Lowercase Lies & Capital T Truth #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


It is very interesting to think about the etiquette that has developed around all things technology in the last decade and a half or so.

Don’t have serious conversations via text message (because the lack of tone will likely equal unintended drama.)

Use complete sentences, even if U no it is EZer 2 write sumthin 4 sum1 like this lol.

If your Mama or preacher wouldn’t approve, don’t post it.

And please, use the proper capitalization– or lack thereof.

Let’s expand on the last one just a little bit.

We all know that if we read something TYPED LIKE THIS, IT IS THE EQUIVALENT OF YELLING ON A SCREEN.

Are you annoyed? Yeah. Me too. I actually have a couple of friends on FaceBook that almost never type in lowercase… And it drives me so nuts that I literally skip their status updates.

If I want to be yelled at, I will just go tell my two-year-old no.

Here is something interesting about writing in different “cases.”

The enemy will try to tell us what I call “Lowercase Lies.” Things that seem everyday, run-of-the-mill, “normal” statements that just flow into our typical, everyday happenings.

Satan will say things like:
*You can’t do this
*You will fail
*It’s too much
*You deserve to relax
*This is way bigger than you
*You are not equipped
*There is no hope
*It hasn’t been done before, so why try?

As we read those on this screen, we might be thinking that they are too easy to dismiss. But those nasty lowercase lies have a way of gaining power as we give them permission to take up residence in our head and the our heart.

God, on the other hand, works a little differently. He doesn’t yell at us, but His Words have so much power that they could be written in spiritual uppercase.

Capital TBecause GOD’S TRUTH WITH A CAPITAL T says:
*I will never leave or forsake you (1 Chronicles 28:20)
*The one who called you is faithful and will do it (1 Thess 5:24)
*I have plans for you– and they are awesome (Jeremiah 29:11)
*When you are afraid, come to me in trust (Psalm 56:3)
*Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9)

God’s list continues and ultimately, remarkably trumps the enemy’s list EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

If you are feeling like you are in over your head, congratulations– because that is right where He wants us! In deep waters, clinging to Him as our life preserver. Even (and especially!) in our #EverydayJesus moments.

So in what areas of your life do you need grab onto God’s Capital T TRUTH the most? Jump in and leave a comment.

Please sweet readers, let us know if you are struggling or unsure so we can pray and encourage you.

Let’s smash those lowercase lies with His Truth with a Capital T!

Capitalizing on His Truth,

Initials Signature Blog


“Then you will know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.” ~John 8:32 NIV

7 Days Time
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