ahead– and if He does, get signed up ASAP! It was literally a life-changing experience!

(Click HERE for specific information on the seminar and how to get signed up. Oh, and you don’t have to be from GA. At the last seminar, we had folks from 12 different states and 3 countries!)

If you have specific questions about this incredible experience, I would love to talk with you about it– just leave a comment below with your questions, or shoot me an email via sharita{dot}knobloch{at}gmail{dot}com.

OH! I almost forgot– if you would like to be coached and experience SLC as a coachee, I would love to offer you a *FREE* session as I work towards my certification. Again, just leave a comment, shoot me an email at the address above or contact me via Facebook.

Know that if God is calling you to this, He will help you do it– after all, He IS our permanent spiritual leadership coach… Are you ready to answer His call? If so, be bold and say those four magic words: “PUT ME IN, COACH!”

Transformed through Him,

“Love and truth form a good leader; sound leadership is founded on loving integrity.” ~Proverbs 20:28 (MSG) 

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