Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Mercy Triumphs over Judgment

We live in such a judgmental world. UG.

I say this because this is something I still struggle with and God is doing a pretty intense work on me . My ridiculous fleshy self is still being subdued by the heart of Christ in me. It’s a process. But passing split-second judgments still happen for me (although I am immediately convicted.)  So this is why today’s Hidden Ah-Ha really tugged on my heartstrings. It’s a short four-word phrase found in James…

“Mercy triumphs over judgment.” ~James 2:13b

Mercy over judgment

Let that sink in for a moment. Mercy triumphs over judgment. 

That, my friend, is powerful. Imagine if our world was more mercy and less judgment? Wouldn’t that be incredible?

Well, it starts with us. What would happen if  instead of passing judgment on someone (because who are we to judge?!?!) we would extend God’s grace, love and mercy?

A few weeks ago, the Duck Dynasty debacle blew up newsfeeds all over social media. (I promised myself I wouldn’t touch this topic with a ten foot totem pole. But it applies, and God said do it,  so here goes.)

Quick back story in case you were lucky enough to be fasting media for the last month or so and missed the drama. Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty made a strong statement sharing his beliefs about God (specifically about sins like homosexuality.) I personally don’t believe it was said in hate, but A & E suspended him from the show.

America freaked out. People were hating on both sides of the fence.

Now. Here’s my take on the whole situation.


Seriously. First things first: It is not our place to judge ANY of the parties involved, including A & E, the Robertson family OR the social groups mentioned in the quote.

If I recall, the Bible is full of stuff like love, mercy and NOT judging. Perhaps we should invest in that way of living? Just a thought.

What if instead of word vomiting our beliefs without a filter we speak words flowing with mercy? Showering Jesus’ love over everybody.

Because mercy triumphs over judgment. And I would almost guarantee you that if we all could tap into our merciful side (yes, that is hard for many of us– but that’s why we have Christ) this world would be a much more peaceful, less dramatic place.

I personally have several friends that are homosexuals. Do I biblically believe it is a sin? Yes. (But so are the other 453 sins I commit daily.)  Do I love them any less? NO. Am I going to judge them because of it? NO. Last I checked there was only ONE person that lived a totally sinless life. His name was Jesus. And yet, He still gave Himself over to death. For us.

Now that’s mercy. And what a victory we have in it.

If we are truly following Jesus, love should must be an overarching theme of our lives, woven into the very fabric of our being.

Judgment will get us nowhere but in hot water and farther away from God (not to mention alienate us from the people groups that we are supposed to be loving on to being with!) Mercy, on the other hand, is a vehicle for His love.

When push comes to shove, we must challenge ourselves to stop and think… And allow God’s love to flow out of every  pore and crevice of our body. We have victory in Jesus Christ, who loves ALL of us unconditionally, whether Christian or atheist, gay or straight, black, white, purple or green…

Because HIS mercy will forever triumph over judgment.

And we should seek to do the same.

Seeking His Mercy Daily,

Initials Signature Blog

“Talk and act like a person expecting to be judged by the Rule that sets us free. For if you refuse to act kindly, you can hardly expect to be treated kindly. Kind mercy wins over harsh judgment every time.” ~James 2:12-13 MSG 

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